Without opinion, are the Russian accusations true or is there any real evidence? No opinions please.
Without opinion, are the Russian accusations true or is there any real evidence? No opinions please
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there's no real evidence.
If there was real evidence would trump still be president?
No evidence 2 years later, no reason to think it was ever real.
No evidence, even after all this time. I hope when the investigation is over and Mueller announces no collusion, it will empower Republicans and completely fucking demoralize Dems.
no, the russian bullshit is just that. objectively it looks like the democrats were trying to and still are trying to cover up for their gross loss and wastes as well as probably being freaked out over all the grimy they did during the obama and W eras that will no doubt be very unsavory and make most politicians in office now up for criminal charges
Well legal processes can take time I think? I was wondering if that was the case. Good point nevertheless.
It's all true. Trump has been a Soviet/Russian asset since the 80's, maybe even earlier.
big nothing burger
Even if it took time, it’s been 2 years, the media spend 24 hours a day picking the man apart. Everything from his personal diet to his tax returns have been leaked and published, if there was any real evidence, he wouldn’t be president.
You've seen how bad everything leaks, even when it's a crumb that needs 17 editors to spin it into a days worth of coverage. It's really silly to think the government/mueller/military would allow the President to stay in office making executive decisions if there was any evidence he worked with a foreign power.
Considering he appointed Nikki Haley to some UN position and apposes Russia on the international stage. I would be skeptical to believe he had Russian support during the election. Especially considering what he said indirectly.
What's more questionable is Hillary and her uranium secrets.
Did he release his taxes?
Why was the media so hellbent on that anyways?
Thank you. If you think the investigation will not lead in indictments what will the result will be of Trump not being convicted? Specifically the media that thinks Trump is guilty and Trump supporters themselves?
They'll turn coats and say Mueller is a bad guy all along and try to stab him in the back.
Dems are super easy to predict at this point. You can read their actions better than a book if you know what to look for.
They were leaked but he didn’t personally release them, although some think he leaked them himself.
The media was hell bent because they no it would be easy pickin’s And be good to sway voters-easy propaganda.
They think if they had his tax returns they’d have proof of Russians, in reality all his tax returns showed was how much he gives to charity and how wealthy he is, also paying more taxes than any of his political opponents.
There is a russiagate, but the media can't say (((who))) is behind it. Russian jewish oligarch.
E. Michael Jones talks about it in this video. He went to Germany for a conference and he explained everything to them
There is evidence, someone saying otherwise is fooling you or willfully ignorant
Hard pill to swallow for migapedes
yes but no
russian hacking was them using bots on social media
the question unanswered is why
He has to submit them to Congress to become President. So there's that.
But on the public side, I think the idea was that he was 'creative' with his taxes and did illegal shit..
oooor that he mismanages his money and wouldn't be qualified to run a country.
incredible how he managed to stay since the 80s, given that the cccp imploded in the 90s
I was thinking that bots were just a scapegoat to silence opposing mouthpieces on social media and considering how many channels youtube shut down, how many pro-right pages facebook shut down and, how many shadow bans Twitter handed out.
If there was real evidence do you think either the Ds or the media could keep their mouths shut about it until it was time for the big reveal?
If there was evidence he would have been impeached. Instead the deep state tried this to get rid of him.
Pic related
Trumpnis the guy hired from outside the company to clean up a store that’s gone rogue from the franchise. Going rogue = dealing drugs out of the store, pimping children from the store, skimming off the top etc. So when Trump walks in the door he’s the boss and has access to ALL the evidence because all that’s ever happened is people within the franchise coming in, doing the dirty and getting out without doing anything to stop what’s been happening. THATS why everyone is losing their shit over his election.
The Russians were introduced by John Podesta and the DNC in 2016 when their internal emails began to leak.
Rather that admit that someone in the DNC had leaked them, they created a narrative that Russia had 'hacked' the DNC and then given their emails to WikiLeaks.
Any further mention of Russia since that time can be traced back to the original narrative. After seeing that the U.S. media was going to push the Russia story, they took it further and said the Russians had 'hacked the election'.
That then morphed into, Trump 'colluded' with Russians as they 'hacked' the election, by buying ads on Facebook, and troll posting on twitter.
In late 2018 we learned that every action taken by the DNC and the FBI was to cover up the fact that the FBI and DOJ were actually the ones colluding with a Russian agent to falsify a FISA warrant and intercept Trump's emails and phone calls.
I dont even know what are we accused of, what the fuck does it mean - hack elections.
>Russian accusations
>3rd world shithole with a GDP lesser than brazil have
>influence on US
How do you think?
Sleeper cell ruskis voted for Trump or something.
too risky for the GOP to sit on actual evidence. occam's razor: there's none
the amount of delusional trumptards in this thread is astonishing.
russiagate = jewishgate
get that through your head
Trump is going to turn the tables. He’s going to declassify the FISA info which will show they been the ones dicking with the election.
in any case, the ones meddling with the US via hacking and social engineering are the chinese
their expertise and budget far surpasses the russians'
No there is no real evidence, the stuff they have claimed is proof and displayed publicly was quickly destroyed by people who know what they are doing when it comes to analyzing data. Those who know what cases I am pointing too are free to post them, I wont take the time to do so.
Anything they claim is proof and do not tell us what it is or how they came to the conclusion can immediately be disregarded until the relevant information is made public.
>Soviet Union
>3rd world shithole with a GDP lesser than Oman have
>influence on US
The NKVD and the KGB were surprisingly effective you know.
But, your country managed to turn around the Syrian Civil War and allow Bashir Al-Assad to defeat HTS and ISIS. Thus stabilizing Syria and pacifying Israel.
The democrats want to be able to say the Clinton email leaks were because Russians hacked the DNC servers and Trump paid them or some bullshit to do it and release them.
9 convictions in the Muller investigation, 8 of them confessions.
Interesting. I’ll give it a watch
Like he has already done, indictments of random Russian people that will never see a courtroom, and unrelated financial crimes uncovered from lifetime politicians/grifters. If we're lucky, it swings the other way and Mueller goes after real foreign influence that poured into the other campaign.
SU was 2nd economy and could have some influence on USA but russia is a fucking africa. Imaging that we can have any influence on smone even in europe makes me laugh very hard
Evidence first, then talk. Why speculate on something this black and white? He did or did not. At this point, there's still not one concrete evidence to suggest he did, and anyone who says otherwise is a parroter of nothingburgers or shitposting.
not even a shred of truth to it. completely fabricated and there is zero evidence of any kind.
it's embarassing that people actually think this happened.
Definitely worth the watch if you're skeptical about this whole thing.
Why is Flynn not sentenced?
Answer - it’s bullshit. Even FBI agents say so.
Why has Popodopaulos backed out of his plea deal?
Answer because he has evidence he was set up
Mueller accuses 12 Russians of election interference. Why is he shitting his pants when these Russians say “fuck you well see you in court!”?
Answer - because the accusation was bullshit
Congrats. You got Manafort on a financial crime committed long before Trump thought he was ever going to run for president. Maybe you can find Nicole Brown Simpson’s killer since the investigation has no fucking limits.
>He has to submit them to Congress to become President
Do you just make shit up like Trump?
When you have time, please pass me a rake.
>Without opinion
>No opinions please
Without evidence, all there is is opinion.
the investigation is a ruse to get dems mad enough to continue voting for shitty democrats. Remember that democrats have no actual plan that will help working class people which is their supposed reason for existing. That's why they have to act so ridiculous. It's sort of like a salesman who shows up to your house to sell you a vacuum cleaner and he spends the whole time talking about how bad the encyclopedia salesman is and never explains how the vacuum works. That's because the vacuum doesn't work.
source to his leaked taxes? not seeing anything on the web.
* confessions from former Trump colleagues, which on the surface appear not related to Russiagate, actually are related to Russiagate. Many of these convicted colleagues have turned state's evidence to lessen their prison time. The evidence they provide may well help prove manipulation of the American democracy by a foreign power with the assistance of people inside the US. You certainly couldn't convincely prove this without information from some those people inside the US that participated in the manipulation. This is how you build a legal case.
So what you’re saying is you are forcing people to lie by threatening them with bogus charges.
Please elaborate
Should have looked into obama youtu.be
they were shown on the rachel maddow show last year
look for: missile helicopter whidbey
For many years, Donald Trump has been friends with Russian Jews, about half of which used to be legends of crime. Take yourself back to Glasnost in the 80s, shortly before the fall of the Soviet Union, when Donald was still growing as an entrepreneur. There's a saying in today's Russia - Never ask a rich Russian how he got his first million. See, during the USSR, Russian Jews were barred from most professions and diplomatic pursuits, so they operated in the grey and black markets. Any transaction that had to happen off the radar and without tracks. When the USSR disappeared, these Jews - as the only true capitalists in all of Russia - saw themselves faced with infinite opportunities. It was a jackpot beyond anything we can imagine. And they needed money, preferably US dollars, lots, fast, and uncomplicated. Western banks wouldn't give them a fucking penny. Chances are he's done a fuckton of illegal financial favors for many Russian Jews, with lots of tax evasion and perhaps even money laundering. He's basically the most criminal man alive, single-handedly enabled a thermonuclear-equipped super oligarchy with the ability to destabilize any nation it doesn't like.
Deep state remotely fired a missile at AF1. I believe this was the real cause of the Hawaii Def Con alert.
this user knows the truth
E.Michael Jones talked about it in this video
Aaaaaaaaaand in 2 years of his presidency how much has Trump helped these Russian jew crime lords and if so how has it been to the detriment of the US to the point it is treason?
The OP asked for facts nnot opinions. This post is opinion,
There's no way to know. They're too powerful.
Why are we launching missiles at nothing?
There is clearly evidence. Its whether or not it was illegal
Well so far there is no evidence so im going to say its untrue but if there was any evidence i would say otherwise
considering the russian hacking evidence so far is a facebook meme, some for hillary, some for trump and some for bernie, everyhting else has been "trust us" from CIA FBI.
the big "shittones of agencies confirms it" is a paper report that has CIA and FBI saying its likely, and NSA saying meh 50/50 could of happened.
they havent released anything solid and have been relying on leaks to the press from the never trumpers in that office to start a coup.
At AF1
I see
Anyway I have an alien in my basement. I’d love to show him to you but he’s invisible.
Oh they’re true.
Let’s just hope the point was to destroy the republican warmongering cunts and not subvert democracy.
Russians by nature are greedy as fuck so I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re trying to took er jobs
There is no evidence. In fact, there has accumulated a more or less complete body of facts which comprise a positive explanation for did happen. In summary, the portrayal of Trump as a tacky Oligarch-esque character preceeded the effort to substantiate that characterization with oppo research. The narrative originated in the Clinton camp by Shearer and Blumenthal. Once FusionGPS/Steele were contracted, the Clinton narrative was cross-polinated with the Steele/Ohr research via State Department contacts. Following the election result, both political and beaureacratic actors conspired to make use of the oppo research towards an effort to illegitimately unseat the outsider Republican through official investigations based on the oppo research and leaks to the press of the same.
No substantial evidence. That’s largely why it’s been two years with no actual convictions or impeachment. Mostly just finger waving from a certain political affiliation who is known for slandering their rivals.
about as real as pic related
Nah, it's closer to the actual fact of the matter to say that the DNC/Podesta email leaks were retconned into the Steele dossier shit to serve as corpus delecti for the 'crime', such as it is. The two things aren't really connected, but without the emails being "hacked", the investigation of Trump is without justification. Without the investigation of Trump, the email "hack" seems like the nothingburger it was portrayed as as they were being released.
>can't tell if troll or just retarded
wow that came from the epoch times? i didn't realize they were based.
There is no evidence of Trump-Russia collusion.
Declassified youtube Channel is SUPER REDPILLED recently.
>Although the details remain complex, the structure underlying Spygate—the creation of the false narrative that candidate Donald Trump colluded with Russia, and the spying on his presidential campaign—remains surprisingly simple:
>1. CIA Director John Brennan, with some assistance from Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, gathered foreign intelligence and fed it throughout our domestic Intelligence Community.
>2. The FBI became the handler of Brennan’s intelligence and engaged in the more practical elements of surveillance.
>3. The Department of Justice facilitated investigations by the FBI and legal maneuverings, while providing a crucial shield of nondisclosure.
>4. The Department of State became a mechanism of information dissemination and leaks.
>5. Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign and the Democratic National Committee provided funding, support, and media collusion.
>6. Obama administration officials were complicit, and engaged in unmasking and intelligence gathering and dissemination.
>7. The media was the most corrosive element in many respects. None of these events could have transpired without their willing participation. Stories were pushed, facts were ignored, and narratives were promoted.
good to know thanks user
This is pretty much the only thing that needs to be said.
This guy gets it. It is classic jewish projection. Not sure if it is their sheer insanity or simply their inability at being honorable even when lying mind you !!!! Lol!!!! Take some examples:
- They cry holohoax. When the ACTUAL slaughter occurred during the Holodomor.
- They cry racism when it is THEY that are the most racist and hateful on the planet.
- They cry collusion and shady dealings with a foreign entity when it is THEY that steal our technology and secrets to sell to other nations.
Jews truly do cry out in pain as they strike you.....
Yes, they are true.
But Trump himself won't go down for anything. Everyone else might.
Putin is a Soviet nostalgic. Trump is a pawn in russia's accelerationist strategy to turn America into a third world socialist country. I like Trump though. Russia also manufactured the anti-Trump movement.
Papadopoulos and Flynn both pleaded guilty for lying to the FBI. Manafort was convicted for financial crimes. Rick Gates pleaded guilty for conspiracy. Michael Cohen pleaded guilty to campaign finance violations among other things.
Don't know about the Russia thing but it wouldn't surprise me he is guilty of multiple crimes considering the absolute slime he surrounds himself with.
What sounds more likely:
-Trump is a genius mastermind that left behind no trace of this successful conspiracy for all of his haters?
-There's no Russia conspiracy, and it's just an easy way of: discrediting Trump's presidency, stopping any positive relations with Russia and gaslighting half of the country to make them think they are alone in their views?
Yeah let's have our congress and senate actually grow a pair and name the jew to the general public, I'm sure the kikes will bend over and take it, right, you dumbass frog? Anyone with a brain knows our politicians have been in bed with the kikes since at least the late 1800's, this is not news.
Zerooooo evidence
No, the real scandal was the Obama admin spying on the Trump campaign through fraudulently obtained FISA warrants.
Trump is being blamed for a cover up because he asked for all records to be unsealed.
The left hasn't let that sink in.
They just use the bots to push views on social media that destabilise the opposing countries' regime, same shit we do pushing anti-Putin groups in Russia and Green Movement groups in Iran. Not really hard to imagine, it's been happening since the Cold War. I don't think Trump was paid off, he's a businessman, has business interests in Eastern Europe and Russia like any major businessman who did business in the 90s, and his views after running for election fitted perfectly with the Russian bot algorithms pushing destabilizing right-wing views since Obama was elected, so he became politically "viral". It's like how Pewdiepie became successful, he got carried by the algorithms. Bolsonaro in Brazil also became a kind of viral meme candidate with right-wing media outlets pushed by bots from America making him popular in Brazil, possibly without Bolsonaro even realising how he became so popular.
After Putin retires, a cool new pro-West left-wing candiate will probably appear out of nowhere and become viral due to American and European bots making him popular amongst the growing fermented anti-Putinism movements, resulting in their election to President. They might not even realise how they became popular so fast. The algorithms decide now. AI democracy.
If there is real evidence, it hasn't been released yet.
Anyone who says they know is lying or caught in wishful thinking.