What do we do about this? Kikes literally laughing at our faces at this point

What do we do about this? Kikes literally laughing at our faces at this point

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>What do we do about this?

Invite more 3rd worlders of course!

Bring full-time jobs back. You can't build a proper future and proper family on the back of uncertain short-term jobs.

At this point it would be a horrible thing to bring children into this world. We should be copying them. We need right wing nationalist governments and a cultural Revolution

>Israel'sannualpopulation growth ratestood at 2.0%in2015, more than three times faster than the OECD averageofaround 0.6%.Withan averageofthree children per woman,Israelalsohas the highest fertility rate inthe OECD by a considerable marginandmuch higher than the OECD averageof1.7.


This looking more and more like reality............

enjoy the decline

What the actual fuck is that second half

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It's easy.

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If anything it's the best time ever to bring children I to this world. Everybody lives like kings did 300 years ago.


What is the actual point of bringing a kid into the world if they will grow up to resent you for it. The middle class is dying, I do not want to give birth to a child so that they can enter directly into the slave class. Shit needs to change before this can happen, but between big government and big corporations taking all of the market share, it’s just a matter of time before we are all their slaves.

Stop using plastics to consume food.

Not at all. This life is centered around materialism and hedonism. ((They)) have made it all about turning on your neighbor for the sake of competition. Then you spend your hard earned money on shit you don’t need just to impress people you don’t like. The Women are unbearable, marriages mostly end in divorce, and the economy is a bubble waiting to explode

Ahh yes, finalists of the Miss Israel pagent.

Look into Henry kissinger

[spoiler]nothing[/spoiler] It’s too late.

I keep posting this but none of you retards will read it. It's from 2001

GM corn set to stop man spreading his seed


Scientists have created the ultimate GM crop: contraceptive corn. Waiving fields of maize may one day save the world from overpopulation.

The pregnancy prevention plants are the handiwork of the San Diego biotechnology company Epicyte, where researchers have discovered a rare class of human antibodies that attack sperm.

By isolating the genes that regulate the manufacture of these antibodies, and by putting them in corn plants, the company has created tiny horticultural factories that make contraceptives.

'We have a hothouse filled with corn plants that make anti-sperm antibodies,' said Epicyte president Mitch Hein.

'We have also created corn plants that make antibodies against the herpes virus, so we should be able to make a plant-based jelly that not only prevents pregnancy but also blocks the spread of sexual disease.'
The article continues.

Depopulation agenda goes deeper than Jews, Veganism is also linked.

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They need to start pushing this shit in Africa and India.

And remember this from 2011. The US threatened a military style trade war because various EU countries were banning Monsanto corn

What clever weapon Monsanto has sold to the world . Not only terminator seeds so you gave to pay for every harvest. But seed that ribs a country of its best resource. Its children.
A real boon for the Kalergi Plan


Watch Primal Edge Health on YouTube for the diet Redpills.

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That and low fertility is not the cause of low fertility, if you get what I mean.

Pretty sure if most people were committed to making children they could make it happen

This is what grain based slave diets have done childrens teeth


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>Veganism is also linked.
go on...

I always found it funny when (((experts))) claim that fertility has gone down in Europe but we shouldn't do anything to fix it but instead import low IQ mud people from Africa or the middle east. It's even more funny that people legit fall for it.

>and thats a good thing

Heres a Population on their traditional animal food based diet

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Read Nutritional and physical Degeneration by Weston A. Price


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my wife and I had a baby and I was in the maternity ward a lot. The sheer amount of Poos and chinks having children was a definite black pill.

Both are images of Swiss children living in different regions, one in the city eating grain based foods and the others living in a village eating a traditional animal based diet.

They are all Haredi


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The issue is that there is a huge population of unsalvageable betas and a small population of Chads actually having sex, but either try not to have children with birth control methods or settle down and only have a small family.

We need a program where the Chads father children by cumming in girls consequence free and the betas care for them because they wont get laid anyway. Of course a Chad council will be appointed to rule with an iron fist so that the betas cant make more soibois

We would all be chads if we all grew up eating a proper diet, the American carb and grain based diet literally narrows your Jaw.

>if they will grow up to resent you for it.
Why would they resent you unless you were a piece of shit? I am grateful that my parents brought me into this fight. Stop being a blackpilled faggot. The blackpill is you memeing against yourself.

or just uncuck this incredibly emasculated and estrogenized culture that turns men into betas in the first place. boys need to be reading shit like the way of men and bronze age mindset in middle school at the latest.

Isn't it obvious that there has been a coup of businessmen in all western countries that spent themselves into financial ruin in the last World War. The politician leaders were military men and the countries survival depended on foreign colonies and disciplined men.

The USA has never been a military dependent nation like the Europeans and Asians. The only option would be a military coup in all European nations to remove the globalist sympathizers. USA is cucked beyond all measure, they don't know what it's like to be attacked as a nation and having to rely on military strength.

does that matter?

seems like they have the right idea

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New British Union my friend

There's nothing anyone can do at this point. Most cities already look like this

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All of those things are choices. If you feel the need to virtue signal with material possessions then you are part of the problem. No one is forcing you to buy [insert corporate logo] clothing or a shiny new car or any other "modern convenience". Those are all your own choices. Sitting in front of a screen wasting your time with vidya is also a choice. If that's all what you want to do then fine, who am I to judge. But, if you recognize that these things are shit, complain about them incessantly, and yet still partake in said things, well then you, sir, are a bigger fool than the retards that think their shiny new 'automatic purchase' gizmo's and high dollar clothes make them special.

maybe BEFORE you try to "fix" it, some research as too WHY it's decreasing would be good?

>insufficient to maintain population size
Bullshit, there are millions of people in every country. Nobody will go extinct if left alone. But kikes will be poorer for it, and that's the actual problem.

It's decreasing in all the wrong places

>poor economy is a choice
>feminist women is a choice

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>Shit "gig" economy
>No pressure to move out of home
>Scared of sex, inable to hold a woman
>When finally fucking, 1000 ways to prevent/abort
>Marriage is a meme in Current Year
>Muh Vidya
The (((list))) goes on.

>Everybody lives like kings did 300 years ago.
by what measure?

Any realistic one. With one days labor I can buy 100 loaves of bread. What peasant could do that in 1720? Or have a home with an ice box, heating, plumbing and an entertainment center?

>With one days labor I can buy 100 loaves of bread. What peasant could do that in 1720?
What are you basing this estimate on?

>Or have a home with an ice box, heating, plumbing and an entertainment center?
It was possible for a man working a simple manufacturing job to afford a house on a years salary approximately 100 years ago.

"The sum of $4,000 will buy only a very modest home and even then it will have to be in one of the smaller cities...or in a remote suburb of a large city."

We are actually less wealthy today than in the past. Your bing bing wahoo machine doesn't make up for that.

They make white couples pay for private housing or mortgage. They have to have two parents working to afford this. They get hammered for child care every kid they have. Having large families means poverty and homelessness for whites

Jamal and Abdul get social housing. One person can stay at home or both can. They can have as many kids as they like, the state will reward them with larger houses.
The white family pay taxes for this
(((Genius plan)))


We are poorer now than probably ever before

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You will never have a family with a decent woman and you will likely never be respected by your wife/children. You also more likely to divorce than to live the rest of your days married and you have to pretend: that women are equal to men, that races are equal, *add politically correct statement* otherwise you lose your job

But at least you can live longer and have a playstation 4, oh, what a heaven on Earth

Let natural selection sort it out

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>Kikes literally laughing at our faces at this point
Kikes have an even worse demographic situation than Whites.

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$1 loaf of French bread at Walmart, I make over $100 a day after taxes doing an Accounting job
>Simple manufacturing job
>AKA Current Year Nigger/Spic Work
White peasants of today must be mildly educated. Can't compare.

I have a nice spic tradwife cooking, cleaning, raising my kids. I work in a small firm with old-school types, and my children go to church every Sunday. Speak for yourself, Mario.

Why don't you focus on getting Muhammad to pull out of Valentina.

I meant what were you basing your estimate for 1720 on. Do you have any stats which compare average earnings to the price of a loaf of bread?

>AKA Current Year Nigger/Spic Work
So you admit that I'm correct?

You're gonna be out in the fields like a nigger, bong? Yeah, I'd like to see that.

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>What do we do about this?
Stop pumping aid money into Africa and the middle east, and use that money on a lunar colony.

but pornographic faggocentril culture isn't suitable for raising their kids, either.

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ah wheatfields


sounds good

>propaganda to make media-zombies have babies now.