Political compass thread

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Autobahn would like a word with you. Sage.

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Choose your waifu

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Not a fan of ishvalans.

Anyone have the one that goes like
>Authoritarian Left
>Everything is historical revisionism except actual historical revisionism which is fine
>Authoritarian Right
>Everything is genocide except actual genocide which is fine
>Libertarian Right
>Everything is slavery except actual slavery which is fine
Forget what Libertarian Left was.

>Forget what Libertarian Left was.
dude weed lmao

No it had something to do with everything is _ except actual _ which is fine

>Capitalistic interactions you don't like
Are we talking about 14 year old white female soundcloud rappers or silicon valley monopolies?

Anarchist Right exists, it just means Anarchist race wars


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have an updoot

Absolutely based.

>tfw Political Torus Theory puts ancaps and stalinists within a few points of each other for actual difference of opinion

Which square do you guys start reading from? I usually go green-red-blue-purple.

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>hides its US flag

The allies carried the satanic star in their vehicles, the axis carried the Cross.

Embrace the third position.

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Why so butthurt?

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I swear to God the original picture didn't have Juan PerĂ³n.
Can you redpill me on him? The only thing I know is that he was one of the more left-leaning third position types, kind of like Strasserists.

I start with red, always want to know what the enemy is up to.

>burgers informative

Don't the majority of the worlds cannibals live in Brazil?

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Original justicialism shared the same work, god and family values as the other third positionist parties. He himself went across europe in the 30s studying these movements. Another characteristic of these movements is the antagonism against international bankers.
I dont consider a peronist myself but i do recognize a lot of things from him, today peronism is filled with communists and liberalists that have nothing to do with Juan and Eva peron. For example Kirchnerists say they are peronists but they are in favor of the abortion bill, something that Eva Peron was against. One of the politics of Peron was to populate Argentina because it is even today underpopulated i.e the mass inmigration from europe.


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Everything is theft except actual theft.


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>german shitposters
nani? they're too autistic for jokes

Nice one user.

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>Jews informative
>Russians not butthurt
>Hungarians not butthurt
>Poland not butthurt
>Estonia not butthurt
okay buddy

Not very funny nor informative there.

I don't claim to be informative neither funny, I just point out flaws.

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Thanks user. That's the impression I was getting while looking for info on peronism.
Sounds similar to how cucked Falangism is nowadays.

Are you about to speak poorly of my country? By the way, our immigrant population is 5 million, a five fold increase since the year 2002.

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Why would I? I already said what I wanted to say.

Brazil and Ireland should be grouped near the US and Israel should be where Canada is.

Toppest of tier

I believe this to be quite true.
Go ahead and change it, it wasn't I who made it.

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I'm top left Libertarian Right and have crippling OCD that devolved into a form of psychosis for a few years a decade ago or so.
I'm still on on the drugs.

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and saved

>having faith the free market will develop a solution

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Whoever made this is probably retarded.

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ACTUALLY pedophilia is a fetish towards sexually immature children of 4-10, 11-12 in case with late-blooming adolescents. 0-3 is infantophilia and pedos aren't attracted to this.
In case with sexually mature (started menstruations /spermarche) adolescents of 11-14, everyone is attracted to them by nature, and fetish towards them is called hepephilia, and its not considered a mental disorder. 14-19 is ephebophilia in case if you have a strong fetish towards these ages (again, everyone is attracted to these ages, just not everyone has a fetish), which isn't considered a mental disorder either.
There is also teleiophilia and gerontophilia, the latter is a mental disorder.

Age of consent always was around 11-12 until the late 19th-20th century, i.e. until the feminists came into power and women got voting rights.

As anarcho-capitalist, I do not support pedophilia, and I wouldn't even allow prostitution among 11-14 y.o. adolescents, though there is no reason to ban consensual sex with them when no monetary gain is involved, after all age of consent allows to fuck people of the same age, and forbiding sexually mature people to have sex with other, even if younger, but still sexually mature people - thats pure descrimination, and the argument of "mental maturity" is absolutely retarded and is nothing more but feminist propaganda that we must all fight againt. As for age of doing porn and offering sexual services, 15 is a sensible mark, you are fully formed by that age and capable of doing any other job, I see no reason to enforce a ban here. People are supposed to be free with how what they do to their bodies, as long as it is not harmful and they understand the meaning of whats happening, and something as basic and instinctive (yes, instinctive to 12 y.o. adolescents as well), should not lead to age segregation such as age of consent (that is directed only at adults) higher than 12 and bans on sexual serivices from work-capable post-pubescent 15 y. olds.

Swiss perfect neutrality

Why do people involved in meme politics think like teenagers? Like "im different and cool and "nihilistic"" and everyone is so dumb ugh" lmao

I am really tired of those stereotypes about anarcho-capitalism. The pedohysteria is strong and fucking annoying, we should all return to the age of consent of 19th century, which was around 12 at the time, and leave it there. The current AoC is leading us nowhere and only spreads degeneracy.
Anyone who disagrees is a commy shill cuck or a woman that is afraid of the competition that young girls will bring. And fair competition is the basis for growth. Its time you step aside, you stupid whore. Or a cuck fag. Both are retarded and deserve the rope.

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hahaha masterful


Are you mentally handicapped??

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If you can't take the bants don't get into the fighting pit.

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Wrong. It's the "libertarian left" which cannot exist, because leftist policies require an authoritarian government by default. You literally cannot be left libertarian, only varying degrees of of authoritarian left.

You spics fuck your 9 YO cousins. You don't have any room to talk.

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No, its just that you are a faggot.

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>muh no roads meme


Reminder that if you're purple you're a fucking kike.


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You sure do seem like you are fun at parties eyyy

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>You sure do seem like you are fun at parties eyyy

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Right, the ones who control banks, that only function because governments control competition, and control multinational corporation, which only function because of special privileges gifted by the government.

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kek, kek at Kramer

Every time I go into any political compass thread I always check to make sure someone has already posted this image.

pic related the only place you room temp IQ pseudo intellectual retards belong

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I unironically believe that the main reason libertarianism is constantly memed is because it's the only mainstream political ideology that represents people who realize how fucking sideways central banks are.

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At least get a real gas chamber for me. I want to be memed to death when I die.
Libertarianism is mostly babies first ideology. Most people on this board, who didn't just come from reddit during the 2016 USA elections were Libertarians at one point. I think they're just bitter at an ideology they believe unachievable.

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don't bring venom into this

It comforts me to know that pedophiles are not safe in prison or in their everyday life once they are revealed.

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theyre just larping as anarchists, theyre really authoritarians

w-why so cruel?? (kike)

the most accurate political compass

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>tfw like guns, weed, freedumbs and i dislike LGBT scum
>still am a leftist when it comes to most of my political views
I feel like the problem with todays politics is that people are not able to seperate personal desires from what is good for society as a whole.

I still can never get over the fact that there are people who celebrate a regime which brutally murdered university students over thought crimes yet try to claim moral superiority at the same time

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Communists are not human. They are animals.

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nips need to be all the way to the right.

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