If unemployment is at an "all-time low" (both in Israel and the USA)...

if unemployment is at an "all-time low" (both in Israel and the USA), why are real wages still stagnant and inflation doesn't rise?

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because the economy has been in a bubble for years. nothing got fixed in 2008, only postponed. trump just wants to make it appear as he saved the economy so he can blame the fed when it eventually crashes.
"it was going so well, but the damn fed kept raising interest rates!"

>the economy has been in a bubble for years
What does this have to do with wages, though?
How does "the economy being in a bubble" influence the mechanisms that determine workers' wages? Or prices, for that matter?



lied about what..?


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>why are real wages still stagnant and inflation doesn't rise?

Why do you assume they should automatically rise. Do you think a burger flipper should get like £ 50 per hour in 20 years time?

A lot of jobs are shit low skilled, wage slave jobs, to the point that a lot of people would rather they be unemployed.
Shit jobs have increased, shit wages come with these shit jobs.
I bet if you were to look at professional jobs you would see real wage rise

wages will never go up.
we will keep getting poorer to satisfy debt gOD

Remember, poor people buy from amazon and the walmart corporation. Debt slaves are easy to control.

We've had almost zero interest rates for years now. But instead of paying down their debt, people just jumped on the opportunity to take on even more debt.

Because if you are not already in the 1% of 1% you are effectively subsistence slaves from here on in.
Eventually you will all rebel which will give the Rulers the story they need to exterminate you all.
If you do not rebel, a rebellion will be provided anyway.
The Rulers are currently putting the narrative pieces in place for another slaughter.
If you're a jew, you shouldn't worry too much. You get a free pass - just remember to help put the knife in, stick to the story and enjoy the cleansing blood feast.

A life in debt is a life in servitude to the Jews.

>why are real wages still stagnant and inflation doesn't rise?
Because they can and do redefine "inflation" to mean "whatever metric produces the numbers we want to see". Also if you want real "unemployment" you have to look at workforce participation.

Attached: labor-force-participation-rate-april-2017[1].png (1200x800, 82K)

Communist takeover of the government. Financialization + mass immigration.

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Get fucked by Hezbollah.

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The economy is just a system to create a form of slavery that is somewhat palatable to the masses. If you aren't in constant debt then there is no effective whip on your back.

>Why do you assume they should automatically rise
because by standard Econ101 dogma, low unemployment means low supply of labor, which should mean a higher price for labor.

>"professional jobs" increase incrementally
>cost of goods and services increase incrementally
>common jobs stagnate
Upper class steals all the wealth riding on the backs of the lower class, keeping them afraid and infighting with the homeless class.


>Because they can and do redefine "inflation" to mean "whatever metric produces the numbers we want to see".
Even when looking at independent (usually inflation-hawkish libertarian) indexes, inflation is around 10%, but has been stuck at around 10% for over twenty years now (except 2008-09) and doesn't correspond to falls/rises in employment.

>communist takeover
>results in massive inequality

That's because inflationary boom-bust cycles aren't monotonic and the symptoms go beyond mere unemployment figures. Stagnant wages and rising inflation yield the same result, and there are other things like runaway inflation of college tuition costs, unaffordable property prices, excessive health care costs and so on.

there's not a low supply of labour though In the UK or US both of which have record unemployment. It's one of the reasons migration has become such a hot issue
What makes you think there is a low supply of labour?

They actually are. Where I'm from, where the minimum wage is 7.25, most companies are now offering 10/hr minimum wage. This gave a raise to everyone else on the ladder. This is going on everywhere right now.

drumpf btfo

>why are real wages still stagnant and inflation doesn't rise?
WTF is this supposed to mean? Inflation is rising and comparatively nobody is making less money (for the most part, your graph shows $1k less 18 years later)... That 1k less is due to poor foreigners pouring into our country and multiplying like rabbits.

Why do you presume real wages need to increase?

Because China

Economists don't know the answer to this question, they just throw out some pretty wrong sounding theories.
>he thinks the meeting of minds, that is Jow Forums, might know.

They are measuring unemployment wrong. They exclude “discouraged workers” who are coming back into the workforce. The economy needs at least another 3 million jobs to be at full employment.

Businesses can't grow without wage growth giving people more money to spend. We're headed towards monopolies that will do whatever they want cause of no viable competition cause smaller businesses can't get off the ground.

Things take time to adjust. First, employment rises to "full employment" levels, then, the market shifts from being an employer market to an employee market.

As less employees are available, real wages must rise in order to lure skilled labor from one employer to another.

tyrone don't underst and graffs'n shiet

Ok so there's nothing wrong with the economy, you just personally want it to do something else because you're afraid of monopolies? Sure.

In that case; monopolies will still exist and enter the market whether wage growth is stagnant or increasing. If wages increase the monopolies are just going to continue to take a larger share anyway. If I get a raise at my job I'm not suddenly going to buy a drill at my local mom and pop hardware store when I can order it for 15% less and never leave my house. Smaller "firms" do not produce substitute goods anymore. I can already get the exact same thing for much less somewhere else.

Your assumption that wage increase is going to thwart monopolies is incorrect.

I suppose that the individuals and groups making decisions regarding wages have not been raising wages much more quickly than they were before we reached the state of full employment. Additionally, workers are still willing to work for wages increasing at a similar rate as before.
Does that answer your question? (it does.)

>jobs include healthcare
>price of healthcare surges 5% every year
>wage growth is relegated to the cost of keeping healthcare benefits

this shit is big pharm redpill 101

nigger, the NORMAL class is STEM, business, and trades, low IQ niggers are everything else. Why the fuck do so many "poor" people cry about being poor instead of studying? Because they're retarded.

Let's see this chart but by demographic

Part time jobs.

Inflation not rising is the first benefit of the better economy.
Wages will rise as cheap labor continues to dry up assuming the Fed doesn't change the interest rate and then it will be back to their favor.

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Then why the fuck would he run for President?

its called wageslavery for a reason

Am I missing something big here? Why do wages have to go up? Are we any more innovative or productive than we were 60 years ago?

>Are we any more innovative or productive than we were 60 years ago?
yes, the economy as a whole is waaay more productive than before. That's what increased automation does.
Of course, no one on a line getting paid hourly sees a dime of that

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Who else is going to pay Israel, you fucking antisemite?

only communists ask those kinds of questions

so how about you quit asking fucking questions

Why give your employees a raise when you can just pocket all additional profits and threaten layoffs if they get uppity?

Such is a jew infested economy.

Gee, I wonder (((why))) the economy is a meme and current money is worthless?

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I work as skilled labor in the repair of computers, laptops, tablets and phones.

My wage is the same as the starting rate at McDonalds and Walmart and it was only risen to that because we kept losing workers who went to go work in fast food.

Something is wrong with wages.

Nothing ever gets fixed. All we do is kick the can down the road with temporary patches

Wages are stagnant and most jobs in America can’t even support a middle class lifestyle because of you (Shlomo and Co.): usatoday.com/story/money/2018/10/30/jobs-62-percent-fall-short-middle-class-standard-us/1809629002/

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This. Get the fuck back to work and pull yourselves up by your bootstraps. Don’t forget to also send more of your money to Israel and also make sure I still get to retire. Shut the fuck up, Boomer.

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I'm asking if the actual worker is worth more.

I'd hazard that we (they) aren't

This; sort of.

Trump is engaging in the most dramatic "fix" to the global economy in a long time using trade and tariffs. The Fed wants to pump the interest rate sky high, but he's squeezing them by the balls right now to prevent it. Inflation has happened, to an extent, and minimum wage is increasing without laws in effect as companies are (slowly) starting to turn away from outsourcing to foreign help.

What we're not being told, and hard for most to see right now, is a cleansing of corporate leadership. That is causing a lot of people to want to act bearish when now is the prime time to go all in on the stock market. The problem with that is, Trump is literally reversing gears on a services oriented economy with so much focus on bringing back remedial labor. In case you haven't noticed, Hoffa Junior now works for Trump. By the time it's all said and done, there will be a smooth transition away from fiat and into a more concrete backing of currency. Think of it like this. US monetary policy is currently in the middle of "diversifying" its portfolio of investments, and turning the table on exported debt. That's why things "feel" stagnant. Everyone's watching and waiting to see if it'll actually work.

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>Also if you want real "unemployment" you have to look at workforce participation.
Well, not exactly. If you want "REAL" unemployment, you have to literally consider everyone that is and is not working. That number is gravely close to 40%. Think about that shit for a second.

Need total compensation, that is including benefits. Which shows more growth, although still not enough. But at least that gets rid of an easy objection.