
Is it normal? What has caused the modern movement? What do you think anons?

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Imagine being so devoted to a fetish that you mutilate your own genitals

Straying away from God’s light.

I think the same thing, one of the reasons why I made this thread is because i might be going to a debate about the topic; the mutilation of ones genitals is the part which completely throws me off about it,


Kek has lifted the veil!!
The True enemy is Satan himself
Purge his tranny minions!
Cleanse the land of its taint!
Deus Vult my brothers!

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A vast most keep their dicks.

The irony is if cunts believe gebder is a social construct then being trans is a social construct which therefore means trans people don't exist

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I like this thread.

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i like transgirls satan

oh you're going into a debate? okay here is some insight i can give you... in most of the world the genital surgery is not even considered. basically its only western european and american "trans women" who are so brainwashed that they actually want a frankenpussy over a cock and balls. Like, there are so so many trannies that would never do that, and the trannies of the rest of the world look at the USA (mostly) younger trannies and they're like "wow that's fucked up"

because most people that are trans are just sex addicts that want to sexualize themselves most of all. I don't know how much of it is a sexual abuse thing, I think emotional abuse plays a big role. Also people without a good father or strong father figure in their lives. Another observation is that the hormone therapy not only can cause depression and anxiety but I am quite confident they further contribute to the brainwashing. But again that is mostly a USA phenomenon, most everywhere else the trans people still identify in kind of the porn star way, where its shemale or transsexual, they aren't as brainwashed about it if that makes sense. They generally see themselves as flawed and chose that life, versus the US trannies which come in all ages now and generally are people with an identity crisis.

Nylon wig looks nylon.

It's not normal. But it is insanely popular. Trans is the new emo.

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>What has caused the modern movement?
a lack of stress from life.
>parents spoil children
>parents hide child from reality
>parents over emphasize the child's wants
>90% of parents subconsciously hate their children.
basically, self-hating parents that prevent their kids from getting any kind of criticism WHILE encouraging EVERY stupid idea the kid latches on to.
>sugar for breakfast
>watching electric jew instead of reading or playing
modern parents are complicit in their children's futures whether they like it or not.

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>insanely popular
kys faggot

If a faggot wants to chop off his dick and become a male eunuch I don't give a shit. Maybe he wants to get a job guarding the Sultan's harem.

This is what they're like behind closed doors if they suddenly feel worthless and decide to blame you.

>they've already died
>living dead inside

>is it normal?

Jow Forumsacks dont talk like that. What thread you sliding, Rabbi?

It is though. Trans is mainstream now!

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Also, I've wondered the same thing. I was told to "check my privilege" because I'm a "cis white male"
I've also been told that gender dysphoria is *not* a disease...
It's probably indicative of some societal inflection point and things are going to get way worse before they get better.

and I think in the USA now more and more are keeping their dicks because I think the brainwashing kind of reached a peak of popularity. also the estrogen and testosterone blockers have a HUGE effect both mentally and physically. most of the data going back to the 50s and 60s shows depression is a very common side effect. Alan Turing died this way supposedly, suicide after chemical castration. The estrogen makes people more moody and emotional, also more empathetic. I would imagine it is similar to MDMA (ecstasy) in a way, as it can cause a sense of euphoria and mania along with deepening of emotion. basically estrogen and progesterone pills (aka birth control, or tranny hormone therapy) are super potent, super dangerous, and should be regulated. Its ironic they ban testosterone which is far healthier, or rather they list it as addictive, and they don't list estrogen as addictive or block access. It isn't economically useful but emotionally addictive, yes very much so.

trans people are more likely to be on the autism spectrum too

if trans is the new emo and furry is the new goth

BPD = moody brat
>i miss when society was honest

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is this real? or satire

gender non-conforming and non-binary are the trendy genders now. the younger kids with pushy parents are more likely to end up going MtF or FtM, but the more well adjusted ones are now just picking up non-binary as a means of being cool and acting androgynous. Sadly they're still mostly a mix of bisexuals and faggots.

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A combination of women's liberation - giving them newfound freedom to pursue Chads exclusively, which leaves betas with much less sex than ever- and low test men seeing how good hot women have it in life and wanting a slice of the pie. I guarantee you that lgbt rights would not be where they are today if the majority of dudes were getting axe on a regular basis. Faggots are the result of betas redirecting their sexual energy elsewhere since they can't use it with women

Genital surgery as a treatment for gender dysphoria was unironically a Jewish innovation. Popularization of this very lucrative medical practice (~$100k per) is largely also a product of Jewish media advertising efforts.

the trans thing is picking up a lot of steam in the POC communities lately, but for the longest time whites represented the vast majority of the most brainwashed. i guess it is kind of a silver lining. i feel like the furry communities and internet kind of paved the way for this gender transition thing, or at least had some weird effect. I mean it really enhances the slippery slope effect where queer activists will call you a purple unicorn if that is what you identify as. (as long as you look like one of them, aka faggot)

Yes tomorrow I may be going unless the topic is changed over "offense" issues. Thank you for your input I do agree with you, transexuality and hormone therapy are two great evils in society.

its not normal to mentally ill.

yea this seems pretty much accurate. There are also overseas doctors, not sure how much of them are Jewish.

Interesting fact, the surgery was banned around 1980. I'm not sure when it came back but basically the data was referenced in the late 70s and people post-surgery were more likely to commit suicide. What is amazing is that the hormones themselves increase all sorts of negative psychiatric risks including mania and suicide. But then the surgery adds a whole new level of suffering.

See; Magnus Hirschfeld.

But her penis is real :3

Just look how far we've come!

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Fuck off faggot this board is for discussing politics, which transexuality is intrinsically linked to

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when I say banned I mean in 1980 or so all the doctors/hospitals stopped doing the surgery. You can find mentions of it in LGBT media, but they talk about it very carefully. Basically they've come to the conclusion all those suicides before were from lack of acceptance. I don't know what the rates are like now but I do imagine they would be lower as the brainwashing has become way more comprehensive along with the argument that "intolerance kills". although to an extent that is true, trans people are way more likely to be victims of violence of any kind, not just suicide.

1 in 1 billion people have this rare mutation that causes them to look like men but be mentally women
>cue the hordes of special snowflakes looking to mutilate themselves for attention

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Partially true at least, the man who can't get pussy becomes bi meme is true

actually I think it is closer to 1%. if you take all the different types of intersex disorders (at least 30 types) add them all up, its about 1%. so really it could be even more than that because not every intersex person becomes trans (but many do, or at least have health problems potentially from sex chromosome defects) also intersex are always sterile if i recall correctly. intersex may not even account for all the endocrine-toxic chemicals, like atrazine, what alex jones was talking about with regards to the gay frogs.

God gave them over to a reprobate mind.
Romans 1:24
"Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:"
That being said, they are still capable of being saved in my opinion.
Let's all get to Heaven frens

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More like 1 in 240

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I was talking with a girl today about it, she brought up the lack of acceptance thing to my friend. I didn't get involved sadly but yes the fucking around of hormones must cause things to go wrong in the emotional department. I mean if you were to compare it to puberty, with the mood swings.

60 million people
>nigger, you dumb

these trannys aren't trannys, moron
>they are just worthless idiots that want attention and respect
>they think they can achieve this by being a victim
>what better to be a victim of than some "disorder"

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I don't think enough people on Jow Forums realize this. It's a fetish that they're making real because they're mentally ill and thinl they'll really be real girls.

“How Sexually Dimorphic Are We?”, by Blackless, et al, in The American Journal of Human Biology.<151::AID-AJHB1>3.0.CO;2-F

with regards to intersex people (not technically trans but more likely... btw I think Bailey Jay was intersex of some kind)

Some groups use an old prevalence statistic that says intersex make up 1 in 2000, or .05%, percent of the population, but that statistic refers to one specific intersex trait, ambiguous genitalia, which is but one of many variations... when combined (as they are in medical diagnostics and coding), intersex are estimated to be around 1.7% of the population.

I know it's hard to accept that you're no longer unique. Instead of denying progress, forge the way for the next trend.

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just because someone gets their shitty book report published on some online warehouse of failures doesn't mean it's true. and cherry picking some report that supports your position. really honest.
>i bet you believe anyone with a PhD
I can't imagine how cold and lonely your life of appeal to authority must be.

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That Adam's apple is bigger than Ann Coulter's

>intersex are estimated to be around 1.7% of the population.
estimated by a foundation that benefits from having inflated numbers.....
>why do people just believe "reports"

>I know it's hard to accept that you're no longer unique.
that's my argument against the new wave of perverts trying to destroy the rights of the productive and healthy.

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I'm not vouching for the paper I linked to, but I was citing a source. i'm not appealing to authority here and not everyone who is intersex has any signs or symptoms, other than being unable to reproduce. I'm pretty sure anyone with abnormal XY chromosomes is sterile. is it that hard to believe around 2% of the population is sterile? they'd also be a bit more androgynous, very slightly. unable to grow facial hair, higher body fat, etc.

honestly all of these symptoms are more common due to endocrine disruption caused by hundreds of known endocrine disrupting molecules used in consumer products and in other ways that effect public health.

For thousands of year we have waited for this age. The seeds suplanted in roam where uprooted by starvation.

Not even society being nuked could contain us now.

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>Is it normal?
>What has caused the modern movement?
>What do you think anons?
They should get the gas.

>A 2012 clinical review paper found that between 8.5% and 20% of people with intersex variations experienced gender dysphoria
okay so this means that even intersex people, with sex chromosome defects that make them sterile, for the most part do not feel transgender. Very interesting.

Humans do not have a gender, they have a sex. The political misuse of the term gender is a neo-Marxist collective delusion.

I think gender simply means sex when applied to language. The meaning of gender before this whole trans thing was like masculine and feminine forms of pronouns like for spanish french etc. Also every noun is gendered, I think that is why the sociologists or whatever picked the word gender.

is this or isn't this a slide thread?

I asked the question because i'm building a case for tomorrows potential debate.

You getting nervous about the procedure? When do you lop it off?

No. It's not normal.

Next question

>there is no such thing as innate male/female preference for certain toys/clothes/hobbies, that's just patriarchal societal roles
>except if your child likes the opposite of what the patriarchy says they should want, then they're the opposite sex mentally and their physical form is a birth defect

How does an ideology that doesn't hold up to any scrutiny get this far? Because it makes people feel better. How does an ideology that does nothing of value except satiate the overly empathetic succeed? Women.

The Matriarchy is the end of all civilisation.

As an aside I'd like to say that I don't hate women at all. If anything I believe women should be raised to meet the standards of men rather than the opposite, the feminisation of society, that we see today.

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you sound like you have your head up your own ass
and no one becomes trans because they like steriotypically feminine things, you become trans because living as a male is constant agony and you’ll kill yourself if you have to go on that way

What? Tranny"ism" is a fucking mental disorder, it's that fucking simple.

gender dysphoria is a mental disorder yeah. so what?

No it's not normal and all of them need to be sent to a mental asylum

genital mutilation was my first experience in life, it's already ruined anyway

Most mental disorders are just personality traits hyped up by (((them))) to sell pills, therapies and surgeries