Did Wachowskis get punished by the Zionists and turned into trannies for this?

Did Wachowskis get punished by the Zionists and turned into trannies for this?

Attached: 1999.png (1280x800, 635K)

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Shit, are both of them trannies? When did that happen?

Not that long ago, apparently.

Attached: wachowski_trannies.jpg (600x315, 67K)

nah, because of this

Attached: B7mxN.jpg (1663x1321, 213K)

Search your feelings. You know it to be true

Attached: 1542298028056.jpg (480x640, 169K)

Is there some kind of numeralogy these occultists use because 9/11/01 appears way to often in media to simply be a coincidence

This one is from Terminator 2.

Attached: terminator2.jpg (500x323, 26K)

Guys even the Japanese are in on it.

Attached: 2018-11-19 12_56_17-robotech Macross 911 9-11 predictive programming transhumanism 1984 - YouTube.pn (779x437, 437K)

yes. also i think this is a slide thread.


Attached: 911.png (299x366, 35K)


Attached: same story since the start1.jpg (1920x1080, 635K)

I wonder why they called the last haven for mankind Zion?

Attached: 56828612.jpg (1267x887, 82K)

Attached: simpsons.jpg (620x330, 28K)

I think you'll find it appears exactly the right amount of times to be a coincidence.

Zionism is pure evil.

Spineless cretins running about in dark nether in which they lurk.

All will change in the coming days. Love and compassion fuels those who challenge the evils of this world, and every world.

Prisoners of our humble Earth will soon realize their deception. Darkness scurries under the light, we will not be defeated.


here's the story of how it started

Saturn thread now?

Attached: fresco.jpg (600x776, 59K)

YES. i believe so.
The more redpilled i get
The more truths you learn from that series.
MKultra or some shit was done to them


This tbqh. I heard the original script for the matrix, had elitist humans living off in some paradise while they harvested the energy from the goyim to keep up their lifestyle.

Attached: PureCoincidence.jpg (1663x1321, 1.13M)

Wachowskis are an example of Jews who went against the Zionist agenda and got punished. Indeed, not all Jews are evil - some Jews, like Jesus Christ, were compassionate and fought against the Zionist poison which drains our societies from precious resources, destroying every aspect of our life, killing everything it desires, including culture, to ensure its survival.
Whether Zionism is a poison or a disease is an open subject, and is left to be debated.

Pay attention to the ending.

Humans were originally meant to boost the processing power of the Machines, this was later simplified to batteries.


Hopefully this is legible, 2k char limit for post. Not my content.

Attached: matrix.png (1080x1351, 86K)

Luxurious post