Be Middle Eastern Farmer

>Be Middle Eastern Farmer
>Migrate North Into Europe to Take Advantage of the empty fertile land so you can grow crops
>Run into barbaric pale hunter gatherers
>Kill most of them but mix with the rest
>Your people slowly become whiter and whiter after adjusting to the climate for millennia and mixing with the locals
>Fast Forward 8000 years
>Ancient Middle Eastern Farmer DNA is an integral part of the European Genome
>Your descendants: Syrian refugees are smelly shitskins and have have zero relation to Europe! Syrians immigrating to Europe will destroy European heritage and our genes!

Why do Europeans hate Middle Eastern Refugees so much if White people are just ancient Middle Eastern Farmers with white skin and light features? Isn’t Europe just an ancient extension of the Middle East then? Why Politically do Europeans see Middle Eastern as completely separate from Europeans genetically (Like they are aliens) when in reality Modern Europeans are just a series of middle eastern ethnic groups that migrated north a long time ago, mixed together, then evolved to the cold climate?

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Other urls found in this thread:

No mention of Islam? You don't think that has something to do with it?

>The Pale Hunter Gatherers were pure European! Only Southern Europeans have Middle Eastern Blood!

The Pale hunter gatherers who were the first humans in Europe originated in North Africa. Probably some relation to Ancient Egyptians very likely. They become white skinned after living in Europe for a long time. So Again, Middle Eastern

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So If Middle Eastern people were Christian you would consider them European or atleast welcome to come to Europe?

Have you met Christian Arabs, Turks, Syrians,etc?
They are usually great!
Then there are these cunts!

Same with Africans and middle easterns. Human "races" are a joke. If not, please tell me how many and which are the human races.

I wouldn't consider them Europeans because they aren't Europeans. But I'd almost certainly have far less problems with them. Middle Eastern Christians seem to be far friendlier and have much more in common with Europeans and generally seem to fit in to our societies much more easily and cause less problems than ME Muslims.

>White people are just ancient Middle Eastern Farmers with white skin and light features

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All of the Scientific evidence points in that direction. Almost All of the Skeletons of Ancient Europeans they have dug up from 10,000 years ago had the G2 paternal haplogroup. The G2 Haplogroup originated in Northern Iran and the Caucasus Region(Armenia, Georgia). Otzi the Iceman had this Haplogroup. Hell King George III of England had this Haplogroup.

>All of the Scientific evidence points in that direction
What are you smoking?

daily reminder that only i1 and i2 are the only ancestral european WHITE groups, all the larping r1 steppe niggers have to go back

Attached: 4933239_stefan-nemanjicjpg.jpg (300x225, 31K)

You need to research where the word Caucasian comes from OP.
It's why people have a tenancy to call nords snow niggers

>people who live in the ME now always lived there and look the same
You desperate lefties are really grasping at straws here.

>Skeletons of Ancient Europeans they have dug up from 10,000 years ago had the G2 paternal haplogroup. The G2 Haplogroup originated in Northern Iran and the Caucasus Region(Armenia, Georgia).
>Major European Historical figures of Europe like King George III had this haplogroup
>DNA extracted from ancient Europeans clearly show large amounts of Anatolian Farmer Ancestry
>Original Hunter Gatherer europeans originated from egypt based on archaeological evidence and backed up by DNA Sequencing of mummies and Pharoes


>Europeans are middle eastern people with light features?!? You're crazy! Stop smoking drugs!

Because Europe is indo-european. Pre-indoeuropean europe was conquered and stopped to exist.

Mideasterners back then weren't as inbred as they are today. That and the fact that they weren't fucking Bedouin rape babies

just a little hint for you; a bunch of complicated stuff happened inbetween today and 8000 years ago :^)

Redpill me on this.

Attached: WojakDrinking.jpg (645x773, 49K)

Yamnaya Chads invaded, raped and murdered all the European Abos and bred their women.


Well done on destroying ALL nations. Good job.


The Middle Easterners brought Farming to Europe however, not the Yamnaya.

I know I know the BBC but this is actually accurate.

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-11-19 at 1.49.49 PM.png (643x673, 397K)

>Europeans are middle eastern people with light features
>Middle Eastern people
>Light features

Try and process that shithead.
>Hurr 1000s of years of natural selection. One race! the hooman race!

Thread theme

Thread lecture
>Oy vey not available in this country domain! The science oy gevault!

Because Islam is a disease and it has no place in the Western world.
Every country with even a small Islamic population ends up having to waste substantial tax dollars to monitor and re-educate Muslims into being human again.
The belief that any perceived injustice requires a chimp out of bombings is the core problem. And that core problem has its roots in the Quran and the example of Muhammed.
Islam is a disease. If Arabs and Syrians gave up Islam and stopped inbreeding we could view them like Greeks, Spanish, or Italians.
But if even the whitest of white motherfuckers is Muslim. They must leave.

Suck a did goolag
Had me really scared though. Fellow bongs watch this before it gets shoahd. Shows how desperate they are

Attached: trump foreign hordes.jpg (829x1024, 192K)

Without reading the details of the particular study, "similarities with the DNA of people living in today's Turkey and Iraq" could mean literally anything.

>Oh look Moyshe they've got two eyes! Tell the goyim!

anatolian farmers of the neolithic have nothing to do with modern middle easterners who are natufian semites.

The Study mainly focused on Haplotypes but there is also significant evidence with autosomal DNA as well.

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-11-19 at 2.12.11 PM.png (574x312, 106K)

Pic related

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That implies that modern Europeans and modern Turks have some of the same ancestors.

It does not though imply anything else.

And that doesn't matter

>looking a thousand years ago
>a thousand years of selective pressure in the age when men were men and sheep were nervous
>trying to compare the two as if it would matter a flying monkeys

You're getting on my nerves Schlomo. I'm punishing you with another video

>Bees are racist

We should have at least more intelligence then fucking bees

you were lucky enought to be in the perfect place to develop agriculture and spread your shitty genes all over europe
the most farmer ancestry the worse work a country ,thanks there is still pure people left in the north

Attached: adf.png (1180x987, 260K)

wtf I love Estonians now
Belarusians are well too

>The More farmer ancestry the worse work a country
>Greece has one of the most farmer ancestry
>What is Ancient Greece
>All Modern Rights and Freedoms come from Ancient Greece

>ancient Greece
Indian, Mesopotamian and Egyptian civilizations predate even them, what's your point? They have warmer climate.

they were in the perfect place to develop in that time and were turkified laetr on

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>a fucking leaf

It Implies that Ancient Middle Eastern DNA is an integral part of European DNA, even Northern Europeans have this ancestry. I would bring up a study but it seems another user brought it up here in his chart.

You can even upload your raw DNA to Family tree DNA and they'll break it down as best they can into three ancient groups that make up the Modern European Genome. Ancient Middle Eastern Farmer(From Turkey and Mesopotamia 8000 years ago), North African Hunter Gatherer(From North Africa 45,000 years ago) and Caucasian invader(From Gerogia, Armenia and Northern Iran 6000 years ago).

I'm 100% European yet 44% Middle Eastern Farmer(I'm not nordic however). I have a few Nordic Friends(Blonde hair, blue eyes German/Swedish ancestry) who are 25% Middle Eastern Farmer.

is not middle eastern ancestry in western anatolian mixed with whg
middle eateners has other types of ancestry that resemble nothing anatolians farmers

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>I'm not nordic however
yea, no shit, you are a mud.

Thinking modern greeks and ancient greeks are the same people

>That’s how Odysseus
was coming out to meet those fair-haired girls,
though he was stark naked.

>Nausicaa finished speaking. Then she called out to her fair-haired attendants:

>Then Odysseus went to sit some distance off,
beside the shore, glowing with charm and beauty.

>Nausicaa gazed at him in admiration,
then spoke to her fair-haired attendants, saying:
“Listen to me, my white-armed followers—
I have something to say. This man here

>Goddess of the flashing eyes, grey-eyed goddess
>bright-eyed, the grey-eyed goddess

>fair-haired ; warrior ; red-haired ; son of Atreus; red-haired king, red-haired captain, king with flaming hair, Atreus' royal son, , lord marshal,

>On this Athena came close up to him and said, “Son of Arceisius—-best friend I have in the world—pray to the blue-eyed damsel, and to Zeus her father; then poise your spear and hurl it.”

>Thinking modern greeks and ancient greeks are the same people
They indeed aren't, ancient Greeks were way darker. Modern are Slav rapebabies.

>They painted white people so they must have been white

Just like how we have 6 foot 2 ripped black guys on billboards so the average American must be a 6 foot 2 ripped black guy right?

They could have been brown but idealized white skin since it was so RARE. There are many explanations other than they were white. Native Americans also had White gods, are you saying ancient Native Americans were white too?

DNA studies concludes that modern greeks are the descendents of ancient greece with only very minimal outside admixture. Pic related, you're free to go read the full article and study here:

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You ignore culture, but if you want to talk about genetics let’s talk about how he Middle East is a orgifest of different genetics, from Subsaharan Africa to Old Egyptian to Arab to Semtics, from Mongols to Moroccans, and from Indians to Zanzibarans.

Europe is three gentetic groups, Indoeuropean, Old European, and Ancient Semitic or Mesopotamian, both of which we don’t know what skin color they were.

Although the best argument against Syrian immigration is looking at modern day Syria, and the religion they worship.

Ionians are the only real "greeks", dorians and pelasgians were proto slav

You're so full of shit

>Turk rapebabies

>Hurr they were even darker then that!


The Somalids are a race on their own, although they are under-represented in political-intelectual circles. They make their presence in sports, piracy & crimes.

They were more than likely the original troublesome Sea People, the Barbary Pirates & finally the Somalian pirates of today. Somalia is their last nation free of domination by other genoms mainly because 90%+ of the nation are genetic Somalids.

In Greece the hot tempered Somalid elements within Greeks started the riots that couldn't escalate to an all out Somalid rebellion & remained the muscle of the anarchists in Greece because they are only 25% of the Greek population & live side by side with Lizards who use them for political pressure on the Europid Greeks.

There are three types of Greeks: the Europid Greek, Arabid Greek (his nose gives him up) and the Somalid Greek (his curly/fuzzy hair will tell you):
PIC RELATED; Modern day Somalid mutt with short haircut to hide his Somalid curly hair

Attached: 1542034390732.jpg (600x400, 61K)

Ancient Greek=Modern day Somalid?
DNA tests are the best way to go about this because mtDNA back channels have their effect also and in Greece African mtDNA is very low compared to Y-DNA, which shows that Somalid males did indeed migrate into these lands in Neolithic & possibly historic times.

Iceland - DNA
Europid DNA 98%
Somalid DNA 0%
Arabid DNA 0%
Other DNA 2%
Spain DNA
Europid DNA 80%
Somalid DNA 7%
Arabid DNA 4%
Other DNA 9%

Greek - DNA (national -most recent composite-)
Europid DNA 40%
Somalid DNA 30%
Arabid DNA 28%
Other DNA 2%

E1b1b = Somalid Dad
E1b1b V13 = His Greek Somalid seeds

E1b1b Somalid cluster mainly a majority prevailing gene in the southern Part of Peloponnesse (47% all over Peloponesse) & 25% all Greece, there is another E1b1b cluster along the coast line this group must have been isolated & pushed into Albania or maybe E1b1b was already settled in the coasts & was split by the European tribes crossing into Southern Greece I can only imagine what happenned to the Somalids on these coasts.

Comparing DNA results of Somalis, Greeks, Yemenis and Turks. We can observe the high amount of Somalid DNA among Greek folks even after century long mixing with white people and even higher than among Yemeni sand people; pic related

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Because its irrelevant you retarded leaf?

Direct descendant of ancient = pic

Attached: Pavlos Fyssas.jpg (275x183, 7K)

They were lol
Pic related in an example of model Greek with high Slavic admixture

Attached: Doukissa_Nomikou.jpg (803x1293, 271K)

modeRN Greek*

Polemon, Physiognomonica, 8.11
>"hê de xanthê kai hupoleukos, hopoia Skuthôn, skaiotêta dêloi êgoun kakotêta kai agriotêta"
>Blond and whitish hair, like that of Scythians, signifies stupidity, evilness, and savageness

Aritotles et Corpus Aristotelicum, Physiognomonica, 812a, 13
>"Hoi agan melanes deiloi: anapheretai epi tous Aiguptious, Aithiopas. hoi de leukoi agan deiloi: anapheretai epi tas gunaikas"
>Very dark men are cowards: it is said of Egyptians and Ethiopians. White men are cowards: it is said of women.

Adamantius on greeks
>They are darker-haired, their eyes are not said to be blue-gray, their flesh is firm (thin skin which wrinkles finely is typical of northern Europe), they are tall, but not very tall, andthey are also broader, with medium-sized heads, slightly curly not straight hair, etc. It is thus certain,that the Greek race described by Adamantius is not that of northerners (Scythians, Celts) who as we know are themselves only partly of Nordic race.
Whoopsie. Genetic tests, written data AND visual data. What will the ARYUN ANAKZ lie about, now?

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>Turk rapebabies
How come then Greeks have no Mongoloid (original turkic) admixture then?

Attached: East-Asian.gif (800x545, 73K)

Ok so you're telling me that one they god a bit of cheeki breeki in them they suddenly started to think? Thats a bit racist user

>Very small admix
>hurr but the white mix totally changed things and they were sub Saharan before that!

mememap matching political borders
Pic related: k5 yellow and k6 orange is Mongoloid admixture, North (Siberian) and East Asian respectively

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>Why do Europeans hate Middle Eastern Refugees so much
same reason every other race hates niggers

>Little is known of his personal history, except that he was Jewish by birth
>fled from Alexandria at the time of the expulsion of the Jews from that city by the Patriarch Cyril of Alexandria in 415

>Trusting the word of someone 415AD about ancient Greeks
>Trusting a Jew to give you the real deal

Ann Gibbons? The nose knows

Attached: ann gibbons.jpg (399x399, 23K)

>From Iran
What the hell I thought blond hair wasn't middle eastern

Attached: That was then this is now.jpg (1403x2475, 736K)

They basically call everything that is not black/dark brown "blond"
Paul of Aleppo described Muscovites in XVII century as having "white hair" so that's how they refer to actual blond

Here we show that Minoans and Mycenaeans were genetically similar, having at least three-quarters of their ancestry from the first Neolithic farmers of western Anatolia and the Aegean1,2, and most of the remainder from ancient populations related to those of the Caucasus3 and Iran4,5. However, the Mycenaeans differed from Minoans in deriving additional ancestry from an ultimate source related to the hunter–gatherers of eastern Europe and Siberia6,7,8, introduced via a proximal source related to the inhabitants of either the Eurasian steppe1,6,9 or Armenia4,9. Modern Greeks resemble the Mycenaeans, but with some additional dilution of the Early Neolithic ancestry.

So you just skip out the Minoans. Not genetically similar because if a quarter of your ancestors are not racially shared with someone thats a big fucking difference

Blonde hair most certainly must have originated from Iran or atleast that must have been one of the origins. Otherwise pure blooded Iranian Persians like Mohammad Ali Ramin could not exist.

Attached: Mohammad Ali Ramin.jpg (655x480, 90K)

>muh jews have been lying since 400 AD to shed bad light on us GREEK ARYUN BLUND KANGZ
Afrocentric-tier delusions and arguments. Next time you'll be claiming the Aryan Hellenics used to fly in the Parthenon with the power of their blonde hair.

>400 AD and ancient greeks
And which completely undocumented "great change" had taken place, in your mind?

Regardless, there's still the two other quotes you have avoided facing. the genetic tests. Ancient visual data. the fact they have no original turkic admixture evn nowadays.

Another quote then

Xenophon, Hellenica, 3. 4. 19 (350 BC):
>‘‘Agesilaus(king of Sparta) gave orders to his heralds that the barbarians who were captured by the Greek raiding parties should be exposed for sale naked. Thus the soldiers, seeing that these men were white-skinned because they never were without their clothing, and soft and unused to toil because they always rode in carriages, came to the conclusion that the war would be in no way different from having to fight with women.’’

Attached: 1539182918971.png (1592x1296, 2.7M)

Scythians lived mainly in the lower russia/ukraine region

So are they largely the same or not? Because all results point towards them very clearly being, with the neolithic middle eastern acnestry being, if anything, slightly diluted by invasions from Europe

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There are Ossetians in Russia, they're Eastern Iranic like Sarmatians and Scythians, and they never were white. Pic related.

Attached: xw_1546407.jpg (720x409, 100K)

Nice strawman

>your one Jew
>Multiple accounts of blue eyes but hey they just lied to us
That Sparta quote - because suntans aren't a thing. Cretin.

>Now analysis of the skeleton discovered in an underground vault has revealed that the person who was buried there was male and was probably an important general.

>He was of medium height with pale skin and brown or red hair, they said, suggesting that the remains could could well belong to blue-eyed king.

>Alexander the Great was reputed to have had blue eyes and golden or red hair.

>Further examination of the remains are expected to confirm that the man originated in the Thrace region in north east Greece, according to The Greek Reporter.

You own fucking article

>The Mycenaeans did have an important difference: They had some DNA—4% to 16%—from northern ancestors who came from Eastern Europe or Siberia. This suggests that a second wave of people from the Eurasian steppe came to mainland Greece by way of Eastern Europe or Armenia, but didn’t reach Crete

>4% to 16%
In DNA terms thats a fucking lot. Oh but lets confine ourselves to the south in Crete because its convenient

Because this is factually semi correct and the aspects of it that are correct only applies to small segement of the population of southern european nations.

It also ignore current social and cultural differences as well a racial and ethnic changes that have occurred between those that stayed in the middle east and are only now coming over.

Seriously you made the case yourself. You are arguing that the population of middle eastern people went north branched off and adapted differently than those that stayed and "became white". By your own admission the people coming now are descendent from people who originally stayed and thus did not experience the same level of racial mixing and are significantly different.

This is to say nothing of your false insinuation that modern europeans are just middle eastern half mixes....

Why can't I raise a few wolves along with my golden retrievers, I mean 100,000 years ago they shared a common ancestor so they're like totally the same.

I wasted my time I should have kept it simple with the greentext

>Dude we all came out of Africa
>One race - the human race!

reductio ad absurdum because races are a thing

Attached: Subspecies.png (758x520, 324K)

>only applies to small segement of the population of southern european nations.
False, all Europeans(Northern and Scandinavians included) have Middle Eastern Farmer DNA according to studies. The proportion of Middle Eastern Farmer DNA to European Hunter Gatherer DNA of course varies by region, but ALL europeans have significant amounts of Ancient Middle Eastern Ancestry (20+% even in Northern Europeans)

>It also ignore current social and cultural differences
Fair enough, but the whole point of bringing it up was the hypocrisy of people calling middle easterners dirty as if they have a sort of alien DNA completely separate from European's ancestors. When in reality nothing could be further from the truth

>This is to say nothing of your false insinuation that modern europeans are just middle eastern half mixes.
They are, but Ancient Middle Eastern half mixes, not modern

>Multiple accounts of blue eyes but hey they just lied to us
Cherrypicking 1 over 100 description/findings/depictions etc. just to show this single guy was lighter than average is not an accurate representation of the general population. It's what your Afrocentric brothers do when they want to claim the HRE was BLAK KANGZ on the basis of a single portrait. I am happy you have learned well.

As i said, various Greek authors refer to blonde hair as traits typical of beast-like, dimwitted people and of fair skin as a girly trait indicating cowardly.
So either greeks were massive self-loathers (kinda like modern northern euros, so maybe you have a point here) or DEY WUZ NOT MAJORITY NORDICK KANGZ and hence described those traits as stranger and exotic (as we know they did, for example read the descriptions of Thracians e.g. "Men make gods in their own image; those of the Ethiopians are black and snub-nosed, those of the Thracians have blue eyes and red hair")
One of the most common names for slaves in greek comedy was "xanthias" (blondie) for fuck's sake

>Alexander the Great
Pictured here

>from northern ancestors who came from Eastern Europe or Siberia. This suggests that a second wave of people from the Eurasian steppe came to mainland Greece by way of Eastern Europe or Armenia, but didn’t reach Crete
Hence the major contribution (4 to 16%, still not enough to claim they were completely eradicated) was from EUROPE lol

Attached: main-qimg-c875cff318e03c8a498392b0e9aeac91-c.jpg (467x600, 78K)

I beg to differ. Pic related is an Ossetian Politician. If we are just cherrypicking the darkest person in an ethnic group then all of southern Europe and South Central Europe(Hungary etc.) "were never white"

Attached: Bagrayev_engpage.jpg (1024x801, 122K)

>That Sparta quote - because suntans aren't a thing. Cretin.
lol what about the two other quotes that you are STILL refusing to face? Scared that the truth doesn't suit NORDICK KANGZ's delusions, maybe?

Attached: 1539187122930.jpg (4928x1802, 2.44M)

>ALL europeans have significant amounts of Ancient Middle Eastern Ancestry
I also have five fingers

>One race! The primate race!

>but the whole point of bringing it up was the hypocrisy of people calling middle easterners dirty as if they have a sort of alien DNA completely separate from European's ancestors

Listen shitheel. When you've lived through enough winters it does something about killing off the retards in the group. Jesus wept read fucking Darwin.

>You have a common ancestor. This means you can't discriminate and you're literally the same as the primitives your ancestors didn't want to be around

>as if they have a sort of alien DNA completely separate from European's ancestors. When in reality nothing could be further from the truth

Because fuck me evolution isn't a thing after all. Lets just save some time, just gas the red squirrels and save ourselves some time because hey bucko we found ourself an ancestor.

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I never implied that they were nordic. You seemed to imply they were nothing but Syrians.

>The Mycenaeans did have an important difference: They had some DNA—4% to 16%—from northern ancestors who came from Eastern Europe or Siberia. This suggests that a second wave of people from the Eurasian steppe came to mainland Greece by way of Eastern Europe or Armenia, but didn’t reach Crete

But this is all beside the point. You're a slimey Marxist shill that won't recognize sub species

Why isn’t elizabeth Warren invited to join the Cherokee nation?

>it does something about killing off the retards in the group
a pity it didn't work with delusional lunatics and turbocucks

Do not backpeddle limey, since your first post regarding ancient greeks' complexion you went around using cherrypicked quotes to sustain dem ancient greekz wuz blond anakz n bazileuz n shieet, this despite the majority of ancient depictions and written data fromt he greeks themselves and their contemporaries explicitely saying otherwise.

>a second wave of people from the Eurasian steppe
So the only major invasion that left some sort of a genetic mark (and, even here, we are not admittedly talking an enormous alteration) was from Europe and not in the Ottoman era as you claimed. If anything, it likely made greeks somewhat lighter.

>slimey marxist shill
>Why won't you let me steal somebody's history? You must be a marxist kike
Pic related litterally you

Attached: nordcuck.png (971x597, 35K)

>pale hunter gatherers
Lol no

You were niggers before we rape you, see Cheedar man

>Run into barbaric pale hunter gatherers


they were literally niggers . blue-eyed, but total niggers. think of Hodge Twins

it was us Neolithic Farmers and haplogroup G carriers that got you that lighter skin.

Also friends take into account

>Human DNA
>3 BILLION base pairs
>0.5% of that is 15,000,000 base pairs
>A single base change can kill you, make you a dwarf, albino etc

On average 0.5% of the human dna accounts for ALL the racial difference on the planet

The video is worth a look. Really makes you think - no wonder they banned it in bongland

>Your descendants: Syrian refugees are smelly shitskins and have have zero relation to Europe! Syrians immigrating to Europe will destroy European heritage and our genes!


You're the one trying to force different paints into the same paintpot. All I needed to win the argument was to prove #NotAllGreeks

gg no re

Syrians are better and have a far more ancient history than Pale Skinned barbarians.

You're not understanding, Europeans literally ARE Ancient Syrian farmers. Or atleast, they are 20-30% Ancient Syrian Farmer Genetically.

Thats nice. They should stay and enjoy it.

Are we agreed that importing Somalis isn't exactly the smart play here?

Attached: oy vey.jpg (1093x991, 117K)

This is not Slavic, idiot
This is due to Dorian admixture that came to Greece in 1500 BC
A lot of the people that you posted are Cretans, Slavs never reached the Mediterranean islands
The Serb here is right, we might call them PROTO-Slavic but they were far from modern Eastern Europeans either

Only the Irish actually, the others are related to Iranians and Anatolians

>Syrians are better and have a far more ancient history than Pale Skinned barbarians

I'll say this again for you retard,
neither Western Hunter Gatherers were, nor modern version of y'all are pale. cause you sandniggers actually mixed with Afroasiatics 4-5k ago, when the proto-semtics and later Akkadians came into the Levant and Sumer. you are a mutt of those ethiopian like niggers and pale farmers that were very much like modern Caucasians

Lmao and most of the blonde Greeks on this apricity thread look zero Eastern European
They are depigmented Norid, Alpine or even Atlantid people, Greece has as close as zero Baltid or Gorid phenotypes
Coon himself stated that Greece has even more proper sub-nordid people (5 % respectively) than proper Eastern Europid types

>teehee i sure showed him with my unexpected retreat, it's not like he proved me wrong, r-r-right guys?

>You went on claiming that ancient Greeks were lighter and blonder than modern Greeks on the basis of a few cherrypicked descriptions (which i could do even nowadays by finding a few blondies in modern Greece)
>I proved you ancient Greeks described and depicted themselves as neither pale nor blonde and considered these traits foreign and exotic.
>You then admitted the only major foreign invasion Greece ever suffered in the past millenia that could alter its abitants' DNA had a fairly limited effect and from Europe, making them lighter if anything.
Admit you came out of this looking like an unread idiot and we can end it here and now.

I'm a Turk not Arab, I am Central Asian

LMAO imagine an idiot posting literally native Sfakians (Western Cretans) as Slavic influenced
They are Atlantid influenced Nordo-Meds but this Russian calls them slavicized
I'm freaking dying over here HAHAHAH

>they are 20-30% Ancient Syrian Farmer Genetically.

Considering that there is on average 0.5% difference between people genetically I'd say you're not saying much.

0.5% of human DNA = 15 000 000 base pairs
Lets take that assumption. Lets say that I was literally 30% literally Syrian (although I'm not)

That leaves oh lets say 70%

That on its own would be 2 billion 100 million base pairs. Just one will fuck you up.

In reality the average humans get ALL their differences from around 0.5% of their DNA.

Now tell me again OP. Why should I not want a greater share of the little diversity we have in the world. Would you ban red squirrel sanctuaries as well?

Attached: redsqu zulu.jpg (650x445, 63K)

oh, ANE then

actually, you folks contributed 1/3 of Yamnaya folks. That's why so many Scandinavians have slanted eyes like you

>your ancestors were raped by them when they invaded
>You should accept the same now

Canadians, not even once.

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I don't even know why Euros are so butthurt about it, Arabs genes are even more recessive than White, everytime Whites mix with Arabs the child ends up being White, especially if the said Arab is Syrian, the palest of them all...

If I was Whitey I would be much more worried about Somalis, Nafris and Indians

Jokes on you GedMatch confirmed i got mainly hunter gatherer DNA.
Farmercucks GTFO!

Middle easterners today have east african annd indian admixture. They're not the same people and they're not white anymore and its islams fault. The first place islam spread to from the gulf was east africa and they started racemixing heavily with the slaves that were already there. Pic related is the heavily inbred decent of Muhammad. He's not racemixed on purpose cause his lineage was always cousin fucking cousin

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Are you From Turkey or a Central Asian country? Turkish people only have a minority of their genetics from actual asian turks(20-25%). The vast majority of Turkish Ancestry may actually be South Asian(India, Pakistan) believe it or not. Pic related.

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