How did you losers fall for ideology? Don't you have anything better to do...

How did you losers fall for ideology? Don't you have anything better to do? You're basically a guy who got offended by a vegan at a barbecue not eating meat ranting endlessly about it to any bystander. You won't get anything out of this obsession, just vote and be off with your day.

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Other urls found in this thread:

the op cries out in pain as he shills

I must share this startling revelation with the world. Therefore this thread.

Ideology is just a collection of ideas that form a coherent set. But you stupid centrist fucktards always like to think you're high and mighty for never taking a stand and believing in anything.

The fact is that if you take all your beliefs and couple them together, you will fall into an existing ideology more or less.

Voting is just what the Jew wants. He will give us his two choices, and we will pick one, and he will win

Ideology in general?
As in the set of ideas and beliefs that are important to a person, a group, or a culture?
You have no ideas, no beliefs that are important to you?
Stop watching Žižek until you can think for yourself.

Ideology is a hierarchy of ideas usually very geneeral and unspecific. It is generally collectivising and does not offer much to the individual outside of a political identity. To truly be able to have your self interest at hand you should not commit to an ideology, or at least only utilize them in ways that they are useful to your specific circumstances, not broad general ideas that give you nothing of value.

>To truly be able to have your self interest at hand you should not commit to an ideology, or at least only utilize them in ways that they are useful to your specific circumstances, not broad general ideas that give you nothing of value.
This is your manner of thinking, characteristic of yourself. Your idea, your belief. This is ideology, an ideology which I will call: nonideologicalism.

You clearly understand this. He doesn't.

That was so gay.

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besides the point, it is indeed a hierarchy of ideas, but it's not against my self-interest, what I'm trying to say with this thread is that constantly committing yourself to a broad general ideology in your daily life like this serves no purpose. Just focus on it when it actually matters and has an impact on you like when voting

basically falling for ideology is making yourself a slave to it throughout your whole life, rather than simply using it.

Why do you advise the non-application of ideology to one's daily life when you yourself apply the ideology of nonideologicalism to your daily life by not considering ideology?

no? I advocate not focusing on ideologies in your daily life when it is not in your self interest to focus on said ideology in your daily life. When it clearly is in your self interest it can be useful. I'm not rejecting ideology if that is what you think I'm doing

> I'm not rejecting ideology if that is what you think I'm doing
Given that your opening question was:
>How did you losers fall for ideology?
That wouldn't be too much of a stretch, but if you wish to seemingly backpedal then:
>when it is not in your self interest to focus on said ideology in your daily life.
Who are you to make this decision for others?
How do you know when it is in the self-interest of another or not?
I also have a qualm with your term:
>broad general ideology
Broad and general are relative, if people are able to apply it to every facet of their lives as you say they do then the ideologies must be fairly nuanced and specific to all circumstances, no?

look at my post here for clarification on the falling for ideology part if you can have an ideology, that seems to work well with your particular circumstances and is in your self interest, then it is fine. But I think that being on Jow Forums constantly like this replying to silly threads(like this one) isn't really in one's self interest, I don't think it is good for wellbeing

>But I think that being on Jow Forums constantly like this replying to silly threads(like this one) isn't really in one's self interest, I don't think it is good for wellbeing
I disagree, I don't want to vent to my loved ones and make their lives miserable with my rants, so I come to a board about political discussion and (this part may surprise you) apply ideology to discussions.
I think most people would agree this is more psychologically healthy and better for my wellbeing than simply bottling it up.

why concern yourself with these frustrations so much that you have to bottle them up in the first place, now that is bad for wellbeing.

It is a byproduct of my nature, my core being.
I'm concerned with the state of the world and the cause and solution to both is politics of one form or another.
The language of politics, the very theory behind it is the abstraction of ideology.
What would be bad for my wellbeing is denying my essence and living as unthinking cattle do, rather than applying systems of concepts or ideas, ideology, to both the global and also my situation.

It's another sign of how jewed you all are into being such complete faggots that saying "yikes" like a little girl is a thing now.
Fuck all you faggots

sometimes changeing one's core being can be in one's self interest. I did that too when I stopped being a shitlib or a luddite

Sometimes it can.
Thankfully I do not (and I'm sure most here also do not) feel it necessary.
It's you who seems to have the problem here and I don't think that's very good for your wellbeing.
Maybe you should look to change your core being to be more accepting of others and their ideas and not start debates with questions like:
>How did you losers fall for ideology?
Which seems intellectually dishonest and betrays an anger within you.

being adversarial the only way to attract any attention on this board

Hey goy, make sure you don't have a backbone or convictions.
There you go goy, voting will fix the problems.
Oy vey, talk about things and others won't like you.
I want you to know your ancestors would spit on you if they were still breathing.

You're a gay jew black person.

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No it's not.

The largest thread as I type this is the trump circle-jerk. Non-adversarial.
Humour and post number games never fail to get replies. Non-adversarial.
Good OC gets attention. Non-adversarial.
Your statement that being adversarial is the only way to get attention makes you seem like an outsider with a worryingly polarized worldview, this board is full of many different people with different opinions and different criteria on which they give their replies.
They're not all the same way and you seem like an extremist for making that implication.

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Well then I missed those threads, guess I'll have to think up better hooks.
dog bless

You'll also have to lurk more and subsume the board culture before people won't immediately see you for what you are, assuming that you're a shill and not just someone who legitimately thinks that applying general beliefs, concepts and ideas to one's own life is 'unhealthy'.

>applying general beliefs, concepts and ideas to one's own life is 'unhealthy'.
when they aren't in your self interest in the context that you are living in at the moment.

I wonder why you think someone would apply an ideology to their life if they didn't think it was in their self-interest.

people often act against their self interest if they believe doing so hurts a perceived opponent more for example, or they just lose perspective, or they get spoonfed what to think by their environment for example, it happens.

But that seems to indicate you think that their self interest is not what they themselves are interested in, that you know better than they do.
Hurting a perceived opponent at the expense of oneself can be in one's self-interest.
You think like someone on the far-left, your ideology is the reason for the current populist backlash.

>fall for ideology
I'm all about truth, so I'm not an ideologue.

>Hurting a perceived opponent at the expense of oneself can be in one's self-interest.
It's irrational behavior most of the time, most people aren't aware of their motivations when they do things like this. It can only be in self interest when you know that this is what you're doing in advance. Most people that do this don't.
i'm only giving my take, I think many people genuinely suffer because of the things I've described. i'm not forcing this on anyone. Do with it as you will.

Fuck this gay post let’s go fuck over jim life

> It can only be in self interest when you know that this is what you're doing in advance.
This is plain wrong, self-interest can be as simple as the psychological fulfillment of disadvantaging or hurting an enemy, perceived or otherwise. It's still self-interest. Stop redefining terms.

I'd also argue that in the context of ideological warfare, it's not irrational, but rational by proxy. Acting on the logic and reasoning of a more informed individual is something "most people" realize can be in their self-interest. Follow the ideological leader. Taking the advice of the learned person without being able to see their perspective is not irrational.
E.g. most people are not climate scientists, but they may act in accordance with the advice of climate scientists, as they understand this is in their self-interest to do so, without knowing quite why they're doing what it is that they are being advised to do.

>This is plain wrong, self-interest can be as simple as the psychological fulfillment of disadvantaging or hurting an enemy, perceived or otherwise. It's still self-interest. Stop redefining terms.
My reasoning goes a bit deeper as to why I consider it against self interest. It is simply not to ones advantage to act without understanding why you act this way, if you act on impulses maintaining this status quo is against self interest.
A caveat for what I advocate here is that one is self aware enough and confident enough that they can analyze what intellectual ideologues say and then can integrate their considerations into one's own framework of course. It's slightly unfortunate for people who might not be in a position to do this but it is not the end of the world.

You have a very narrow definition of self-interest. I'll concede that disadvantaging or hurting an enemy may not necessarily be to one's advantage from the perspective of a longer time frame, but it may still serve one's self-interest as an immediate psychological need and what's more, hurting or disadvantaging an enemy usually IS to one's advantage and most people understand that on a base level. Hell, most animals understand that.

>How did you losers fall for ideology?

Ideology? What ideology? I have specific beliefs about specific matters. If those appear to align along some kind of well know lines that might be simply because I'm consistent in how I apply my moral rules to form my convictions and beliefs.

obviously it can have some merit I think it is actually an almost instinctual behaviour but even things like superstition have some merit and that's why humans have evolved to keep it. I simply consider it bad to keep acting this way without being fully self aware that you're doing it as you're doing it and weighing its value consciously.

pol is filled with the biggest fucking losers of western civ. Absolutely nothing to do. No future. "Please someone! intiate dotr! someone! anyone! save me from my immeasurable failings and squandered life! Please destroy everything so I can start over! There are black people doing better than me!"

Shut the fuck up beta, NOBODY IS COMING. As someone who has lurked here for a long time, watching your slow and excruciating into nothingness. Its been a long time coming of I told you so. BACK TO THE PIT FOUL BEAST.

Return to the dark insidious shadows that youre lonely, non-competitive, loser shitstain ass, dared to crawl out from. Dared to screech your empty & pathetic retard threats.

The end of pol however, will NOT be the end of your exponential humiliation. You to threaten my family and friends? You rural retard who amounted to nothing? Mr "Lookatme I bought walmart gun for the racewar." Mr. "WilliamTurner Diaries please!" Im going to make sure the rest of your sad, pathetic, beta faggot life, you never forget how you dared to open that can of worms. Prepare yourself wastrel.

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Glad to have you with us.

Keep your enemies close.

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Good thinking, that's why I help to slowly subvert /leftypol/ and the other places.

leftypol lol. Make sure to subvert all of reddit, facebook, and the normiesphere while youre at it. Good luck in your endeavors meme soldier. Keep putting up the good fight.

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