When the greedy fuck white race gets replaced, can finally stop their system of usury, economic slavery, and general kikery?
When the greedy fuck white race gets replaced, can finally stop their system of usury, economic slavery...
Hispanic is totally a race
no asians will just take over
Where are all the latinx people?
Forgot Asians u tard and Hispanic is not a race
This isn't enough
How long did it take you to make this graph?
Yeah, it'll happen around the same time that shitskins take responsibility for their actions, and stop blaming everything on "le ebil white man".
Why don't you hold your breath faggot ass OP.
Too bad White isn't separated into Aryan and Jew :^)
We make more bc of biological differences we can sacrifice now for later this is our genetic trait that makes us rich, we make more bc we do more you fucking low iq subhuman
Kikes aren't white.
They are as white as Hispanics or arabs
Jews would own probably 60% if they were included
Did you just prove white supremacy?
>When the greedy fuck white race gets replaced, can finally stop their system of usury, economic slavery, and general kikery?
Look at ANY given country in the world wherein brown skinned "people" are the majority race and what do you find?
A violent, corrupt, 3rd world shithole.
Yet, you brown skinned cretins honestly and truly think that when you finally breed out of control and whites are now a minority in our own country that somehow America will be your spic or nigger Wakanda.
This is how stupid you subhuman animals are.
I proved that whites are greedy as fuck wealth hoarders that like to enslave everyone else for cheap labor while they run away with all the profit.
Please die off faster faggot.
Angry shitskin detected.
Let's look at any given hispanic-majority country in the world....
What do we find?
>low quality of life
>low IQ subhuman animals
Stupid shitskin, fuck off back to your home country of origin.
Yes make more bc we do more your a fucking MORON
pretty round stats you got here
Also 75% of the population who's providing for leeches of society owns 90% of wealth looks pretty normal to me
Says (((OP))).
Lower wealth = higher birthrate
Good, more able bodies for the revolution.
How could they have done that if they weren't superior?
I think you just proved white supremacy.
Here's the real graph.
jews aren't white
God damn it.
Based and red pilled
I would've gotten away with it too if it wasn't for Jow Forums complaining about identical files ffs.
how exactly are white people the obstacle to banning usury kikery? the one group of people who have fought more against the jews than anyone else?
Its comments like this that make me realize why our ancestors thought niggers were meant to be slaves.
You ever seen an Ashkenazi?
That graph is missing (((something))).
At this point just report all threads started by memeflags.
They are all rulebreaking spammers.
so, you want to tell me the hard working White workers are about to get their works fruits stolen by the borgeouise Blacks and Chinks ?
Class war now !!!
Wow, white people really are better than the other races.
Very pleased we've kept 90% of the wealth even though we aren't 90% of the population as we had been for hundreds of years. So the shitskinners are 3rd world - they should go back - they've had 53 years to grow and prosper and have failed
>national willies sucked
You're alright aussie.