Occult significance of unicorns

What is the esoteric reason behind the promotion of unicorns in media , especially as part of the fag agenda?

I've gone down a huge rabbi(t) hole on this subject and found so many explanations ranging from legit sounding to pure schizo so crazy it almost seems true, such as:

>Unicorns are biblicaly real so Satanists promote the idea that they're fake to attack Christianity, similar to how gay pride uses rainbows.

>the horn represents a dick, so it's tranny symbolism of a feminine/androgynous figure with a big "horn"

>Unicorns are a symbol of the human Id freed to rape freely by the sexual liberation movement

>The Nephilim giants from before the flood were one-horned and the unicorn symbolizes their return to earth via transhuman agenda

(This is a nutty one)
>Modern horse breeds are actually descendants of the real Unicorn bred or engineered to have it removed from the male as a symbol of spiritual castration of nature, the "Eunuchs" Horn.

All I know is it means SOMETHING sinister . I'd like some input.

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Based and redpilled. Have a bump.

The unicorn shitting out rainbows means something really really gay and satanic. Thats all I know

it has some esoteric/secret society meeting. its in the UK seal, a lion and a unicorn. it has some apocalyptic symbolism. youtube.com/watch?v=-j54in4fl9k

There’s a video I know of. Here. m.youtube.com/watch?v=-j54in4fl9k

I've even stumbled upon the "conspiracies by Hans" deep-schizo YouTube world, where multiple people believe many animals (narwhals, zebras , all apes, Komodo dragons, koalas and platypus to name a few) are entirely fake and either CGI or people in suits to make more people believe in evolution.

I can't even tell if they're trolling or really onto something , or they stumbled on truth (that said animals are used for occult symbols) and just misinterpret it to think they're literally fake

unicorn was also the a part of the name of the initiate level for the order of the golden dawn (pre OTO secret society Crowley was a member of and he published their secrets)

Yea uh, don't go into flat earth territory

This is what prompted me to make the thread.

Im convinced there's SOME truth to NASA being lying mason fucks , but so much of the YouTube "truth" community seems to be mason / glownigger shills themselves mixing truths with lies. Similarly with the recent sudden surge in popularity of "transvestigation" YouTubers , flat Earth became ubiquitous about a year ago. The people who've been around since earlier on these subjects seem genuine while the new ones all feel fake. And they always have weird media themed codenames like "Hans Wormhat" , "mrE3000" and "Peter Parker"

>The Unicorn here is once again a symbol of transformation, for this unicorn seeks a better world ... through the purifiying purgative powers of destruction. Its purpose, like that of the Hindu god Shiva, is to tear down and to renew." (Nancy Hathaway, The Unicorn, page 161, a occult author)

The unicorn's horn was said to purify and remove poison. That is a fairly well known feature of the legends. The eternal and immortal innocence of unicorn's have also been associated with virgins. They would only appear to virgins... (LOL)

But basically, the symbol of purity has been conflated with the rainbow and basically culturally appropriated...

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Maybe the unicorn is the "male" occult transformation symbol while the butterfly is the "female" one?

They both seem to serve the same purpose

>Only appear to virgins

Ok so basically , a phallic animal appears to Virgins so it's a "deflowering" stand in.

I was never too into the truth community beyond watching a few 9/11 truth documentaries a long time ago. Of course NASA is going to have intelligence connections. has it ever truly been separate from the CIA and air force? both have used NASA for political reasons as well as for technical and space stuff.

>its in the UK seal
because the lion is the emblem of the kingdom of england and the unicorn is the emblem of the kingdom of scotland

lion + unicorn = united kingdom

thanks for explaining, kind of embarrassing I didn't know that.

No, the horn is a purifying force, not a penetrative one. The animal never aggresses only perfectly preserved retreat. Their forests are said to be magically preserved against all threats. They continually retreat into the depth of their territory which may, or may not, be said to include the fay realm or fairy realm.

It has been used in both Christian and pagan art and mythology. The whole King Arthur mythology got conflated with Christianity to a point as well.

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i held a koala once, didn't seem cgi to me.

In the literary work of Peter Beagle, the unicorn is so pure as to halt the threat of sexual maturity and a symbol of Menses as contained in the monster "The Red Bull"

The unicorn is associated with perpetual virginity.

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>red bull

The plot thickens.

Unicorns as spoken of in the Bible are actually rhinos. The definition changed in the late 19th century iirc. Yes, they've changed it to a mythical creature to make people believe the Bible is not credible at all. They hijacked God's rainbow to mean faggotry. Today's unicorn is probably the most satanic thing ever and it's being pushed harder than ever. Just look at all the merchandise that has unicorns on jt.


The Koala is a smooth brained virgin, perpetually dominated by the wrinkly brained chad Panda.

Unicorns were chimeras so they had to be destroyed the rainbow is the perversion of GODs promise

third person to post the video. not surprising given that it has come up on other threads here and it came out a few weeks ago already has half a million views.

Sorry, I made my post from the main page before I went through the thread. I'm subbed to TSM, one of the first to view the video. I'm glad some of Jow Forums has seen it as well.

Marduk did nothing wrong, you gullible fucks deserve every inch of your mental illness.

I've never seen the symbol used before
you're clearly just a schizo

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Its a very interesting video, I highly recommend it. No need to apologize I hope more people see it because it is the best video I've seen on the topic.

Nobody here has brought up the whole brony and My Little Pony phenomenon. Bronies came from /b/ allegedly so Jow Forums was victim to this new age occult shit, at least the cartoon version.


basically /b/ronies and the sexualization of the kids cartoon paved the way for all the elsa-gate stuff. or maybe it wasn't related but you have kind of the same thing going on.

I guess what I really want to know is whether the brony thing was a naturally occurring phenomenon or a forced meme/psychological warfare experiment of sorts?

All of Australia is cgi. All of it.

can i get a quick rundown?

Most animals have 2 horns unicorn somewhat uniquely has 1. It symbolizes the same shit 9/11 did, multiple becoming one. Specifically, 2 becoming one.

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The horn of a unicorn can deflect the onset of menses (in symbols and mythology) and would probably be seen as a mythical and perfect defense of virginity vs rapists.

possibly akin to the myth of Vagina Dentata

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Isaiah 34:7 “And the unicorns shall come down with them, and the bullocks with the bulls; and their land shall be soaked with blood, and their dust made fat with fatness.”

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Now THATS interesting and relevant because Trump is from the Scottish McLeod clan (of Highlander fame)

And the Unicorn is being promoted among the left "resistance" faction


>Bronies came from /b/ allegedly
no, it started on /co/ and it was fine for a while and THEN some jack-ass decided to post it on /b/

Interesting. So maybe that makes unicorns a pedo symbol or an FtM associated symbol (since FTMs don't get periods after the hormones)

This theory falls apart

Pandas are fake too according to Hans. Tbh this one has more going for it than the other conspiracies because Pandas have no role in Chinese mythology or art until it was all fabricated in the 20th century. And the guy who "discovered" pandas was a (((Jesuit))). I've seen more than enough convincing real life proof that Koalas and Platypuses are real , but nobody can prove it for Pandas because they are ONLY found in zoos and supposedly have a miniscule range in a remote part of China that nobody ever photographs.

Four out of five unicorns depicted here are white; being the color of purity, the whole symbolizes male virginity that is virile and vital. It's a symbol of pure masculine sexuality.
The rainbow is the symbol of the covenant between Noah and God; but also of parting the pure white light into different colors.


The unicorn= chimera theory falls apart because Unicorns are mentioned in the Old Testament several times AFTER the flood , as a normal animal.

Ok so here's something that makes sense:

White breaking up into the spectrum = Noah being the father of the different races after the flood

White unicorn symbolism in the modern day thus means the RE-Unification of the colors back to one race , goes along with 2 genders/pillars into one horn.

As in the days of Noah

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where exactly are they mentioned? asking for a friend