I am not white

I am not white.

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Fuck you all for not responding

What are people supposed to say?

I hoped people get triggered because i am in Germany. :C

where are you from?


>i am not white

welcome to Jow Forums you'll fit right in

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Why in the hell would anyone get triggered here because you're not white in Deutschland? If you want a site where people get triggered go to tumblr (just make sure to say that you *are* white, that will trigger people there).

Well i once said i was not white and People got triggered

if you click on the post number on the top right of each post you can address specific posts, newby
anyway, I obviously meant to ask where your ancestors are from if you say you're not white.

Fuck you kike larper.

come on over and become white

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I guess people can get triggered on this site too. I remember when I pointed out once that Jewish people are human too and got a lot of heat for that. It was funny.

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i don't know why i am not white my parents are both white.
And no my mom wasn't cheating we took a test and my white dad is my real dad.

There, happy now? You triggered someone.

This thread is breaking at least 3 board rules

you're adopted, m8

That wasn't enough to satisfy me

no i am not. i already said that i took a father test and it was positive

Prove it

Then do what I did, say 'Jews are human too'. Or 'I'm a civic nationalist, I judge an individual by their character rather than race.' that always works for me. I typically like triggering leftists more, but I'll say things to piss off the reactionary right-wing NPCs too.

no i am to poor to afford a camera

Microchimerism. Go see a psychiatrist, nobody here cares.



well you sound kinda pissed

Whatever you say whitey

Is that you? What are you doing in Germany?

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post a pic of your hand with a timestamp
>implying you're not just baiting

I have no clue who that is

like i said i am to poor to afford a camera or smartphone

He's a (self-professed) non-white person from the United States who also has two white biological parents.

oge sure
nice thread m8, really triggered them Nazis good

he is clearly white.

are you being sarcastic?

He's a black lives matter activist who's made a lot of money the same way as Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson by promoting racial tension and division.

And yes, he's obviously white. He claims to be 'multiracial' even though his birth certificate lists both his parents as white.

I’m not white

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hello my white friend

bitch lasagna show bobs vagene i rape u next week

Je ne suis pas blanc


Seriously, you aren’t going to trigger anyone here. Triggered is for left wing snowflakes. Op needs to fuck back off to tumblr

It depends. I've gotten plenty of 'kill urself faggot' responses to my non-antisemitic comments and saying that I don't believe there is a 'master race'. I get a good laugh every time someone tells me to kill myself, but I don't think any of them had meltdowns like leftists do though.

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Just because someone tells you to kill yourself doesn’t mean that they’re triggered. They could just think that you’re a faggot, do you guys even know what the word “triggered” means?

As long as you are not kike,
It's gonna be

I consider Turks white

Don't worry, my ancestors were white too, but Jow Forums told me I was brown all along

I'm a gentile. But you could say that I would support the Jews if I believed such conspiracies, though I wouldn't convert to Judaism.

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