How can we stop Rape Culture?

17 years old girl killed herself after she was forced to show thong during rape trial backs


Lindsay Armstrong, 17, took her own life after being forced to hold up her underwear in court and read out the slogan 'Little Devil'.

"Yes means Yes."
"No means No."
"Wearing Thong Is NOT Consent!"

why is this so hard for men to understand?

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Whats wrong woth roasties offing themselves? I mean... Her body, her choice.

Keeping the thread alive on your own buddy? Honestly just kys.

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Pitbulls are dogs for niggers and need to be culled

>my dog is trained therefore every dog in the world would not eat the steak
do they not have brains?

If you disagree with this you're legitimately a monster. No one deserves to be raped because of what underwear they wear and it's humiliating and traumatizing to the victims to try and blame them for their own rape.

>how do we stop rape culture?
Legalize rape.

>No one deserves to be raped because of what underwear they wear
No one thinks this

LMAO this stupid bitch voted to bring in shitskins who travel in rape gangs. And she no doubt brainwashed her daughter into the same ideology. You wanted your religion of peace in white countries and now those countries are headed towards Sharia.

This is the future you and your whore daughter chose.

No one DESERVES to be stung for walking near a bee's nest for wearing black clothing. Guess what?

Its like the differenc between manslaughter and murder. In the trials they must prove beyond reasnable doubt that the person intended to rape them. Simply saying they had sex with someone and they didn't like it is not good enough in a court of law.

She wasn't asking for it by wearing a thong. She was asking for it by bringing in hordes of shitskins who love to ficki ficki. It was just a sexual emergency after all. The community welcomed them with open arms. This is exactly what they wanted. A small price to pay for more diversity.

>Scottish Faiths Action For Refugees

>Ayshire Welcomes Refugees

>North Ayshire to settle 19 more refugee families

>Friends Of Refugees Ayshire (FORA) fighting for their refugee friends

The "15 year old boy" would have had his name leaked by now if he was Scottish. But they can't very well leak Muhammad Muhammad Al Muhammad to the press. That would enable the alt-right racists.

she killed herself?


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>Women killing themselves after rape
>Ah fuck here comes another India hate thread

It's amazing how many Jow Forumslacks even miss the point here. Her underwear has nothing to do with anything. GETTING RID OF SHITSKINS IN WHITE COUNTRIES is the real point. Everyone who disagrees is a shitskin rapist in a white country with a bit of foresight.

>No one deserves to be raped because of what underwear they wear

Literally no one thinks this

THOT status: Patrol'd.

it is true, and thots and thugs will hang together

All these hambeasts showing their tent sized panties online really look insensitive now that a woman has killed herself over it.

Jow Forums is more honorable than women are in general. Let that sink in.

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Leaf knows what's what.

>How can we stop rape culture?
Get rid of all non-whites. That should stop it dead in it's tracks.

>Wearing Thong Is NOT Consent!
Fucking idiot women, a rapist doesn't need your consent to rape you, they just fucking do it. The very least you can do is to not dress as a slut and attract all the rapists around you

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They should post it on their butts. Or better yet, they should flood twitter with their naked photos with #ThisIsAlsoNOTConsent or other stupid shit. That sure will show those nasty rapists!


> "Wearing Thong Is NOT Consent!"
even if the thong has a slogan "DIRTY WHORE"?

>rapist dont need consent
So why are the courts affording them implied consent ?

that's funny, you retard! I dare you to leave the room for few moments and see if that steak is still there

Modern women deserve rape regardless of what they’re wearing

Honestly it is pretty weird that the judge let the lawyer force her to hold up her g-string in a court room and read the labels/tags.

i've said it before and i'll say it again


>be a thot
>be shopping for underwear
>find a thong that says "Little Devil"
>think to yourself "If anyone finds out I wore this, I'd be so embarrassed and ashamed I'd have to kill myself."
>purchase thong
>wear it in public
>probably even took a selfie of herself wearing it
Women are truly NPCs.

The infinite wisdom of Dave Chappelle shines through

Outlaw Islam

keep an eye on that Twatter, give it a few months until that dog has bitten half her face off, or mauled her kid (if she hasn't aborted them already) she'll change her tune.

>forced to show her knicks
Heh. Pure Sharia kicking in. Think they were stained?

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Fucking end me

>Lindsay Armstrong, 17, took her own life after being forced to hold up her underwear in court and read out the slogan 'Little Devil'.
that story is really more about the failure of the family unit, parents not raising their children properly and the beginning of the over-sexualisation of dumb teen girls. that girl killed herself in 2001 and had been raised on the spice girls and girl power and had no clue about anything sexual. modern thots have been raised to be sluts.

if only,,,

just be grateful she isn't modelling it,

Don't really care. Probably shouldn't have bought/worn the underwear if she was so ashamed of them.

>had no clue about anything sexual. modern thots have been raised to be sluts.
difference of degrees really, and not a qualitative one.

Whores still need to be propositioned and paid, regardless of clothing.

As far as I know she could have just not. You aren't required to submit any testimony you do not wish to.
Then again I don't know about the UK,maybe they have forced speech laws.

forgive me if this isn't quite right but isn't the kind of person who is going to rape somebody wearing slutty clothes the kind of person that doesn't care if you consent or not

A tribute

Oh ffs satan, lol

The leaf gets it
