I love it.
This beautiful, intelligent, POWERFUL latina triggers right wing incels & paid GOP shills so much
$10 says she gets shot this year
>chambers of gubberment
Reminder that she has a Masters in Economics and is a congresswoman at 28 while all you Jow Forumsfags are still NEET virgin burnouts crying from mommy's basement.
go away
10/10, would smash.
Taco flavored kisses
Someone please tell me again why we let leafs post here?
She questioned Jewish Innocence, user. How does that jive with your white self hatred?
I wanna see a photo of her wearing swimming goggles
even if i was a big cortez fan i would still think you are a huge faggot
when you get so bored living a life without purpose you start "trolling" Jow Forums
By who, Nancy Pelosi?
>POWERFUL latina triggers
She definitely makes me want to shoot something inside her.
paul ryan sleeps in his office a lot of republicans can do
u boomers are fucking delusional
a lot of republicans *do too
Doesn't trigger me the slightest. At least she might make US politics interesting, not the snoozefest it's now. Hopefully she can be Trumps running mate 2020.
>saying retarded shit
At least when the Aussies shitpost it's funny.
literally shit cook
if you need attention you can call the suicide hotline, someone equally apathetic will listen to you for a while
WTF, why does she have glasses? People with glasses are ugly as fuck
Because she can't see properly you retard
I don't like her because she is a communist and those that vote for her are dumb fuckers that never studied the history of Marxism. If we go to war, I hope to get the chance to put her down
Deepest apologies we are not all retards up here. OP does not speak for real Canadians.
u didnt know that? it's true u fucking moron
paul ryan sleeps in his office
a lot of republicans can't afford rent in DC
nah im having too much fun here
sounds like u might need to make that call tho
i hope u feel better
yes i do
Why can't she see properly, retard?
She's a fucking retard.
for you
pathetic retards
If they do it's because they are working, not because they are so fiscally irresponsible they can't afford an appartment. This dumb bitch came out and said she couldn't afford an appartment in DC. Bitch is close to homeless, so yea great choice New York.
Also, shouldn't you be getting a dog blow job now?
I bet someone shot a load in one of her goggle eyes during a frat party
Neh, not really m8. I mean you don't love it, and you're mad as fuck because the DNC has already cut her legs out from under her.
You stay mad though, keep pretending that this matters to us as much as it does to you.
She's going to be irrelevant in a month.
Just like Blaisey Ford
What leafs don't know is that Trump supporters funded her for keks. That and she will destroy her party from within like the cancer she is.
Prove me wrong
Reminder that she can't even afford to live in Washington and ruined her own career and life so that she could be ignored by Congress and pressured into sex by Jews.
She is Hispanic, you racist leaf. Can't you tell by her compound eyes, large incisors, and pointed beak? You snow niggers need more diversity.
"All three chambers of government"
they literally complain they can't afford an apartment
I can’t afford an apartment’: Congressmen sleeping in offices cry poverty
How do we remove the cum from her eyes?
Checked, not all leafs are faggots, it's just that the biggest faggots on this board happen to be leafs.
This faggot has taken r*ddit spacing to a whole new level.
>to save money
There's a difference between sacrificing to save money, and sacrificing because you have none. This bitch doesn't even own a house. ANYFUCKINGWHERE!
She's a fucking donkey bro
Thanks leaf - I needed a laugh today
Her tits are spectacular
I can’t afford an apartment’:
I can’t afford an apartment’:
I can’t afford an apartment’:
I can’t afford an apartment’:
Reminder she has a masters in economics and doesn’t understand how the unemployment rate is calculated.
i demand to know what your fucking mental illness is you fucking zygote
American inequality can only be solved with communism. She gets it.
I'm voting for her if she ever runs for POTUS.
imagine unironically repeating right wing kosher talking points
wow the shills are all on script today
yup, and the trumptards are eating it up
Bitch looks like a fucking xenomorph the moment she opens her mouth.
>brown girl bad
She called 100 % renewable energy in 10 year the fucking EU isn’t even calling for that. I’m like bitch your just a Congress person from the Bronx what give you the right to talk nationwide policy go fix the Bronx bitch.
$174,000 per year can't afford an apartment my ass
Right. No see just did that, she talks NYer talk once and a while to keep NYers on a string but all she cares about is national policy which she is not entitled to do.
Reminder that she role played as a nurse on porn sites for a short while before focusing on politics entirely. All the videos have been removed.
>oy vey dont let an anti-Israeli democrat talk about national policy. She's not entitled to talk about that!
She won an election and is exaggerating her importance. She is too retarded to understand that she isn't really powerful.
Tell me OP, what are the 3 branches of government?
She also couldn't afford an apartment on her own, so, ya know.
>it now takes a masters in economics to be a bartender
life sure is hard out there glad I'm too old to require a master's degree for menial work they give women with tiddies
>shill talking points
This is straight from the dumb cunts mouth retard.
>triggers right wing
nah sweetie, the right supported her to get her in office for the comedic relief and to trigger her fellow leftfags
no, its not. She never even said the word "branches" when talking about the government but thats what every right wing pundit is saying to try and hurt her image.
Same shit they tried to do with Trump. Don't you remember CNN articles that do this shit?
Why does she look so old already?
It's like she has aged 25 years in the last 10.
She looked like a fucking Manhattan housekeeping girl. Like she just punched out work lol Jenny from the block lol
I’m going to run for her seat, NY 14 th right born and raised there. When 2022 right.
Men, read this and get to work:
Fuck off nigger
literally who
Ya I’ve made up my mind i am working in Michigan to help get
John James into the senate Gary Peters is up for election in the next election. And then move home to Astoria and run against her as a republican.
Hee Haw.
She said "3 chambers" which is even worse user.
>4000 viewers
The GOP will never beat her.
not really considering the senate and house are considered chambers in congress and then she also was talking about the presidency. pic related.
And you are accusing others of shilling? You can't spin those stupid comments and its a pathetic attempt your giving.
Never heard of shills before? You think jews only work for the left?
obviously not her
the modern day right winger is nothing more than a servant for the jewish people
If you want a serious reply- I am merely pointing out her ridiculous comment that speaks for itself. You on the other hand are doing damage control and somehow trying to justify them. What's more shilly friend?
>pic related- really
carbs + stress may make her outgrow
her dress.
Standing up for you boyfriend?
Im saying the amount of reeee over what is either a misinterpretation or a slight mistake by her is an obvious example of right wing shills.
Leftists would say the same thing whenever CNN takes whatever Trump says out of context.
>Im saying the amount of reeee over what is either a misinterpretation or a slight mistake by her is an obvious example of right wing shills.
trump says way more retarded shit on a daily basis
Ill accept that. She's just entering the national stage. It will be entertaining.
people often refer to the house, senate and WH as 3 chambers or 3 branches
like when one party controls all 3