This beautiful, intelligent, POWERFUL latina triggers right wing incels & paid GOP shills so much

I love it.

Attached: aoc!.jpg (600x417, 36K)

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$10 says she gets shot this year

>chambers of gubberment

Reminder that she has a Masters in Economics and is a congresswoman at 28 while all you Jow Forumsfags are still NEET virgin burnouts crying from mommy's basement.

go away

Attached: 1541063834226.png (777x571, 488K)

10/10, would smash.

Taco flavored kisses

Someone please tell me again why we let leafs post here?

Attached: 2m667n.jpg (252x200, 19K)

She questioned Jewish Innocence, user. How does that jive with your white self hatred?