Are there any actual Nazis in the US or is it just liberals being liberals?

Are there any actual Nazis in the US or is it just liberals being liberals?

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Israel will burn

There are probably some wannabe Nazis that do it completely wrong, but most everyone calling themselves a Nazi are just running with the liberal name calling and embracing it. It's a fun larp.

Words only have power if you give them power. If niggers could grasp this concept, they could stop going to prison for felony assault when someone calls them a nigger.

Heil Hortler.

Yeah there's about one thousand four hundred and eighty eight of them

>Are there any actual Nazis in the US or is it just liberals being liberals?
To be a "Nazi" one would have to be a member of the NSDAP. The NSDAP doesn't exist. Therefore, there are no "Nazis" in the USA.

Considering the actual meaning of the term "Nazi" then no, there are no Nazis to be found in America and most of the world apart from specific areas from Germany.

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I'm NS. "Nazi" is an ethnic slur that kikes came up with to shame and guilt the German people as to extort them. Please don't use this language, bigot.

Jow Forums projecting once again, wishing it was half as noble as infinitychan

if you go to a neo-nazi meeting in the usa, look to your left, look to your right, look behind you, look infront of you, look at the leader of the group.
now asked your self a question
>am i an FBI agent?
if the answer is no, they everyone around you is.


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Become a Militia of One.


National Socialism is on the rise. Skinheads are losers though.

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Didn't this same shit happen with muzzies in California? Multiple agencies investigating each other's undercover guys at the same mosque. Amazing we don't get attacked every day with wasteful incompetence like this.

>democrats are the real racists
keep seething neo-con fagboy while sucking on zognalds circumcised penis
the truth is, leftism just makes more sense, even real racists prefer it over the beta right wing

WW2 was like 80 years ago in a different society and different language. Not likely to happen. Now the germs are prosecuting elderly people near death to keep it in the news.

*sips tea*

Eat a dick.

nazis is a meme. i have never, not even once, ever met one. i do not even know people, who know any. It has brought me to the conclusion of
>anyone who doesnt agree with (insert name/faction/group) is a nazi
its a meme for sure

while you are here, i have a few questions.
>is israel actually a nice place
>what type of jobs are there? are they only ones which have government funding (ie american gibs)
>would you not prefer to live somewhere else?
please answer

Trump deported one a few months ago I believe, so yes I am sure there are literal wwII Nazis in the USA. Im also sure there are younger people who hold Nazi ideology dear to their hearts even if they are not in the actual party.

Neo-Nazis aren't National Socialists. Most NatSocs are scholarly types and romanticize Hitler's Germany. Revolutionary NatSocs realize a new system is needed built upon Hitler's and reflecting our current situation.

they're not liberals you dumb fuck

some "nazi" was in the headlines here a month or so ago. guess what? this horrid nazi had lived in israel............

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Technically my grandfather was one. Fled to the US after the war with my grandmother. Now hes old with Alzheimer.

This. Every "NatSoc" out there is a pretend National Socialist. A man could say he's a viking, walk like one, talk like one, dress like one, row around in a fucking long boat and actually pillage motherfuckers, but at the end of the day they'd still be nothing more than a larping faggot.

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Friends, i'm not up on my terms. I'm far right, I believe in authoritarianism and heirarchy (true right wing posistions), i'm very racist and fucking hate everything left of me, especially liberals.
How, in fuck, did liberals or liberalism get intertwined with my positions? Is this burgers redefining terms yet again??

God I hate you plebbit faggots. Do some research. Don't be a mong.

Your either a boomer or politically uninformed

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National socialism is a political ideology, not a party.
There were many countries that had their own national socialist parties, not just Germany. It's not a german only thing.

People who want to live in a white country yes nazis no

>National socialism is a political ideology, not a party.


>There were many countries that had their own national socialist parties, not just Germany. It's not a german only thing.

actual Nazis (except for maybe a few 95+ guards still alive) don't exist anymore regardless of what the media wants you to believe

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What’s it like being either a newfag boomer or a newfag JIDF member?

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You need to go back to r*ddit. Of course there are actual National Socialists in the US, they are among the most ideological and committed NatSoc's in the world. We are a warlike people who take things to the extreme.

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