Why did French girls give themselves willingly to German soldiers when the Nazis conquered France?
Was it part of their plan? where were the French men?
Why did French girls give themselves willingly to German soldiers when the Nazis conquered France?
Was it part of their plan? where were the French men?
More French cuties lining up to service Krauts
One in action
The reason that americans landed at normandy and not british is because of the very real concern that if british forces invaded french beaches france would fight them.
>where were the French men?
You could ask the same question now. Too busy giving BJs to their black boyfriends I suspect
too many dudes in that pic
Fun Fact: Canadian troops landed first. Also were the first to deploy to combat in WW1 as well.
French women just wanted to be with a Chad.
Holy shit where did you find this
I can’t REVERSE IMAGE SEARCH or maybe I can, I’m a retarded phone poster
this thread
Women spread there legs for any man that takes over. They have 0 loyalty
>French men
no such thing
>live in a country with pretentious 5’6” onion smelling faggots
>wonder why their women are willing to fuck anyone that isn’t a Frenchman
Come on OP have you ever met a frog before? Germans are a step up from the subhuman niggers and Muslims there women are fucking instead of actual frogs currently
It's the nature of women. The indigenous ones in the Americas dropped their jaguar-skin panties at the sight of mighty Spaniard Conquistadors shooting lightning from their hands.
The nature of women is to seek the most fit and most able and they will blindly disregard all else in pursuit of this. Men need to wake up before it's too late, not only for the west but also when Aliens finally come. We better have the upper hand and the females in line or they'll be cucking us in no time.
>where were the french men?
Napoleon wrung the last drop out of that rock.
because Germans were charming back then. Still got some pics from my grandfather. The girls in Poland and Russia looked quite happy with the Wehrmacht.
they look like siblings.
I wish I was there. It would be fun to hang out with your buddies and fucking hot chicks from the show
Why do jews like to fuck kids so much?
Women always side with the conquerer, that's why every single white female in Sweden is presently being impregnated by an arab/nigger and us white guys are just working, paying taxes and playing vidya.
They didn't conquer shit, they were imported and spoonfed by the state and taxpayers
the germans imprisoned a massve number of french troops the encircled so there was a huge sex ratio disparity in the cities - essentially there were not many young men and heaps of young women.
Sex ratio is the red pill of the macro impacting on the micro of sexual preference: the lower the sex ratio the higher change of getting laid. That is another reason why the greatest generation had so many kids (the boomers) and stable families, the low sex ratio after the war made women subservient and just happy to have a man because many had to go without a man.
Was that because Allied authority had a lot of faith in Canadian battle prowess, or did they merely see you guys as a bunch of expendable syrup-fed cannon fodder?
>Ayys be stealin' our wimminz
Why have I never considered this possibility before
Umad earth boi?
>brown nips
French girls would give themselves willingly to dogs if they somehow conquered France.
>black and white photo
I don't think you understand. We literally has no ability to stop migrants from coming here.
We barely have any police officers / soldiers and the ones we do have are recruited based on their love for multiculturalism.
>We barely have any police officers / soldiers
Seems like the best time for a revolution
Just like Canadian girls do already?
1939 German Soldier = Chad
>Why did French girls give themselves willingly to German soldiers when the Nazis conquered France?
Its what women have done for thousands of years. Shack up with invaders when their men are to weak to protect them.
Same in the animal kingdom with Lions for example.
>that jewish traits
Yup. Question is who will seize control first, the arabs the nationalists?
My bet is on the arabs.
The Arabs live off the state, why would they revolt against it?
me on the right
>The Arabs live off the state, why would they revolt against it?
To install Sharia and they are Semites who are obsessed with power, just like their cousins the Jews.
they all got hairy armpits
That image makes me uncomfortable, user
Same reason they revolted against the Shah - they want to live in an Islamic state.
That is until they actually live in an Islamic state, then they want to move somewhere else.
Kill yourself, soiboi
Cursed image
"He was handsome and he made me come, and that's more than I would expect of you, Mr DeGaulle."
>Why did French girls give themselves willingly to German soldiers when the Nazis conquered France?
Because they're women? It seems the underlying reason you asked that question is because you went off the assumption that they should be loyal, which is ridiculous.
They were French women. It's what they do.
English men, German men, African men. Whatever will piss off French men the most.
Women get wet for conquerors. It's in their nature. You could ask the same of German women when the Allies rolled into Germany.
did I say that was a bad thing
How the fuck did that mischling get past the Nuremberg Laws?
Why do they need a pet nigger? They already have a cat.
juno out-performed all other beaches
Please tell me that's an actual woman
>not a single French flag
I can't tell you that
the women were overjoyed to meet a man who wasn't a perfumed pansy.
There was no one defending it.
Because they wanted to be beaten and bludgeoned on the streets of Paris in 1945.
Thats just their nature. If you don't understand this, you don't understand women.
Approximately 500,000 Married Fr*nch women got bred by Kraut soldiers during the war, unsurprisingly Fr*nch cucks happily raised their children when the krauts left... and that’s only the married women....
The Canucks apologized for taking it anyway.
Doesn’t it really matter?
Goebbels was part Jew, as were a lot of other high ranking officials.
>Nazis conquered France
understand the big picture
>Why did French girls give themselves willingly to German soldiers when the Nazis conquered France?
German Males have huge cawks an 85% of them are NOT circumcised.
dumb leaf
Canadians were actually known for being a formidable fighting force in WWI and WWII. They developed a very strong reputation. Leaf/burger animosity aside, you have to be a real piece of shit to dishonor the people who fought by your side.
it is
Fuck off faggot
Wrong, he was half Dutch
Sorry, buddy. I got wrong impression after seeing so many faggots whining about saggy boobies, hairy pussy, hairy armpits.
too busy surrendering duhhh
German men > French Men, it's that simple...