Ghost from True Capitalist Radio has conceded to the Gay World Order
Ghost from True Capitalist Radio has conceded to the Gay World Order
rip boomers how will neocons even recover
>ghost finally exit scams the rest of the inner circle
>Zionist propagandists admit defeat
>nobody listens to my show anymore so i'm going to go on a beer drinking/hooker fucking hiatus for a few years again
These are dark times lads.
Now he can finally enjoy his 3 way with tub guy and the Butt-Stalker.
>even Aussies shit on ghost
god the guy really hit rock bottom wtf happened thought that was half his listener base
God damn, I only got wind of this madman's ramblings due to the Killstream. Always good for a laugh and true to the core. Hope he changes his mind and starts streaming on next to Cosmo & Murdoch Murdoch reruns.
Fare well Ghost
So long Ghost. I'll remember you for what you once were, not for what you've become.
Dark times for an inner circle cuck like you maybe. hope he doesnt come back this time.
How's that capitalism working out for you Jew apologist?
in a few days, nobody
>money is the problem
>not large govts allowing a political caste system between the haves and havenots
Angrily slurp your instant ramen and post memes about communism you fucking sperg
He'll refund the chatroom members, right? He's not a socialist, is he?
Well, I guess I won't ever listen to True Capitalist Radio to see what the threads were about.
no refunds, goyim
get in discord
the invite is gg/fdbVbB
See you in few years again you fickle bitch.
Well, it has been quite a ride being apart of the TCR community. While I do agree with like 75% of what Ghost says, I feel that his paranoia about our generation has got the best of him. I’m not going to sugar coat this, otherwise Ghost would eat it and break his Hambone Hoveround(tm). The Inner Circle was the biggest contributor to the downfall of his show. It was a good idea on paper, but it has seem to just make Ghost more paranoid than when he didn’t start delving into more of the dark side of the internet. Ghost should have stuck to what made him great : un screen calling, which promotes trolling. I really cannot think of anyone else who did it like him, and I and many ithers will never forget the moments of trolling his ass. Other than that, I’m glad to have also made new friends and companions along the way by beiing involved with trolling. It was something unlike other friendships I have and still do irl. In conclusion, Ghosts videos and memories will not be forgotten, and his impact on the internet will go down in history for sure. I still wounder if we will ever truly know who is the man behind that skeleton persona. In any case, long live the Capitalist Army, and DEATH TO FEMINISM, DEATH TO SOCALISM, AND DEATH DEATH DEATH TO TOTALITARIANISM!
On the topic of true capitalist radio, who remembers this?
Man you came SO close
Was he woke on the JQ?
It's the key to understanding everything, and without it you're liable to go insane from not understanding how things could ever be this way.
>Boomers finally give up on capitalism
Good, it was degenerate faggotry from the start
What a sellout faggot
OMG Baby-kuns NO
Is ghostie whostie okay? I've not listened to him since he left BTR
>radien snake
what the fuck happened to him and also who the fuck made that image?
His last show was Wednesday, now he seems to be scamming people who bought into the chat rooms for "year subscriptions"
what happened to him
>left like a bitch and ghost started imitating him on the show
who the fuck made that image
>8equal aka the most obsessed fag on the internet with britbongs
>what the fuck happened to him
people got sick of his shit and exposed him for the furry anime watching piece of crap he is
>that steam account
>people still believe that was raidensnake
the account went down right after the show and a week later it was someone else's
So how long until he comes back again?
5 years
2024, we'll see ghost again
Retirement home for Ghost
*sneaks into thread*
no shit but it was still funny
the steam account was fake and i think the fa was proven to be someone else with the same username. raidensnake is pretty generic and i would imagine alot of metal gear fans would use it.
Fucking Pyramid Scam isn't paying off and he's a fucking cuckass Quitter.
I.e. "This radio gig ain't paying me enough sucker-bux".
>and nothing of value was lost.
Saw it coming from the get-go. That IC was gonna be a bust, and Ghost would scuttle off.
Need to hear "no refunds" straight from the horse's mouth? Here you go:
also, 8Equal's a fucking leaf
every fucking time
He'll lay low and fuck hookers until the 2020 election and then fire the operation back up
Ghost IS raiden snake
He does the voice on discord
I doubt he'll be able to grasp the attention of new folks before scaring them off with his "aspies" rant
If he cares so much about this problem, then he should at least get a hold of whatever fuck state he lives in (doubt he's even in Texas) to start rounding up those aspies and "solve the problem" his way.
This one is for you, Ghost!
For real this time or is he bullshiting? I haven't followed him in forever. Also, what about all the people who paid to get into the secret club?
>ghost is currently in the inner circle chat
I wonder if he'll find out this thread exists
>smacks lips
not to interrupt guys
god speed jay, i miss him
>stop taking calls and doing social media shout outs, the reasons why people even started tuning in to you again in the first place
>ragequit when you realize nobody's listening to your drunken, tinfoil hat rambling
ghost is such a fag
also i told all you inner circle retards that ghost was going to scam you
Ghost really went off the rails. I loved his show when it had variety. Once he started "getting serious" the show withered away and was boring af. He does at times have good geopolitical analysis etc.... at least it is listenable. However, three hour long rants of it became tiresome. This whole new deal where "millenials ruined everything" is tiresome as well. Yes a lot of younger people suck. Boomers suck too. I work all day. I don't want to come home from work and school to listen to some bitter old man bitch about how millennials are bitches etc.
In summary, Ghost has gone down the tubes. This week especially he has really started to act like a sensitive old pussy and blaming others for his own problems.
>implying ghost isnt drinking himself into a hole because he fell for the crypto meme super hard
Ghost became exactly what he hated, and he let his frustrations over nobody giving a flying fuck about his retarded conspiracy theories and world views overtake what little logic he had. I used to listen to whole shows, but after a certain point it just became a defeated, bitter old boomer crying for three hours about "tards" and people enjoying things he hates. Removing all interactions from his community and putting it behind a paywall didn't exactly help, either.
And it would also helped Ghost out if he called out people in his chat for being dick-suckers to the man himself and urge them to formulate their own opinion and thoughts. Would've made the damn IC chat much more tolerable AND interactive.
Ghost was too busy bleeding them dry.
it was very lazy imo. if you're going to charge then deliver something worthwhile. It doesn't take much effort to do. You can't just go into a chat where everyone sucks you off and drunkenly talk about how everyone is shit every other day. Then again, he is even worse when he's sober.
That's game folks
got boring as shit when he stopped drinking