
What does pol think of libertarianism

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why is it often the gateway to fascism? because libertarianism tends to stem from the desire to stop your life being controlled by outside forces and for your money to stop going to other groups.

Bunch of fags pretending to be 1776 but they love 1984 money too much

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I'm sorry you have to be embarrassed ashamed to be German. You shouldn't have killed 6 million Jews friend.

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>libertarians stand for limited government that enforces the rights of the citizens through legislation
>this must mean that they are suicide bombers

I'm proud in higher percentage points than you are white pedro

True libertarianism has been ruined by democrats and corporations.

I prefer transhumanism

If you want a real answer.

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Probably has the best jews

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Retarded because it is for open borders.

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ban trade of processed materials.
you fucking retards haven't thought a single full thought in the entire time that you've been interested in politics

Interestingly, that is not the picture I selected....

Does it change all of my pictures?

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or just when I mention jews?

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Drug loving bastards.

Unrealistic without high trust peoples. They are idealistic in thinking everyone will accept their property morality when in fact everyone will steal and murder.

Too bad that gets you absolutely nothing but an endless supply of Muslim cock, jew reparation payments, and a little fuel for some image board shitposting. I would be mad too though if I were you, and I can certainly empathize with you. You probably don't deserve the hand you were dealt.

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Liberalism is good until it's proponents try to apply outside of the realm of economy.without regards for culture, nation borders, morality, identity, etc.

You need to redpill more white women though. Most white men can and will be saved. Even immigrant men very quickly understand the need to preserve the American way of life. Women are lost.

It would work if people could learn to leave each other alone

It would work as long it's a white protestant society. With very small levels of immigration from rest of the European continent, an even smaller level from Asia, and virtually none from Africa.

Still better than being American
We are occupied by you while you ARE you