Alexandria Cortez outs herself a moron once again

New polls says she may be the most uneducated person to ever be elected to US government.

On PBS's recent interview "Firing Line", Cortez said the unemployment rate is low, currently hovering around 4%, because most people are having to work multiple jobs and it has become an "epidemic." In reality, the number of jobs people work (aside from the first) does not impact the unemployment rate at all, as it's based on a ratio of how many individuals have jobs, not how many positions are being filled. In addition, the number of people working multiple jobs is only 5% nationwide, which is to say 19 out of 20 people don't work multiple jobs at all.

How uneducated and unhinged is this spic precisely? How the fuck did a random brown bartender with no idea how the economy works even get elected? Holy shit what an embarassment.

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It's current year

she's a republican plant

trump said the real unemployment rate was 42% and the jobs reports were fake

how quickly u fucking retards and paid GOP shills forget

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>How uneducated and unhinged is this spic precisely?
Shes a spic so shes about average, maybe even slightly above average. Honestly find a spic that you can communicate with and talk to them for a few minutes.

Please dont this on r/the_donald

>reddit spacing
I have honestly not seen anyone on this site shilling for Trumps job numbers.
Or his economy.
In fact I'd bet most people are aware that it's bullshit or just overstated.
Perhaps you should go back to plebbit where people actually believe that dumb shit.

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Everyone here and president trump are fully aware that the unemployment numbers are bull shit since obama changed how employment is calculated to cause it to become total bull shit. Trump is waiting for the media to point out that the way unemployment is calculated is bull shit so trump can talk shit about obama ruining the country more. Until some idiot jounalist brings that up, he will keep touting the ultra low unemployment because it makes him look good. Plus, he is correct in saying unemployment is down. Buisnesses are more confident in his leadership and are willing to spend money to expand, which requires hiring more people


obama never changed how unemployment is calculated

u retards just never heard of U6 before

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Did she name the J again?

Careful rabbi your jooish fragility is showing.

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You attack your enemies weak points, and inflate your own strengths. This is part of how you play to win.

nah trump just makes up retarded shit because he knows all his dumbass followers will believe anything he says

>why cant she cite the made up psuedo-scientific bullshit criteria we use to artificially make up this metric!?!?!!!!!!!!!?!?!?

Its fake like everything else. Who gives a fuck if she says its cause blue aliens are taking our jobs. Its a fake statistic. Giving it credibility doesnt make it any more real.

I hope you choke for insulting her purity. They made her dumb and now are upset that a living meme is taking its revenge.


I think one of us needs to swoon her, get close, and then get her to give up who her backers are.

The index used to calculate unemployment was changed in 2009 to make it appear that obama’s stimulous was having a positive impact instead of losing more jobs. Fucking leafs everytime. Go fix your own country instead of shitting up our board

You idiots perpetually fail to understand if a metric is falsely cooked up to support your opponent you are allowed to say it's fake yet at the same time if you outperform your opponent in that same false metric you're allowed to brag about it.

It's like saying the other team is cheating so you shouldn't brag when they win, but you can brag if you beat them. It's so fucking simple but none of you simpletons get it.

no it wasn't

u can't make shit up and expect people to believe it

trump immediately started embracing the exact same numbers

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Wasn't qualified enough to be a bar manger (she was a barmaid) & now she is running a part of the government... let that sink in! haha (scary)

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the House is meant to be filled with representatives of the people, not Wall Street elites like u Republicans love so much

>22 Posts
>No one has posted the milkers yet
for shame Jow Forums

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Voting is a skill believe it or not if your voting just to spite libcucks or cuckservatives you shouldn't even be voting. Fucking Socrates warned us about this kind of shit.
Choke on maple syrup and die leaf fag
You can’t just cherry pick the people surveyed and ignore people looking for work to make your unemployment numbers work better and claim no changes were made. Even the jew york times documented this shit back in the day

How to say "teflon cortez" in spanish?

>it's based on a ratio of how many individuals have jobs
No it's not, that's labor participation rate which for years now has been abysmal.

it's worse than you think.

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shills trying desperately to convince Americans that free healthcare and college is bad for them. Good luck with that.

That doesn't say they changed how it's calculated, just how people conflate unemployment with labor force participation.

nowhere in this article does it say that obama changed how unemployment is calculated u fucking retard

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He said that 4 years ago, when it was true. You know, before he became President and fixed it.


u just btfo yourself

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he literally ran his campaign on it, 2 years ago, and then immediately embraced the exact same numbers

>when the actors eternal leaf uses for his gif's are right wing
here bud, have a pity (you)

im right on the facts

all u right wing retards have are your feelings

I think this place triggers you a lot
And you're working yourself up now, Im not right wing

oh shit r u the butthurt australian from my patreon page?

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Hoooooo I'm early to watch obamaleaf get destroyed yissss

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>How the fuck did a random brown bartender with no idea how the economy works even get elected?

Because so many of you dumbass virgins want to fuck her!

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Your what?
Chill bruz, you might actually have a dialogue with some of the 'right wing retards' instead of an argument every time you come here

People said Trump was a Democrat plant.

>How the fuck did a random brown bartender with no idea how the economy works even get elected?

1. She has a vagina
2. She isn't white
3. She told her base what they wanted to hear: "Free healthcare, free government housing, free collage"

That's it. If you want to be in politics, just tell people what they want to hear and there's a good chance you will get some where.

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educated people.... also white republican run states are the financially the best states in America so yay!

* are the financially best states in America so yay!

>im right on the facts
LOL you are as pathetic as you are stupid faggot

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Occasional-Cortex can't be outed as a moron. She's flaming and proud.

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what's up weird-smiling-politics-youtube-dude!

Here's your (You) faggot leaf. Enjoy.

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>trump immediately started embracing the exact same numbers


>unemployment numbers haven't changed
>but with the jobless rate ticking down
I literally cannot understand how much of a mouth breather you need to be to believe anything CNN says. It just does not compute. Are CNN readers even functionally literate? I didn't even need to post two separate lines of greentext... it's literally the same sentence that CNN just says one thing and then blatantly says the opposite. They don't even need to try to trick you. It's like their readers are under hypnosis.

I think the greatest blackpill of our time is seeing what CNN writes and knowing people just read it and immediately think it's valid. It's depressing how stupid you people can be and it almost makes me not even want to try anymore.

We want the brown people gone, nobody cares about the unemployment figure

Put a mic in front of anyone 8 hours a day and they'll say something stupid. Trump says retarded bullshit round the clock yet you faggots jump on a 29 year old congresswoman for misspeaking a couple times

Kek. Fucking this

>everything bad was Obama
>everything good was Trump
You sound like a leftist complaining about W after Obama got elected

Post source faggot

Lol Obama inherits W's financial crisis and recession and drags us out of it into prosperity. Still you complain and post fake stats

trump called the numbers fake for years, claiming the real unemployment rate was 42%. then immediately embraced the real numbers when he won

how mentally deranged r u fucking retards

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trump increased immigration and foreign worker programs

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I agree. She honestly seems like she's there to make non-centrist leftists look bad.

Don't stand against Israel goyim! You'll look CRAAZY

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the right wing is finally realizing they're living in ideocracy

hilariously enough it started with Bush and then Trump

Unfortunately, the unemployment number used in Fed reports has been a lie for about 25 years now. They only count those who lost their job in the last 2 years.

no, clinton was pretty minimal as well. somalia, the balkans, "what is, is." It started with Public Sector Unions, especially in education.

This is your government on spic intelligence.

Could be worse. We could have justin Trudeau as our President.

Who elected her?.. ohh... fall of a civilization.

you can embrace them if they're lowering. Again you fucknuts don't get this. Once again, this is like saying it doesn't matter if the opponent is winning at a rigged game, but if you beat the opponent at his same rigged game, you can embrace your win.

>How the fuck did a random brown bartender with no idea how the economy works even get elected?
reflection of the times and how low people's standards are for themselves and the government that serves them.
Shits gone tits up.

Idiocracy. Just make popcorn and watch clown world like I do. There's no hope anymore so just fuck everything.

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You realize that 97% of us have lost faith in him after the midterms due to immigration right? Fucking pre-midterms pleb.

>How the fuck did a random brown bartender with no idea how the economy works even get elected?


i like how they care about statistics when it comes to hurting trump, but they ignore them when it comes to black crime or hispanic.

Those guys in your photo are related and that whole "Jew and Muslim come together" scenario was staged to push their narrative. Chicago kikes are a nasty bunch.

this isnt a trump or gop support group. the numbers spouted by her without sources is no diff than the numbers trump pulled out of his ass