How Can We Address White Toxicity?

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Well he's definitely large.

> that face
Nothing needs to be said.

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and now he joins them in history as being a terrible person, well done fat brown really showed'em

as soon as you fully address brown toxicity

>all of these people were largely terrible
and brown people throughout history weren't?

I will unleash my niggers unto his families connivence stores for this slight

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The Democratic Party has been pursuing the solution for decades: bring in millions of non-White immigrants. Legal or illegal, it doesn't matter. Dilute the Whites until they're all brown. It takes decades but so far it's worked perfectly.

by removing non-whites

He looks like he smuggles onions milk in his anus.

At Thanksgiving, you better tell off your racist grandparents.

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How can we solve the city niggerification problem?

Stop giving out hb-1 visas. Problem solved.

Too late they're already disowned

We could establish an all white country where shit skins and faggots weren't allowed so that they did not need to be burdened by our terrible behavior.

Its at times like these that I'm glad that my family literally couldn't give less of a shit about politics. They only care about being successful. Talk like this would be considered useless.

>i hate americans lol

People do have an instinctual hatred of insecure grievance seeking little bitches.

Maybe he should move to a country where he identifies with the memorialized

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lol that chocolat river