Loudmouth cucks and niggers

I see many posts from ausfags and some eurocucks mostly criticizing Greeks over the Muslim infestation that the German Hag-whore and her goy minions started, that we are not different or better than arabs for accepting them and letting them "in our borders". To clear some things with you ignorant cucks, there are fucking zero filthy mosques (operating holes) in Greece, we make them pray in basements and sewers like the rats they are. What can be said for your own "tolerant and diverse capitals" filled with their fucking temples.


Secondly even in the "refugee" camps we hold their asses because the german whore dictates so , holding us from the balls for respective reasons, they live in the shit they are made from, most cops hunt them and beat them in the streets the second any arab animal tries to misbehave or looks someone funny. 0 terrorist attacks in Athens or any other major city because they know very well what awaits them.


Fuck off and let my country alone it's only a century+ we got freed from fucking muslim animals still recovering and still standing stronger than most cucked countries of EU.

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Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/search?q=BLACK gangs in london&client=firefox-b&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiLm-uH9OHeAhUl_CoKHWhyDfsQ_AUIDigB&biw=1920&bih=944
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thats ancient sites lol

You are a refugee to Europe yourself, armenoid

we ve been here more than 10k years mongoloid, you are refugee to the island you live tho

would you look at that, who is keeping ahmeds happy and fed

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Just look at all the diversity on that boat. What are they going to contribute to a technological economy? With full automation on the horizon, what could possibly could be gained from importing economic refugees that don't know how to use a toilet?

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Well user it's clear all these animals are being imported either for miscegenation and the treason of the western white female, or sleeper army. Eventually they might arm them and start the war in all fronts from within.

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>this is what BLACK gayreek subhumans actually believe in
You are a one drop rule nigger with shitbloods from all over Levant, Caucasus and Iran

Lucky for you niggers are cowards on the battlefield



Cry more incel, these land never accepted invader sperm in it's ranks, and use your brain you britfuck, would you expect a muslim to have babies with an infidel? No wonder your country turns into pajeet india stupid fuck.

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Many of us expect this user, we are ready to die for our freedoms as we did in 1821 and 1940 against different types of tyrants.

someone has to clean the toilet...
wait that would leave poland unemployed

from your own article


>The ancient Mycenaeans and Minoans were most closely related to each other, and they both got three-quarters of their DNA from early farmers who lived in Greece and southwestern Anatolia, which is now part of Turkey, the team reports today in Nature. Both cultures additionally INHERITED DNA from people from the eastern CAUCASUS, near modern-day IRAN, suggesting an early migration of people from the east after the early farmers settled there but before Mycenaeans split from Minoans.

>inherited DNA from people from the eastern Caucasus
>near modern-day Iran

>This suggests that a second wave of people from the Eurasian steppe came to mainland Greece by way of Eastern Europe or Armenia, but didn’t reach Crete, says Iosif Lazaridis, a population geneticist at Harvard University who co-led the study.
>Modern Greeks share similar proportions of DNA from the same ancestral sources as Mycenaeans, although they have inherited a little less DNA from ancient Anatolian farmers and a bit more DNA from later migrations to Greece.

>and a bit more DNA from LATER MIGRATIONS to Greece.

Armenian pride world wide!

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And you think they looked like modern day armenians? LOL


Strangely though new finding suggest that Asia Minor and Greece might actually be the birthplace of modern man, :O, but let's just assume that ancient armenians that look arabic or hindu orsmth are the original Greeks...facepalm

>And you think they looked like modern day armenians
Matters not what they looked like. Inhabitants of Iran, Levant and Caucasus are non-European subhumans by definition

you can't be that stupid, you clearly are trolling me, by your theory you belong from the same racial phenotype, unless brit-bongs appeared from thin air xD!

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oh and btw "Many people still refer to Irish, Scottish, and Welsh as Celtic culture. The assumption has been that they were Celts who migrated from central Europe around 500BCE. Keltoi was the name given by the Ancient Greeks to a 'barbaric' (in their eyes) people who lived to the north of them in central Europe."

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We are going down a rabbit hole. I woke up to this shit when I saw Edgysphinx/Braving Ruin videos on the genocide of the white man.
I wish we could apply a final solution to our problem.

hang in there user shit will hit the fan eventually, just hope it's not too late and our men have turned into zombies, coz you can expect nothing more from women than accepting the invader with open legs.

Greeks...You know what to do.

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>we were inventing
racemixing, population displacement and other useless shit. Your we wuz won’t work with Britons - these Isles seen the best metal works of their time when your ancestors were creating “Hellenistic Judaism” lmao

today in 2018 you are a subhuman low IQ half nigger with armenian and persian ancestry

Why Greeks look like hairy Turks?

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I've been reading into the problem a lot, we need to fight off the subhumans to preserve the white race. I am mad that Braving Ruin left because of disgusting skeptics blind to the situation in Europe and what will eventually happen to America.

Are you fucking serious? Irish people were not considered human by the New World standards 150 years ago.

oh yeah so subhuman, every summer your whores come to our islands to drink our cum, bet why your ass is so butthurt and you clearly hate the birthplace of wester civilization I bet you are a muslim lover. We had a revolution about 150+ years ago and freed our selves with the help of the Russians and many better European Allies (than you are now, filthy muzzlovers).

Talk to me again on how you country is turning with the slut you have for a leader turning london into a somali shithole rofl...

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Just a reminder so people can know the enemy in disguise.

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Mind a few remarks by Wellington your statement has no grounds. shitaloniggers and gayreeks were banned from Australia, targeted by the KKK and lynched by the general public for fucks sake

you poor midgets being masculine or ever getting laid is the best joke in Europe right after your economy

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It's the otherway around user, quora.com/What-are-the-DNA-of-Greeks-and-Turks

AGAIN USE YOUR FUCKING BRAINS, you expect an OTTOMAN MUSLIM to have sex with an infidel woman and let the baby live? let along Turks which are the worst of their kind, smarter and more ruthless than the arabic animals. Read a fucking book bunch of idiots in Jow Forums expect to save the west without first reading history. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Janissaries

The only times ottomans would fuck Greek women would be to steal the muttbaby and even the pure Greek babies to serve the Turkish army...No wonder their Asia Minor populace looks alot like us.

Come to Crete britmutt and see with your eyes or Mykonos or Sadorini, or Rhodes, your sluts are open legs for us cause you small dicks cant fuck shit.

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Blacks and Indians were higher in the American hierarchy than Irishmen.


fucking laughed my ass off with your rotten teeth mouths and skunk faces. brit fucks soon to be muhameds

Fair point

lmao the levels of butthurt with this armenian subhuman
t. the most impotent nation of Europe

I have a place in Cyprus, I know what’s up. Britons always come in a YUGE fucking company and socialise with other Britons. Sometimes with occasional Germans or Dutchfags.

You know what Greeks are busy doing? Cleaning the floor in their cuckshed-sised family-owned cafe or selling some useless shit on the beach
t. greekospic
with a literal Celtic cross on his flag lol

And? It's like judging a Muslim for hating Jews because Islam is an Abrahamic religion. Your kind being deleted off history, anyway. Greeks are at least worth defending.

Oh yeah so butthurt I am actually happy that I don't live in your shithole being afraid of getting stabbed or shot by niggers, or worse get cucked by my wife. Your nation is falling brittboy you are turning into a black shithole full of fags and transsexuals, you even jail right wingers now. Your own capitals mayor is a nigger LMAO joke of a nation. And what about our economy lol you think we are poor because you read it on CNN or BBC? oh you cant be such an ignorant fool...but yet you are LOOK AT THE PIC KEK THIS IS WHAT YOU HAVE BECOME.

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google.com/search?q=BLACK gangs in london&client=firefox-b&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiLm-uH9OHeAhUl_CoKHWhyDfsQ_AUIDigB&biw=1920&bih=944

this is your capital britbong, nigger filled shithole

>Greeks are at least worth defending

>dumb cucked ugly non-European subhumans
pick 1

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At least they don't go racial fluid and make a shitshow like what happened in Irland.

lol thats fakenews tho, cause Greek women actually dont do that, you see there is a village mentality here and the stigma would be great, yes we do have sluts but not like that ;). Regarding the crisis it's bullshit the only ppl that have problem with money are mostly millenials or zoomers, because of bad paying jobs. But still your brit sluts do enjoy Greek sperm I can post so many articles it's not fun anymore, plus i have many in my personal photo album ;)! Also my friend britbong you do realize you got 2milion niggers in your country, we must have about some hundreads, you got 2.3% of your population of being Pajeet, and another 1 mil arabs, and you talk to us about racial purity hahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahah...you literally have arabs walking your streets...

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this is london


fucking laughing my ass off

Isn't unemployment the same as French levels?

The albanian shill,now undera brit proxy, usually it was under a russian

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meanwhile brit cucks getting arrested for talking shit over the internet, your own police is protecting arabs and jailing whites over this, and you on your high horse talk about protecting the west, you are a KEKED nation get over it, bend over to muhamed. And when the shit hits the fun you can bet the Greeks you hate will stand for what's right against the islamic and jewish filth.

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Greeks have strange laws, and when it comes to work related laws after some EU voting that happened the employers can pretty much screw everyone over, which means anyone aged 18-28 is fucked. Our unemployment is rather high for young ages only and everyone can find a job but it's going to be underpaid, hence why 500,000 Greeks with Degrees like masters and ba and PHD went to US or other better suited countries at this moment. But most of them return back because of the multiculturalism shit. Most friends that I have that lived in London returned back because of the shithole is turning into with cheap arab labour and the crime.

fuck off mutt, the turks (even though they are subhumans) will wipe you out of existence easily

yeah he is either a shil or a giant idiot fail to see his own stupidity

they can try nigger, they lost after 400years of slaver to a small number of Greek warriors...rofl turks have turned into something strange over the years. so don't keep your hopes high, and fuck your pedo allah and your fucking religion

Greece deserves better

The west deserves better my friend user we are being led astray and let too many shills and subhumans between our ranks, letting the glory of the white race turn into a cuckolds dream.

yeah yeah you christcucks always keep lying, it was the whole europe who beated the turks you greecucks didn't do anything but watching your genetics getting MUTTED
when the war start i will side with the dirty turks against you and i'll make you have a sex with goat in front of your family as a punishment for your shitposting on Jow Forums

lol molon lave nigger you ll end up dead, and please do let those turk muts invade again its what we are praying for and preparing for all our lives, you and your abrahamic subhumans are next, the west will eventually eradicate you filthy scum of humanity.

Read your history better nigger the big battles ofc we had help, Turk niggers were an empire at that point, but still they lost to fewer numbers as always Greeks do against barbarians. You will learn your lesson eventually we are still here nigger after more than 10k years we are still standing.

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whiter than you greemutt no arabs or turks raped my family like yours
and greecuck please be realistic you couldn't even drove out the shitskin immigrants in your shithole so how can you stand up to us? ah yes the actual WHITE europeans will fight in your place AGAIN but this time they will lose ans as for your country we will give it to the somalians and paki scum as a reward for their help

I bet you are completely idiot for believing you are white living in Africa and being a muzzie rat, dude really stop jerking off you are a joke. What immigants you idiot lol have you seen where we keep them? In shithole camps to go into the EU for mama merkel to let her fuck german women.

You little animal the Greeks stood against a far greater force to what you african monkeys will ever be the German-Italian Axis and we were one of the biggest reason of their downfall in the WW2, you talk from a shithole country i had even to google to see where you are, and even in google images you get ancient Greek architecture from your Phoenician (even though you are arabic so kinda has no corelationto the phoenicians) wars against the Greek Sicilians, go back to your Islamic shithole and beat your women and pray to your pedophile god you regressive dog.

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google.com/search?q=algerian men&client=firefox-b&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiFvIfB_-HeAhVysIsKHeWNBa0Q_AUIDigB&biw=1920&bih=944

you are darker than turks lmao...


we rank 6th in the special forces, i've seen them with my own eyes when i served too ;) at a close army branch you muts will do shit no wander americans have bombed all the shithole countries out of existance I guess your muzz infested hole is next too eventually.

>I bet you are completely idiot for believing you are white living in Africa
hey if a mutt can live in europe (am talking about you) so why the hell not? and besides you christcucks are the worst people on earth (after the kikes) slavery wars genocides you name it, you even fought with each other in your religious wars (Lmao you couldn't even unite as one christian nation)
oh and your religion is (((cucked))) as fuck remeber to support the chosen one and help them to reclaim jerusalem it's after all belongs to kikes and there is no need for christians to be there (it's not like it's the homeland of christianty)

HAHAHA muslims and jews are fighting for the holy land but you christcucks do nothing absolutely cucked

I am atheist bro, so not actually apply for me, dude your religion has the same prophets as the jews, you believe in Jesus and Mary, Islam is an Abrahamic religion no wonder jews and arabs look very much alike with crooked noses. Well I am a mutt 76% Greek and the rest Italian and Northen european dna, i had my tests you see ;p but thats besides the point. Against Christianity i am with you but i am against Islam too i am against anything that promotes regression and lifts the human spirit into the insanity of a male human "creator". I don't call on killing anyone that believes into something and that's what my ancestors called BARBARIAN. So get off your high horse, and btw you idiot attacking Greeks, you do realise that most Greeks hate kikes and when they attacked Palestine Greeks took the Palestinians side, we even had a moment of friendship with the Turks over this, but not because we love Islam, but human rights it's needed, if you wanna learn something about Greeks its they will fight to the end any form of tyranny and oppression and injustice, it is still in our blood either you believe it or not. When Hitlery bombed libya the general sentiment here was WTF are they doing, despite being 4 centuries slaves to the Muslims we still care for people more than religion.

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Why the fuck do you even hate Greeks lol, I get it from ausfags and eurocucks but algerians i've never thought we had enemies there too xD

Awesome. I am jealous of you

>your religion has the same prophets as the jews
>you believe in Jesus and Mary
????? you just named two people that jews denied them you dump fuck

>I am atheist bro,
when christianity will rise again in europe you'll be dead at the hands of christcucks before we get the chance to do it

>no wonder jews and arabs
yeah they are basically cousins and am not arab retard am white berber, go and educate yourself

>you do realise that most Greeks hate kikes
but you still hate Islam so fuck you we don't care even if you support Palestine, Islam is the most important part of our lives it's not rave not nationality it's the religion, i don't mind if you shit on turks or fucking arabs but Islam is the red line i am not telling you start liking and supporting Islam but don't stand against us too or we will consider you an enemy

whelp i doubt you would say those things in my face because the fact you are in here signals that you ain't the typical Arabian animal and i like that you are feisty for your beliefs (I had a Syrian friend once, lovely fella), so fuck off

Ameribro thank you, you should know Greeks fucking support you specially now that your country is divided.

i don't really hate you nor any european or even a christian cause i know for a fact that we are all a victim to the (((jewry))) i am ready to put all our past behind i we can unite together to end the existence of kikes and then we can finally live in peace without jewish tricks, but this is most likely not gonna happen since it's only a minority of us who know what's really going on and all what we can do it trying to redpill more people as possible about (((who))) is the real threat to the both of west and the islamic world

PS: here is the white berber

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DAAAAMN bro these girls are niceeee xD, agreed man and it's sad where things are going, frankly all this anti-islam sentiment wasn't even that prevalent before (((they))) start to play the mass immigration shit in EU, which even up until now i can't fathom what their plan is, are they planing to make Christians fight Muslims while they control the schemes? And what about the black animals imported from Somalia that's only males have no master no religion they act purely on instinct and savagery. And frankly even many westerns start to respect the conservatism Islam provides, but personally every culture disagrees on many things, you could call us on letting our women run like sluts, we could call you on pressing them, but that's only for the extremes on both situations.

And frankly against who ever that wants to abolish real multiculturalism, meaning that every nation should keep it's own culture and not blend into a corporate mixed utopia where (((they))) rule. Peace

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Thank you.

It was pretty obviously to me for USA is bounded to divided anyways I noticed about 7 years ago. Race riots and all those foreigners' demographic and their voting patterns.

All I can do is keep making a living and search around for any jobs that is good enough to make more money much as I can.

And it's only going to get worse user, the (((opposition))) will try to make America fall before it hops into a new host exactly like they did in Russia and then Germany and now USA, I want you to know many people stand with you against this insanity that is being promoted, and literally I hope I am still young when it happens I ll cove over fight with you.

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>i can't fathom what their plan is
it's the old Divide & Conquer trick, they'll make us fight each other while the jews are watching from a safe distance and after the war ends the victorious side (it doesn't matter who he is) will be weak and damaged badly it's then the jews will take the chance to annihilate and that's it now the kikes ruling the world

>black animals
those are just a tool to destroy the west, even her in north algeria we got nigger refugees from Cameron,Sinigal,Mali and fuck they are the worst shitting in street drugs prostitution....even the people hates them and often make fun of them i can totally understand why europeans don't want this shit there

>you could call us on letting our women run like sluts
that's the fault of globalism and kike culture (aka modern western culture) i know for a fact that christians wasn't degenerates like today and your women used to be feminine and a good wives and mothers

>that every nation should keep it's own culture
if it wasn't for kikes a mixed utopia could work but we will never know since those jewish rats still exist

fair points brother, we will see keep your flag high, your faith strong and we will win, things might get messy, we might die, but its a good way to die fighting for what you stand for, and for the future generations!

Nah. Don't bother. I would've let it fall anyway.

Too many rotten delusional boomers, vile politicians that would sell your country out to make a quick bucks, too many foreigners, rising house prices.

Fall of USA may be lead to either reborn, new life, or permanently wasteland?

they don't look like they're functioning, do they ?

bump me back bro , my thread is about a docu in your country by Lauren Southern, it's getting swarmed by shills who're trying derail it cause a NGO kikess saboteur whore was exposed in it

Frens forever together against the kikes don't let hatred or racism distract us from our true enemy

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I aint a kike if you refer to me leaf man, i am a proud nationalist greek male, that got angry over some stuff i saw in pol

my sword is your sword bro

the person i circled is a jew

Oh damn bro didn't even see that vid, checking now and coming over!

ah sorry leaf bro, LOL pure coincidence i am sure

>poor little white boy

Lmao did you figured it out from his nose?

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I went to greece last year and it was fucking BROWN. Arab brown.
It seems fucking overrun my immigrants. So yeah, not sure why you seem happy bro. I'm sorry for your culture.

Lol every Aussie Greek hates Greece with a passion.

Oh and Macdonia will never be Greek! Enjoy beign butthurt lmao!

ever since i first saw this picture and immedaitely

thank you, pol

Come on Greek bro. We're not that different from Arabs.

Arabian women love Greek dick.

Hahaha. But that's the only relativity.

Yeah Alexander was acctually Alexambramojic and he was talking slavic, cool story brah. Regarding Greeks in Aus it's easy to talk big when you are away from the place that needs fighting for. Cowards flee, idiots criticize situations they've never lived.
Are we perfect? no, but none is, and strangely somehow we still are the biggest tourist attraction in the world.

Depends on where you went and if you are refering the time now with all the arabian hordes invading Europe Athens has fallen, but Greeks ain't brown rofl. All this shit started from the fucking germans and the turks letting the hoards from Syria.

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Frankly Greeks are renown for their sexuality like most Mediterraneans and latino type people, I guess it's the climate and the spicy lifestyle xD. Arabian women I've never met one to be honest, in general Arabs don't really like to visit Greece, the anti-muslim sentiment is prevalent because of the hate towards our neighbors, and it's not that we hate them as people but burkas and hijab will make a Greek look you strangely.

LOL mate youre not even in the top 10. Also they come here because they can actually succeed. Unlike the crabs in your shithole.

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oy vey we were top 3 in 2015, i bet you can't even affort a night you shill lol.

the fact "native" greeks look like that make me even sadder. I saw very few people like that in Athens. The rest of Greece didn't seem as horrendous though


I happen to build places for tourists to come ;p so trust me i know, my shekels know exactly what the sentiment is

They are sleeping don't worry, to give you an idea last time an immigrant raped a girl in Athens Greeks went out in the streets stabbing and kicking them since then nothing happened, some crazy stories we hear from the fucking refugee camps but other than that they don't wanna stay here and we don't plan on keeping them either.

We wont let them make Greece like London, most people just wait here to see what's going to happen with the EU.

Well thats 2018 turk lol

Also doesnt a brown horde quite literally wash up on shore every week? Matter of fact who cares lol

Its been slowed down lately thanks to god emperor Trump xD, I think the shills in the EU are trying to re-establish their power, Soro's play also kinda gets downplayed everything is in a waiting state, frankly Greeks are very tolerant to strangers that are "visiting" but i can reassure you nobody is staying.

and yes many of those that flee to EU are staying in city center of Athens which essentially is our own form of the french black ghetto. Keep in mind the last time my country had a leader that looked out for our interests, some "strange shadowy power" burned the entire country, and he stepped down after there were threats for his families life, so as you can tell we aren't exactly free. The shill we have for PM now works for (((them))) he is a communist and does exactly as the IMF and mama merkel tells him.


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