Women's March is in full meltdown

>Women's March is in full meltdown
>Civil war between Anti-Jew/Faggot faction and Israeli-Shill faction
Remember to support #OurGirl Linda on her quest to finish what Hitler started. God speed, you ugly bitch.

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>Civil war between Anti-Jew/Faggot faction and Israeli-Shill faction
fuel it with the truth

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Enjoy living under Sharia law! She wants Sharia law implemented in the USA.

wow she's an anti-semite! that means she's /ourgal!
>hates men
>hates you
>hates whites
>wants sharia law
>hates capitalism

This is some people on Jow Forums - you should be ashamed to be stupid enough to cheer her on

>This is some people on Jow Forums - you should be ashamed to be stupid enough to cheer her on
Says the guy who thinks non-muslims want Sharia Law

Romans named it Palestine. They killed a jewish rebellion there 2 thousand years ago. You think people should care that it wasn't Jewish land 100 years ago? What's the limitation of time on land claim?

>Says the guy who thinks non-muslims want Sharia Law
Ever heard of white sharia retard

Bro at this point I welcome any fort of sharia just to save women from destroying the universe

Under Sharia Law, we could beat her to death as long as we can pool together enough goats to appease her husband. Shit would certainly be better than what we have now.

Under Sharia you will likely meet an unfortunate end, because muslims are not very tolerant.

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Holy fuck I have yet to see a Palestinian that could get muh dick hard. Long live Isreal. Palestinians aren’t people.

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hmmm. That’s actually an angle I haven’t seen before. wtf I love Sharia now

>What is tribal conflict
>Implying shitskins would suddenly kill us all instead of the other way around
If you can't win under Sharia Law, you deserve to get beheaded like the useless shit you are.

fuck off you circumcised kike slave

>My criteria for choosing sides is whichever side's girls make my dick harder.
Hello white knight.

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>If you can't win under Sharia Law, you deserve to get beheaded like the useless shit you are.
The benefits of Sharia
>no alcohol
>no bacon/pork
>no freedom of speech
> etc etc
I used to be a redpilled Trumper for MAGA, fully enlightened about the dangers of race mixing, Islam and the Jews.

I started to doubt Trump though after days and days of him tweeting instead of purifying the nation of the dirt that covers it. I started reading Jow Forums, at first to shitpost, but then I started being influenced by them

One day I was talking to one of my pro-Trump friends. "I'm not racist, but I think we should gas all the nigs" he said. "Maybe race mixing isnt that bad" I said. Suddently I felt a dart in my ass.

When I woke up I saw a man with a yarmulke staring at me

"Who... Who are you" I said.

"Shalom. I'm a rabbi, the top rabbi actually" said the Jew

"Wh... Where am I"

"We heard you having globalist thoughts" said the rabbi "we're ready to bluepill you"

"N-NO MAGA MAGA HAIL TRUMP" I said trying to fight him off

"Don't fight it, don't pretend to be someone your not" said the rabbi

I knew he was right. It was time for me to join the other side.

"Do it" I said.

The rabbi side stepped to make way for George Soros, with a scalpel in his hand. Daddy Soros pulled down my pants and circumcized me.

"Welcome to the conspiracy" said Daddy Soros

From then on I was a good Jew, working hard to keep down the working white masses and encouraging race mixing and open borders. I went on the shill for Hillary Clinton and joined my local intersectional femenism club.

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Women's march strikes out on all issues.
At least Linda's right about Israel and LGBT bullshit.

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what if we wanted to beat her an her husband to death

Imagine meltdown if blurred lined being played on speaker.

>Mindlessly obey Jew commands in hope of getting pussy
>Not just killing her husband and enslaving her as spoils of war under Based Sharia Law

White Sharia now

Fuck them both, I hope they ruin each other.

Palestinians are genetically inferior. Everyone knows that.
It comes down to what women I would want to breed. And I’m sure the shekels plays a part.

>no alcohol
Good, only degenerates drink anything except anyway
>no bacon/pork
Good, maybe you won't die of heart failure at 30
>no freedom of speech
And what has that gotten you these days?

Spoils of war, my man

>Good, only degenerates drink anything except water anyway

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I want to take her as my concubine and fill her with my mongrel seed

I hate Islam but the fact we aren't backing it to divide the left is a wasted opportunity. Once the left sees how Sharia dowent fit thier narrative and literally just backs a total patriarchy with women as property and no rights they won't know what the fuck to do. The left is crumbling under it's own lack of foresight and consistent logic.

Nice flag. America has a tiny muslim population. Shill.

That's a Jew dude

I can't hear you over your mongoloid screeching.

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>She wants Sharia law implemented in the USA.

Current Supreme Court won't allow it. Sharia Law is also against Bill of Rights and Constitution, etc. of O remember right.

>The benefits of Sharia
Theres no benefits to Sharia. Its all bad.

I feel like everything’s falling apart.

>Jow Forums
>women’s march
>democrat party
>trump’s presidency
>republicans west of the Mississippi
>Georgia governor election
>border security

It’s like all the zeitgeist that formed during the past 4 years and culminated in the 2016 presidential election has just started splintering away. It’s like it’s all starting to fade back to the frustrating normalhood

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So we're officially siding with Linda Sarsour to take down the kikes? I can dig it.

Palestinian chicks are hot as fuck. Pic related

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>Theres no benefits to Sharia. Its all bad.
Your meme religion that domesticated western civilization is weakening, Shlomo

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Linda should be gassed because she is a sharia loving mudslime that subverts western white christian culture.

Jews are cancer

Islam is chemo
NatSoc is a biopsy



she literally looks israeli

>western white christian culture.
Yes goy, don't forgot to give your life and, more importantly, your shekels to protect God's chosen people. You'll be rewarded for it in the afterlife

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Why breed any semite?

I live in Jersey and we had a bunch of hot Lebanese and Palestinian girls. None of them are allowed to date though. The jewish kids all looked like dur stormer stereotypes. Here's that one activist bitch whos pretty cute

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Linda Sarsour is /ourgirl/

Christianity is a foreign semitic sandnigger religion, its not white and western.

all these triggered kikes, as soon as you mention muslim good, kek.

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>nearly two thousand years of history within Europe
>shaped European culture and values
Yeah it’s just so un-western, right fellow white people??

> Let's elect a muslim and score diversity points!
> Wait, what the fuck?
> Why is our politician acting like a muslim?

Leftism is a mental illness, and since there's way too many leftists to instutionalize them all, they need to be gassed, without any unnecessary suffering whenever possible.

I mean, the women's march in itself isn't bad at all.

But why not support the men, who have to go through shit as well and yes, even injustices (in the West especially)? These days it seems to be more about women and vilifying men, though women and men alike are waking up to it.

sharia law is toxic not only to women but men in the long run, we need each other to survive

Oh ok.

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