Why is the incel epidemic exclusively hitting the far/alt-right? Why does it never appear anywhere else?

Why is the incel epidemic exclusively hitting the far/alt-right? Why does it never appear anywhere else?

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Read Sex and Character by Otto Weininger

The explicit purpose of privately owned fiat central banking is the murder of all Christians, because their religion is true.

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Aren't most of the curry niggers?

The left can find people to have sex with by lowering their standards or engaging in more deviant acts. The right refuses to do so and the left mocks them for not following them into the pit.

Exactly as I told everyone.
You fuck off, caught by the digits you piece of shit dick washer.

Because leftism breeds whoredom.

The alt-right is majority incel
Sad little racist incels and virgins

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Why would you reply to this as normal after the FP?

on the left they are called male feminists

Its sad there are leftists who hate free speech so much, bc of their IQs, that they do this insane shit. OP is definitely a school shooter type. Fucking insane. Sage

From what I know aren't most incels non-white. And use their non-whitenes as one for the reasons they're an incel?

Yeah, sure it is.
It’s not you twats is it?
Get out you crap weevil.

I guess "virgin" just doesn't cut it anymore.

You are a bitter racist virgin

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It's a condition

Pretty girls don't fuck idiots. Smart girls don't fuck commies/socialists.
It balances out.


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yes truly shocking that something which popped up during the last election cycle is used exclusively to attack white heterosexual males

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What is “Alt Right”, Op? A label made up by the left? Does it describe a particular group that thinks and says repugnant things? Things that isolate them and turn women off? Video game playin, insecure dweebs that can’t relate to normal people? I don’t know.

>Pretty girls don't fuck idiots.

???? kay

I’d like to put my boot of fascism that goes under my black patrol tacticals at work on OP’s wind pipe. I guess like 92% of NPC activists he can be found at home with mummsy and daddykins. I’d fuck them.

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Lol ohhhh no no noooo

If you’re reading any of this, you might be an incel. Get outside and talk to people. Try to develop a personality.

Because the left wing call their incels "feminist allies". We know them as onions boys and SJWs.
Peterson got this right. He called this out as a 'reproductive tactic' of weak / undesirable men to get closer to women. Of course it seldom actually works and they just get friend-zoned. Why do you think there are so many cases of 'feminist allies' and SJW men going all rapey?

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