Red pill movies

Red pill movie thread. Lets get one going.

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I Stand Alone.

Triumph of will

The Holy Mountain


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Literally red pilled

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How so?
Never expected to hear gaspar noe of all people

Falling Down

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>Jewish made movies being redpilled


>ID is j00

Too leftist to be red-pilled, despite originating the meme.

Eyes Wide Shut was pretty boring. If you were already aware of the satanic shenanigans of the elites its a waste of time. (((They))) murdered Kubrick and released this shitty tame cut that wasnt his final vision.

They Live!
The Matrix
The Network
Falling Down
Night crawler
Godfather I & II
Band of Brothers
Dirty Harry
There Will Be Blood
The Good the Bad and the Ugly
The Proposition
John Wick
Westworld (TV series, not the movie)
Gran Torino
Harry Brown (shows problems of “youths”)
The Road
Angry Birds
Seven Samurai
Dead Poets Society
Requiem For a Dream
Lord of war
13 hours
Zoolander (MK ULTRA:The Movie)
A Prophet
Being There
Death Wish
Dr Strangelove
Come and See
The Corporation
Inside Job
Manufacturing Consent
The Wave
Whitey: The United States of America
Starship Troopers

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How is it leftist?
no one seems to mention Generation Kill these days

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How is it redpilled?

>Angry birds?


Big Daddy

Death Wish. The original from 1974 with Charles Bronson.

There's no such thing as a red pilled movie unfortunately. The closest we've come to one is They Live.

Unironically Angry Birds. It's a not-so-subtle redpill on immigration. I think that was the one. Maybe another hidden red pill too.

lurk more newfag

OP's suggestion is definitely redpilled.

The Player (starring Tim Robbins)
Last American Virgin

The Human Centipede 3: Final Sequence

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Good list, user! Add these to your collection.

It’s a metaphor for transgenderism

Watch it. It's redpilled.

It’s a giant allegory for the European sand nigger invasion
>be redpilled bird
>be outcasted because “facts are racist”
>suddenly pigs show up on a massive scale
>asks legitimate questions about why they are here and what are they are doing
>gets beat up by pigs
>pigs start looting eggs (white fertility and and demographics)
>redpilled bird asks help from bald eagle (wonder who that symbolises)

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Cube is an interesting movie. Not necessarily red pilled but interesting.



Lord of the Rings is reactionary in nature, or at least Tolkein was

It has a White antagonist(s) and the spiritual leader / sage is le based black guy. Enough said.

It's made by two explicitly leftist trannies for a start, both of whom have claimed their ""experiences"" were inspiration for the film.

Besides you'd have to be blind to miss all the Marxist revolutionary wank about needing to "free people from the system" and how they're slaves to "the system" and all that typical radical bullshit.

Mmmm that is based indeed

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Batman Begins

Way ahead of it's time and speaks volumes about what's wrong with our NPC filled society

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Where's the redpill? All those Nixon presidencies?

i never understood what the fuck was about these centipede movies

By the spic kike?

The Dark Knight and The Dark Knight Rises as well, surprisingly so.

Entire movie and the only person he kills is a Nazi
Kill yourself

Zoolander 2

Boondock Saints

the book it is based off of was written by a gay man. it explains it even more when you know this.

Fight club is blue pill the movie

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End of Evangelion but imagine SEELE as the elders of Zion

White Men can’t Jump

Sneakers was a good movie.


This is technically only a redpilled movie if you watch it after being redpilled.

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>only fertile women is a nigger

It's the truth though

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Harry Potter seems fairly decent. He did set up an underground resistance movement to fight against the government's attacks on self-defense. If JK Rowling was not trying to talk about her island's policies on gun ownership then I do not know what.

Their are other hidden things in Harry Potter that really seem like she must of been far less liberal before 3rd/4th wave feminism and before she made her billions. I have always said, I am fairly certain the only interpretation that makes any sense is that Dumbledore sexually abused Voldemort. It is ridiculous how often it is pointed out how horribly abusive he was of his power in general, he is one of the only characters with any sexuality, and Voldemort is just really afraid of him (and not in, here is my biggest rival, sort of way).

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I shouldn't have posted that gif though. It has BS predictions of the future predicated on africa eventually developing.

The network is a much watch also

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based and true its why they killed him, this is also a good one

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my nigga

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The spider at the end scared the shit outta me

Gay Psy-OP lmao

I just started watching the man in the high castle as I was promised a based depiction of the Reich.
It's fucking subversive garbage totally distorting what Nazism was about. Have you niggers been sniffing glue recently?

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planet of the apes

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There was an interview Nicole Kidman gave many years ago about how Stanley Kubrick was obsessed with secret societies. Kubrick told Kidman that the most powerful people in society were controlled by sexual blackmail.

About as redpilled on the jews as anything that's ever come out of the entertainment industry, even though it was made by a jew.

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It's the ultimate deterrent for anyone considering a career in crime.

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Born to feel memes make sense now.

>It's fucking subversive garbage totally distorting what Nazism was about.
Would you claim it is NOT a based depiction somehow?

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Keep in mind that it was being made during the Clinton administration, against the backdrop of Ruby Ridge, the Waco siege, and the Oklahoma City bombing.

While a movie about anarchists dressed in black taking down the authorities might seem leftist now, it had a much different feel at the time.

LOL the directors are transgender!

They're clearly implying and stoking racial hate and division among the allied forces, especially Japan and the Germans. Tied into this is a portrayel of them being power hungry savages with no concience who will betray their friends who they see as inferior at any second. The brave subversive antifascist has to chime in and say technological development doesn't determine how good a society is. Also the sense of constant paranoia among the general population who live in fear of the evil Nazis who took over. Etc etc.
And then of course the main characters, the seemingly "good" white man who turns out to be a secret Nazi essentially betraying the thot.

With these movies/series you always have to view the characters as what they represent and what their behavior implies.

If looking at movies in this way you for example realise that Thanos stands for masculinity and the whole plot revolves around destroying that very concept.

You also have to count in with which pre assumptions the general public go into these movies and what that movie will tell them.
No one outside of this boards mentality will even remotetly get the idea that the Nazis are the good guys here.

now this is a movie Israel dont want you to see haha

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And this is only the first episode...

Snow on tha bluff

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That’s the punishment for making the movie. There was a thread explaining it all

Looks like a nigger movie.

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Literally the greatest movie ever made is 2001: A Space Odyssey, the first time it is fantastic but you have not accepted it as reality yet so it may come across as distant or odd just as many other Kubrich films especially A clockwork orange but by the second time it is even better for you understand it more so but it still has that new and raw vibe and by the third watching you realise the masterpiece that it is and it almost puts the viewer into a trance like state.

If there were ever a movie that could be compared to Wagner's Opera drama Parsifal than it would be A Space Odyssey.`

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Life of brian is pretty nice

I'm satisfied with how close Night Crawler is to the top but where's Dark City?

It’s too low for me. You could sum up the whole movie in 10 minutes


I wanna die

this is what Antifa watch while jerking each other off.

*side note, my computer now autocorrects the spelling of Antifa to capitalize the A

Thank you. Vote Republican.

A Clockwork Orange is another Kubrich masterpiece although difficult to "get into" at first by the third or second viewing you will of accepted it as reality and allows you to understand it's brilliance, A Clockwork Orange is an addictive drug.

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>this guy claims he's redpilled

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subversed by lefty fags