Common Sense Gun Control

Why do useful idiots on the right fetishize guns so much? We could objectively reduce gun violence with several common sense measures:
>Universal background checks
>National firearm database
>End the gun show loophole
>Raise the age to purchase any firearm to 21
>Must prove competence to purchase a firearm (have to pass an exam to drive, but not own a gun??)
>Allow police to seize guns from mentally unstable individuals with a warrant
>High capacity magazine ban
>Bump stock ban
>Ban military style assault weapons
Feel free to post any other measures!

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Other urls found in this thread:

fuck off commie
all fields

Literally not an argument

Why do lefties fetishize nuking people who disagree with them?

>Muh whataboutism

not even 3 days ago we had a government official threaten to use nuclear weapons against US citizens.
it goes in all fields


What do you not understand?

Rights are not without limits. Also, the framers were talking about a farmer owning a musket, not some mentally disturbed suburbanite owning a military style assault weapon with 100 round magazine drums.

This user here is obviously tired of Blowing your semen-shitting Globalist faggots out on a daily basis.
Is this your 1st time posting this retarded shit here? Have you not seen ---day in & day out--- you anti 2A-faggots get utterly destroyed in every argument you make?

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>National firearm database
That defeats the whole purpose of having a gun mate
>End the gun show loophole
That is not real
>Raise the age to purchase any firearm to 21
The reasons why so many kids die to firearms is simply because they don't understand them and don't know safety procedures. So this would actually be a bad thing
>Must prove competence to purchase a firearm (have to pass an exam to drive, but not own a gun??)
The background check is good enough
>Allow police to seize guns from mentally unstable individuals with a warrant
Well what is mentally instable? That can mean a thousand things, and having a loose definition on what mentally instable is is actually very bad since the police can just take guns from everyone for pretty much no legit reason.
>High capacity magazine ban
First of all what is a high capacity magazine? Where is the definition for that? Second of all if somewhat is getting jumped or something the law abiding citizen should have no reason NOT to have a high capacity magazine since in dire situations every bullet counts
>Bump stock ban
You can make your own very easily so thats retarded to ban that
>Ban military style assault weapons
That makes no sense, what is a military style assault weapon?

>Must prove competence to purchase a firearm (have to pass an exam to drive, but not own a gun??)
Owning and bearing guns are literally a right.
Owning a driving a car is not.
Also gun violence isn't a big problem. Tobacco and Alcohol both kill way more people.

Spelling error correction
>Second of all if somewhat is getting jumped
Second of all if someone is getting jumped

Most US gun violence is committed by African American gang members using stolen handguns. What do you propose to counter this, dearest OP.

Are you retarded enough to believe that the founding Fathers were foolish enough to believe that at the end of the 1700's---humankind had reached the Apex pinnacle of civilization?
Pull those nigger-cocks out of your mouth and maybe you won't have so much brain-damage from their semen

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Do not repy to spam.

>Rights are not without limits

Negro do you even English? Rights are unconditional. It's not the "Bill of Privileges."

>tfw no jessica clements gf

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None of those things will solve any problems

>ban military assault weapons

1. That terms is meaningless
2. Long arms kill fewer than. 400 people a year

This is like banning Bugattis to reduce traffic deaths

>I want you to give up your guns to prevent unicorn-rare mass shootings, feral nig-on-nig violence, and suicides
>Also the military and police will of course keep their guns
>I totally do not intend to order them to shoot you despite numerous historical examples of the US government doing exactly that to various ethnic and religious groups

How bout you give up your right to free speech to prevent dissemination of retarded shit, and also I keep mine so my logic and well-tempered opinions hold a greater share of the public discourse?

Idiots aren't useful...
Just like your nonsensical pejorative

>Universal background checks
Already a thing, you've obviously never bought a gun
>National firearm database
ATF tracks lower serial numbers of restricted weapons like SBRs
>End the gun show loophole
Fuck off
>Raise the age to purchase any firearm to 21
The concern here is not allowing kids to purchase a weapon that is easily concealable until of the appropriate age.
>Must prove competence to purchase a firearm (have to pass an exam to drive, but not own a gun??)
False equivalency.
>Allow police to seize guns from mentally unstable individuals with a warrant
Already a thing
>High capacity magazine ban
fuck off
>Bump stock ban
fuck off
>Ban military style assault weapons
fuck off

Look I get where your retardation comes from. You think its an issue with guns, when in reality its irresponsible users and niggers, and for whatever reason you feel the need to drastically change gun laws because a few people got shot up by a maniac. 99.99999999999999% of gun owners are responsible. Don't make them pay the price on behalf of maniacs and niggers. Pls chop off your dick to prevent you from raping anyone.

nice reply, but this is a troll thread. you should just ignore it.

Niggers and spics with felonies dont buy guns anyway so the whole background check thing is really just an extra hoop for law abiding people to jump through. Banning hi cap magazines is absolutely retarded, instead of carrying a 50 rd mag I could just carry multiple smaller ones. Blacks and latinos commit an overwhelming majority of all gun violence 70-80% mostly done with stolen guns owned by those not allowed to own them in the first place. Therefore any laws passed to restrict guns wont have any measurable impact on gun crime because most of the people shooting up the place do so illegally anyway.

The USA is a Constitutional Republic. There are democratic processes in this Republic; but we are a Republic. This is so the majority cannot strip certain rights from the minority.

The 2nd amendment does not give citizens the right to bear arms, we already had it. It only states that the government does NOT have the ability to infringe upon that right. Even if the second amendment was revoked, the citizens would still have the right to bear arms.

Powers that be seek to divide the USA on every front possible. We need to unite under a set of shared values. We are stronger together.
I hope you all enjoy your Monday evening!!

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>>Universal background checks
Every person should be free to buy a firearm or be in jail or on parole. Clearly jail and parole already have limits on their actions.
>>National firearm database
Does nothing to reduce violence.
>>End the gun show loophole
It's not a loophole, people have the right to sell their property.
>>Raise the age to purchase any firearm to 21
After you raise the age of the draft, voting and legal responsibility to 21 and then provide compelling evidence that this would lower firearm violence.
>>Must prove competence to purchase a firearm (have to pass an exam to drive, but not own a gun??)
Institute public school education and training in firearms and make it a requirement for high school graduation. Require it for any degree granting body.
>>Allow police to seize guns from mentally unstable individuals with a warrant
Literally already the law.

>>High capacity magazine ban
>>Bump stock ban
>>Ban military style assault weapons
Get fucked gun grabber.

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The Supreme Court has ruled that the 1st and 4th amendment are not limitless. You're wrong

>The USA is a Constitutional Republic. There are democratic processes in this Republic; but we are a Republic. This is so the majority cannot strip certain rights from the minority.
You are a fucking idiot.
A Republic means you do not have a monarchy. That is it that is all. It doesn't mean anything else.

The part you left out in the description of the USA is that it is a Federated Republic, meaning that it is a federation of states and those states have sub-sovereign legal power.

Why don't you understand common sense territory defense, user? High-grade state-of-the-art weaponry is every American's duty to operate and maintain. There is zero threat of landwar due to your fellow citizens doing their duty and bearing these arms.
user, why are you not part of our well regulated militia?

>The Supreme Court has ruled that the 1st and 4th amendment are not limitless. You're wrong
And they are wrong, making up shit that they have no legal power to do.

>they have no legal power to do.
Courts have the authority to interpret laws...

Kill all niggers

Crime down 78%

>Also, the framers were talking about a farmer owning a musket, not some mentally disturbed suburbanite owning a military style assault weapon with 100 round magazine drums.
Muskets were military style assault weapons when the second amendment was created. So basically, that's exactly what they had in mind.

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No monarchy, and a constitution = constitutional republic.

Pic related.
Checked and curious what you mean by 'interpret', because the proper thing to do is follow the fucking text as written with as little interpretation as possible.

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>Courts have the authority to interpret laws...
Show me where in the Constitution it says the SC has the power to lower a protection within the Constitution.

They have the power to interpret laws, but not the constitution. What the constitution says is the law and ultimate authority that grants legal power in the USA. The SC has no power to change the constitution while interpreting lesser laws.

The government conveniently ignores the fourth amendment which is a damn good justification for exercising the second. The only cases where the first amendment is limited involve BEHAVIORS that extend beyond mere 'expression' and cases of defamation which also has real world consequences that go beyond merely expressing an opinion. IMO those are very reasonable exceptions and probably should have been included in the original wording, but the constitution is hardly an infallible document.

We could reduce gun violence by taking them out of blacks hands. Your point?


>>Universal background checks
unconstitutional, also felons already can't own guns
>>National firearm database
no reason to have this unless you want to do unconstitutional things
>>End the gun show loophole
doesn't exist. no it literally does not exist.
>>Raise the age to purchase any firearm to 21
unconstitutional and also retarded
>>Must prove competence to purchase a firearm (have to pass an exam to drive, but not own a gun??)
unconsitutional, driving is a privilege but defense is a right
>>Allow police to seize guns from mentally unstable individuals with a warrant
unconstitutional and also the mental health thing should be solved first
>>High capacity magazine ban
unconstitutional and also dumb as shit idea coined by jews to decrease interest in firearms by making them less fun, has never hindered a mass shooter
>>Bump stock ban
unconstitutional, see previous response
>>Ban military style assault weapons
unconstitutional, assault weapons are an intentionally vague non-definition designed to scare women and retards, also see previous response

>Feel free to post any other measures!
all gun control unconstitutional
automatic weapons ban, import ban, every single restriction, all of it is unconstitutional and designed to enfeeble the population
every oppressive regime in history took weapons from the population, globalists want the same thing as them

>inb4 government has nukes and jets
good thing those nukes and drones allow us to never have any problem with goat herders or rice farmers putting up a fight... oh wait

your days are numbered.

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Than by that logic freedom of the press only applies to newspapers, bot tv or radio and freedom of speech only refers to the sound coming out your mouth not social media, tv ect

Not a single valid argument anywhere. The first step to tyranny is preventing people from adequately defending themselves with the weapon of their choosing.

How does it feel to shill for the global elite?

A theocracy with a constitution wouldn't always be considered a constitutional republic even while having no monarchy and a constitution.
Similar for a dictatorship.


Repeal the NFA. Mandate firearms courses be taught in schools again, along with shop and home-ec. Send niggers back to Africa.

Op, please show me where the right to drive a car is enshrined in the constitution?
It’s a privledge hence you have to prove competence to partake.

You're baiting for (You)s, but you should also kys

>>Universal background checks
"You don't have the right to sell your own shit"
>>National firearm database
"We want a database of everyone who poses a threat to our regime"
>>End the gun show loophole
"I know we promised that as part of the 1986 law, but our word means nothing to us."
>>Raise the age to purchase any firearm to 21
"You can vote for the guy with the nukes who sends marines to die in deserts, but can't protect yourself."
>>Must prove competence to purchase a firearm (have to pass an exam to drive, but not own a gun??)
"See this set of guidelines written by agenda-driven, ignorant commies? Study hard!"
>>Allow police to seize guns from mentally unstable individuals with a warrant
"We want to establish this hole in the 4th Amendment before we use it on other things."
>>High capacity magazine ban
"If Koreans can't repel a horde of rioters with five bullets, they deserve to lose their stores."
>>Bump stock ban
"We can't prove this would fix anything, but some guy used it once to kill people so no one can have it ever."
>>Ban military style assault weapons
"We are not under any obligation to understand or clearly define the things we ban. Fuck you, vote slave."

Do de do de do...

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If it has elected representatives and a constitution then it's a constitutional republic. If you add theocracy then it just becomes a constitutional theocratic republic. Hello Israel.

Also this

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Dedle dedle de...

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>common sense
>gun control
Pick one

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There is no such thing as common sense gun control. Current "common sense" gun laws say that this gun which fires shotgun shells is not technically a shotgun because it has no stock and is less than 26" long. Has all of the same internal mechanisms as other Mossberg shotguns and yet it is not a shotgun according to the law. Try to figure that one out.

Our "common sense" laws also ban suppressors which are required in some nations to reduce noise pollution and protect hearing. According to the non-"common sense" laws in the US a suppressor is dangerous and only used by criminals. No gun law makes any sense. They're all written by morons who don't know guns.

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Amend the Constitution if you want to get rid of them.
Til then, fuck off.

Dum de dumbassery de dum

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Based and redpilled

who is this semen demon

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>Already a thing
>No point - criminals steal their guns
>Was never a thing
>Already is for handguns - the most used weapons in crime
>Most mass shooters are untrained amateurs - why would you give them training? Also it's required for a concealed carry permit
>Commitment already means having your guns removed
>Makes people choose bigger, more lethal calibers (most recent shooting in California used a 45)
>Already banned
>Literally kill less people than bare hands
Ur dumb

Why do useless idiots on the left hate freedom so much?

>allow police to seize guns from mentally unstable individuals with a warrant
Who determines who is mentally unstable?
>ban military style assault weapons
Kek, the 2nd amendment was thought of the citizens having parity with the government not shooting a deer with a souped up BB gun

Our guns aren't going anywhere.

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Common sense is just a buzzword to brand your opinion

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>Why do useful idiots on the left fetishize legal guns owners so much? We could objectively reduce left stupidity with several common sense measures:
>Universal education about dictators banning guns
>National commie database
>End the welfare state loophole
>Raise the age to vote to 35
>Must prove competence to purchase a computer (have to pass an exam to drive, but not own spew stupidity online??)
>Allow police to seize computers from mentally unstable individuals self-identified as commies (all of them)
>Minimum wage ban
>High Taxes ban
>Ban commie style assault news channels

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Why don't you leave the country? I thought you said you were going to leave 18 years ago if Bush got elected? Why can't anti Whites ever keep their word?

>If it has elected representatives and a constitution then it's a constitutional republic.
No. Canada has both and is not a republic.

To be a republic you need to not have a monarchy.
To be 'constitutional' you need a constitution.
It's more or less just mixing and matching requirements to build a descriptor of the government.

But the key point is that a Republic isn't a federation of states meant to protect a minority.

>Universal background checks
They already do this.
>National firearm database
>End the gun show loophole
What gun show loophole? Have you ever tried to buy a firearm at a gun show? They still do background checks just like any other gun dealer. If you're referring to private sales at gun shows, then I may be able to find common ground on legislation that requires gun transfers to be done through an FFL dealer, although this really rustles my freedom jimmies.
>Raise the age to purchase any firearm to 21
So at 18 you can enlist in the military and be issued an M-16, but not legally purchase the civilian equivalent? Do you have statistics that show why this change would reduce gun violence? If you're proposing regulation, it's your responsibility to provide the evidence as to why it's good legislation.
>Must prove competence to purchase a firearm (have to pass an exam to drive, but not own a gun??)
I can buy a car without a license, I just can't drive it on public roads. The same goes for firearms, you can buy one without a license, but most states require you to have a license to carry in public, which involves training and a competency test.
>Allow police to seize guns from mentally unstable individuals with a warrant
I'm not sure what you mean by this, I'm pretty sure the police can seize firearms with a proper warrant. I could be wrong and would be happy to talk about it with more detail.
>High capacity magazine ban
Why? Do you even understand what the 2nd Amendment was about? People want to ban "high capacity magazines" because "more bullets kill more people". This is exactly the type of weapon that I want to have when I have to take up arms against tyranny and form a well regulated militia.
>Bump stock ban
I can make a bump stock with my shoelace. Banning them isn't going to solve anything.
>Ban military style assault weapons
Define "Military Style assault weapon" Protip: you can't because you're an idiot.

literally justin trudea as a female

Yeah guys listen to this faggot give up on guns let the shitskins rape your mothers and daughters infront of you at gunpoint

>Universal background checks
There are already background checks
>National firearm database
No. Stop trying to eyeball citizens
>End the gun show loophole
There is none. Go try it
>Raise the age to purchase any firearm to 21
Then you need to raise age of an adult to 21. Stop trying to restrict constitutional rights
>Must prove competence to purchase a firearm (have to pass an exam to drive, but not own a gun??)
State issue at best not federal. Also driving is a privilege not a right
>Allow police to seize guns from mentally unstable individuals with a warrant
There are already ways to commit someone to an institution. This would be used as an end run to confiscate guns
>High capacity magazine ban
30 rounds is a standard magazine. Magazine capacity doesnt really matter at the end of the day anyway without marksmanship
>Bump stock ban
>Ban military style assault weapons
Vague and stupid term by people who don't understand firearm mechanics.

4/10 got me assflustered and to reply.

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Guns should just be banned period anything else goes against objectively impacting gun violence.

Why should guns be banned though you stupid piece of shit why can't a mentally stable person that wouldn't shoot somebody for no reason not own one?

What's wrong with her face?

>me whenever I see an asian chick

>What's wrong with her face?
Doesn't have a cock shoved down her throat.

why is your flag like that has your country not been discovered by us romanians yet?

OP are you just dumb or really dumb shilling the same old shit day in day out?
44,500 people commit suicide in America 16,000 to 19,000 with a weapon, yet the other 25,500 use other methods. What now ban suicide? All mass shooters have a mental health problems, yet nobody wants to ban crazy. What is stopping crazies from making bombs or chemical weapons? Instead of a dozen killed hundreds would die, but you being a degenerate mental midget fails to realize this fact. Criminals and crazy don't give fuck about your delusions, of a perfect society. You deserve neither freedom nor safety giving up your rights for temporary safety. Criminals would only be embolden in your perfect world it is happening already in liberal run cities where criminals have all the rights. OP next your getting ass raped let us know how your cell phone stopped the attack ?

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Measure #1: Your mouth on my knob as I enter you from the anus with the muzzle from my DD M4V1 with attached magpul D60 and aimpoint pro

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Common sense gun control:
complete and total ban for nigger gun ownership
Gun crime plummets to european levels

>Point of 2nd amendment is to shoot spook faggots that try to take away rights
>Why dont we just let the spooks decide what we have rights to?
I hate gungrabbers so much

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Sabotaged your whole post right there, faggot. Inappropriate hyperbole, not to mention straw man. You tried so hard to appear rational and objective, too.

>Universal background checks - only exemption is private sale / gift. Meh.
>National firearm database - you obviously don't know the process behind weapons sales. Background check > sale allowed > all info recorded and kept by dealer, by law > crime committed, serial number traces gun to dealer, dealer tells police who purchased it. DE FACTO national registry.
>End the gun show loophole - no loophole specific to gun shows. Uninformed sperging. See private sale above
>Raise the age to purchase any firearm to 21
>Must prove competence to purchase a firearm (have to pass an exam to drive, but not own a gun??) - 1) If it worked for cars there wouldn't be any shitty drivers, right? 2) Incompetence isn't the issue that causes gun violence. Actually the more competent, the more proficient mass killer would be. Do you think more than 2 words ahead?
>Allow police to seize guns from mentally unstable individuals with a warrant - I believe that's already the case?
>High capacity magazine ban
>Bump stock ban
>Ban military style assault weapons - Already de facto banned. If you have any doubts, try taking a marine's M16 or seal's MP7 and giving him an AR15 in exchange.

Can we have background checks for voting too?


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fuck off

Is this guy still ok? I found his content a few years ago and saw he had some neurodegenerative disease. Life's fucking gay

He had MS I think, started to look a little sickly is his last video. I hope you're doing good Dugan :(

South African Farmers

What’s preventing people from bypassing all of this and simply getting guns off of the black market? It’s not even that hard, you just have to find out where to go.

>Giganigga breaks into your house with intent to steal your shit and rape your wife
>Don’t have a gun

Have fun faggot

how about this for common sense gun control:

>come and try to take it commie

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>Universal background checks
Will give power the state to snuff into people's lives and know how well defended they are (pretty tyrannical if you ask me)
>National firearm database
Same thing as with the first topic
>End the gun show loophole
Thoroughly debunked myth. Check Crowder's is videos for a start
>Raise the age to purchase any firearm to 21
You can still get it ilegally. Did the 16 or 18 year old restriction stopped Nikolas Cruz? Plus, schools are gun free zones. That didn't help either. And don't even come with the drug counterargument. You can use guns for good reasons (self defense, defense of property, defense of country in wars), but I'm yet to see meth do any good to anyone but the guy selling it...
>Must prove competence to purchase a firearm (have to pass an exam to drive, but not own a gun??)
Will just give a loophole for arbitrary gun permitsor non-permits, just like they did here in Brazil. We have 70.000 annual murders and people are completely defenseless. And considering how many traffic accidents you see in both our countries, the government proven to be quite incompetent to evaluate drivers.
>Allow police to seize guns from mentally unstable individuals with a warrant
Again, you're giving the state power to flag anyone as mentally unstable, with the plus of helping to enforce a monopoly of strengh by the state
>High capacity magazine ban
Anyone can still get the high cap. mags illegally, and even if the do not, they can still bring more low or medium cap. mags.
>Bump stock ban
Really? You really think that reduces mass shooters and gun related crimes? Prove that!
>Ban military style assault weapons
Again, you can still get them illegally. Plus, you can still do mass shootings with any gun you want
To end this fucking sermon (I hate to do these on the internet), I will leave one question to you: Why gun control advocates always speak of the victims of gun related crimes and never speak of how many people are saved by gun carrying citizens?

I don't trust the left to be unbiased so no database and no litmus.

I will give you lots of this....


As a target shooter, a hunter, and a collector of antiques, I am in favour of restricting access to guns for specific types of people. What I would say is that provided that one is not such a person, then one should have entirely unrestricted access to all weapons. We must suppress vice but leave the good and innocent folk unmolested.

>Must prove competence to purchase a firearm (have to pass an exam to drive, but not own a gun??)
>Allow police to seize guns from mentally unstable individuals with a warrant
These are fair suggestions. I think it would be simpler just to ban niggers.

The rest of the "points" are a mix of vanguardist buzzwords, propaganda, and outright lies, that have far more to do with trying to win votes than trying to craft good policy.

Pro-tip: The right isn't interested in reducing gun violence because they have guns to defend their person and property.

When are leftists going to get on board with 2A and quit bitching about something that SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.

>Penn and Teller Bullshit: Second Amendment
Watch this and fuck off to the gun store and quit this Bolshevik bitching.

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Anyway, the important thing is that "common sense gun control" is a complete non-starter unless we first implement common sense nigger control, because even with gun control, out-of-control niggers will continue to do massive amounts of harm.

Best movie

Fuck you and fuck any cop that tries to enforce this. You and all of your ilk deserve nothing short of a bullet for even trying to dismantle this country's foundation.