...he was fired because he was such an absolute pain in the ass to work with, and everyone who had to be around him hated his constant douchebaggery. World Peace had great ratings, hence the 100-ep deal, so in order to get upper management on board with getting rid of him, mid-management had to manufacture a PR crisis and turn Sam into a third rail. And that is exactly what they used BuzzFeed to do.
Sam Hyde wasn't fired because he's "alt-right"
no one cares about (((sam hyde))).
this. apart from the shooter meme anyway
it's well known the guy is a faggot IRL anyway, he's a joke meant to be laughed at, not with.
you have to be a seriously huge douche for a major network to throw away money like that
sam hyde molested me as a child he was posing as a dinner lady
>huge douche
he is. just listen to him:
Sam is based and redpilled.
He's not perfect but he's woken up plenty of edgy teens looking for non-kiked entertainment.
Sam’s dad died? Guess that’s one less abortionist lawyer
Female Sam is just Amber Frost LMFAO
Wow you are a massive faggot. A LARP is something you use as proof
he didn't die but the fucker is in his 70's. at that age you plan for what's gonna happen when you go.
he isnt making shit from hydewars.
Nigger tier shills need to off themselves
>a larp
she came forward on the /mde/ image board and posted the bounced checks she got lol
Do you just refresh Jow Forums and /tv/ 24 hours a day waiting for threads about Sam Hyde?
how do you know? the guy can somehow afford office space and employees and trucks, all of it can't come from his bitcoin shit.
large companies will do things like this. it's very common that the "public" outcries you see over celeb-tier employees are actually manufactured by the companies themselves to convince everyone to either support firing that person, or stay quiet about opposing it. like going on a 2-week long vacation when you probably could have convinced people to keep WP on the air
Sam Hyde is...
>Tranny Fucker
>Giant Douche Bag
Pick all.
You don't have any of these things, Sam.
Cool story you fucking faggot.
Obligatory "he cant keep getting away with this"
Christ you are fucking stupid. I don't doubt it could be true but you've taken something that can't even be called evidence as a fucking fact. You are such a dumb sack of shit. 2 stop payments with no description no context no information
>Faggot r*dditor: see I was right!
Sam must be a huge disappointment. His dad is literally an ivy educated lawyer and doctor.
His mom was a flight attendant and Sam’s dad left his first wife for her
Sam Hyde is the equivalent of a tripfag
Dont know why people worship his ass
>flue poo
>loo with a view
>mystery dumper lays cable
>foul bowelled
>I can't refute/debunk any of it
>I know! Ill call *him* fucking stupid
I would hate Sam too if I were his dad. I remember him saying when he made it he would buy his mom a house or at least take care of her so she wasn't working 40 hour weeks in her 70's but here he is spending money on whores and cars like every other sociopathic ass hole. He just larps as a caring individual. Watching shit like that video where he cries about some fan with a disease reaching out to him is just him trying to pretend to be human. He's just some narcissistic materialist prick like those people he mocked in that IMG_0612 video accept his pretentious proclivities revolve around rice burners and fucking fan girls.
hey sam
sup sam
Sammy is hilarious. He is the Andy Kaufman of our time. I wish he'd quit with mde and go back to stand up but he's probably blacklisted most places at this point.
You sound like a total fag. I don't care about his personal life. I want to watch him put crowds into uncomfortable situations, truly a lost form of comedy.
>you have to be a seriously huge douche for a major network to throw away money like that
Well bigballs dont really care if their employees are douches if they arent ever around them. but if you piss off enough of the wrong people, those people can orchestrate a situation that will MAKE the bigballs care enough not to raise a stink when the guy gets fired. This can even happen to people who could potentially make a company a lot of money... but if nobody wants to fucking work because this one single guy is fucking everything up for everyone constantly, it's a bigger risk for the company to keep that guy around.
i've never met sam or know anything about him and I dont know if anything in the OP is true, but i've definitely seen certain types of people who just don't fit in with a company setting because, for whatever reason, they rub too many people the wrong fucking way... those types of people are better off just trying their luck with doing their own thing
Why has no one noticed his physical similarities to Trotsky. ESP those glasses.
How mad do you have to be that someone fucks more than you that you had to compile a whole list of proofs that he fucks more than you as a burn?
>...he was fired because he was such an absolute pain in the ass to work with, and everyone who had to be around him hated his constant douchebaggery.
Which we never heard about from anyone, aside from apparently some butthurt femanon who hasn't put forward any evidence that she even knew the guy.
that's just judaism
>Retard spends years worth of savings on muh zoomzoom boomer power fantasy car
>Young kid gets into car accident
>years later still mad about material possession
>bans person from their own fathers funeral
Sam did literally nothing wrong. This is typical boomer shit morals "muh zoomzoom car" more important than family and love and forgiveness. The pinnacle of their life is some fucking material acquisition they shouldnt have been buying in the first place.
You can run...
>I want to watch him put crowds into uncomfortable situations
Even Sam doesn't want to do that anymore. His "content" is him giving (paywalled mind you) shitty Jordan Peterson style advice to his idiot fans.
lol jews are perfectly willing to lose shekels for the sake of maintaining control
They will fire Sam for drawing attention to them even if his show is profitable just like they will make a movie with BMWF protagonists that would get them more shekels with a white male lead.
His show was axed because he went way too far in making fun of jews and their narratives.
The main point is that Sam is the same as the yuppie faggots he makes fun of. The guy is a hypocrite
>i believe in free speech
>*censors comments that hurts his fee fees*
>i believe in the free market
>wtf why arent you guys giving me money for this shit content?
>jews and celebrities are degenerate sex freaks
>its baste, alpha and redpilled when i do it
>makes KSTV criticising the content practices and characters being dirtbags for money
>starts doing it himself
ITT: a few fags with personal beef about a Sam Hyde take their case to Jow Forums.
kek. tldr on the shit he says?
This bloke isn't even fucking funny. I'll never understand the hype over this yawn fest.
Who the fuck are you larper?
If you are adult swim insider then show us your credentials and timestamp.
Also wrong board to post
I mean, I still love MDE and all that good shit, but I knew a guy who reminded me alot of Sam.
He was a narcissistic drug addicted sociopath.
Basing his behavior off Sams I can say its a pretty good fit and there is some plausibility to this LARP.
But I dont care, I just want some more funny shit where he goes to universities and shits on retards.
Is his boipussii fresh?
Buddy you are stupid. You took what two larpers said to heart because they had a pic of Sam and because you want to believe that those things are true.
Jews will NEVER reveal the lie of the Holocaust. Why the fuck would a Jew go on stage and tell goys to question muh holobunga?
Literally common sense stuff and things you could find in a Dale Carnegie book (only veiled in his ironic humor). For example, if you have nothing nice to say it's better to not say anything at all, once you've said something you can't really take it back, shit like that. Telling stories is a good way to engage people. Yes that's the kind of shit Sam puts into Hydewars. Only 5 bucks a month to get his wisdom.
I'll eat Sam's ass
The people in that image pretty much proved their connection to Sam. The girl Sam Jewed was even in some of Sam's early vids, and people also posted behind the scenes stuff from Hydewars that only someone close to Sam would have had on her youtube. Did you not read that pic at all? Where did pic related come from then? Read the original image then come back with an actual argument faggot.
in other words, pure judaism
Hey. I heard this song for the first time in years in the car on the way back from work and it reminded me of a girl I was with back then who I’ve got a kid with and who I cheated on and it made me feel things. I had to pull over.
Now I remember, Sam Hyde did it and I feel better about it. He’s like the baby Jesus. But fuck ugly.
Goodnight /pol and sneaky shills pretending to be /pol.
he's starting to look like a manbaby that weev shit out after his colon was impregnated by paul giamatti. Jews always get consumed by their own nihilism
This thread is long and gay but as someone who's actually worked with Sam I wanted to say he's a doll and basically is a adult who doesn't bullshit. If there was any problems with him at AS it was probably because he wasn't interested in being a faggot and going to sissy tea parties at work and playing ping pong with marketing
tits or gtfo
Found the jew.
No they didn't one of them had a picture and the other faggot just tagged along for you to call that proof makes you a dumb fuck.
Either these are shills. Or it is an elaborate prank by Sam himself.
>an adult who doesn't bullshit
good one. hi sam (or don or cam)
You sound like you're 12
Wow, do you also believe the story about Ronda rouse beating him up and fucking him the ads with a strap on in a bar bathroom. You know he manufactures horrible stories about himself right. And this isn't new he has been saying this forbyears
Has Sam released his catfishing videos yet?
then debunk the image faggot if it's so fake
He steamrolls like a chad caveman
I do
>his physical similarities to Trotsky
>esp those glasses
>physically similar
Sam Hyde wearing Trotsky glasses is probably his post-ironic sense of humor. They aren't the only glasses he wears, but most of his glasses look ridiculous when he's doing a comedy bit. He also wears rectangular glasses, oval glasses, and contact lenses frequently too.
Beyond that and some of his facial hair choices (which have also changed wildly with the times) he doesn't really resemble Trotsky. One of the most noticeable things about Trotsky is how small his face is for his head. Sam has a very large face. His eyes and eyebrows extend practically across the whole front of his head. This is a very significant difference so I doubt they have any relation at all.
it's also common for actors to have large faces like Sam (because that means they are more emotive and capable, especially in the kind of performance art/on stage stuff that Sam got noticed for) so it doesn't seem non-average because most people on TV have large faces. When you see a picture of Trotsky though it immediately jumps out to you how small his face is.
t h i s
Hello lefty
15yrs old isn't a pedo shithead
It is obvious at this point that he has substance abuse issues and has had these issues for years now. However, he previously made great content and is still leaps and bounds above hollyweird faggots.
You got to be some special kind of miserable loser to make this thread. Enjoy your shit life.
He was dropped because of jews kvetching.
Sam is an asshole though
sammy boy made my subway sandwich the other day
Thier director friend...
i attended highschool with samantha hyde. AMA
>track down and debunk a bunch of anonymous posters
Does your mom know you're gay?
so you're saying you've got nada, nothing, no argument, got it. Sam Hyde fans everyone.
He is right this doesn't prove shit. You faggots could write your own bounced checks. Thots on suicide watch.
I have as much proof as you. You are using a bunch of random posts. You could have made those posts for all we know! You fuckin idiot!
Why don't you post proof then?
So you are actually saying that someone out there impersonated someone that was close to Sam and appeared in some of his vids and made up fake bounced checks just to smear Sam on an anonymous image board. And you have 0 stuff to back that claim up. riiight.
The fact that you wont go into the meat of the image to point out anything specific speaks volumes. The only things questionable in it are the claims about Sam banging dudes and sticking stuff up his butt because it boils down to he-said/she-said.
>when you shillpost so hard past the main material and reshill shitpost anything else like a faggot
Does this still work?
His Dad is an abortionist lawyer?
Who wrote that? Who bought the car? Was the wreck just teenage carelessness or was alcohol involved?
if Sam fucked a tranny i'd have even more respect for him
>So you are actually saying that someone out there impersonated someone that was close to Sam and appeared in some of his vids and made up fake bounced checks just to smear Sam on an anonymous image board. And you have 0 stuff to back that claim up. riiight.
I'm saying post this person because no one has seen them. Shouldn't be too hard right? What you don't save evidence like everyone else does on here?
>The fact that you wont go into the meat of the image to point out anything specific speaks volumes. The only things questionable in it are the claims about Sam banging dudes and sticking stuff up his butt because it boils down to he-said/she-said.
Still no proof.
Seriously this. Tranny fucking is based.
she posted her face on /mde/ when she posted the bounced checks.