And to add more BS to this nonsense -- Ivanka claims that she "did not know there were rules about the use of emails."

And to add more BS to this nonsense -- Ivanka claims that she "did not know there were rules about the use of emails."

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Like I give a fuck. Fuck you and fuck the leftist scum.

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Tell us all about her server in the basement with classified info that the Russians have.

hillary only emailed about yoga and her daughters wedding. Trump's spawn is beyond disgusting.

Fake news

I don't care, i just don't like women and wanted her in jail.


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That illegal why is this news?

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gop or israeli shill, please leave

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"Muh fairness!"
No fuck you. Burn all democrats in a lake of fire.

Serious question here: Is there anything cringier in modern American political discourse (lol) than Occupy Democrats?

It's so bad that half the time I can't tell the troll memes from the real ones.

Imagine her first day in prison shower.



She isn't secretary of state and didn't smash hard drives and destroy evidence to cover up her illegal dealings as Secretary.

Pretty sure it's sourced by a 45 year old cat lady and a troll from Jow Forums goading her on.


>you're a hypocrite

ok, and?

Thanks for the boner.

Still better than the golden shower Donald gives her.

Haha tough shit.

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Did she misuse classified documents? Hillary isn't guilty of using emails, she's guilty or misusing classified documents. If Ivanka misuse classified documents against the regulations of her current job then I will condemn her just like Hillary. But that requires evidence she misused classified docs, not evidence that she used her email for any regular government business.

Use wisely user. Welcome.


Fucken wot, you anti-chosenite scum...??

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Jow Forums has the worst janitors

Jow Forums criticized Hillary for pretty much everything but her emails, it was kind of a non-issue to everyone but the MSM