It's literally the furthest point in Mexico away from the Central American border. Why are they the ones sperging out?
Why the FUCK is hell breaking loose in Tijuana?
I believe because the migrants have settled there. They (the migrants) are waiting for others to arrive so that they become so numerous that they can storm the border.
This is going to be epic.
Tijuana is an actual portal to Hell. Nuevo Laredo, Matamoros, and Juarez, too.
>borders with california the cuckiest place on earth
>rest of mexico northern states are going to be in freezing weather soon
mi city is fucked :(
because thats were they stopped,idiot
I think that they are hoping to send so many over the razor wire that they can overrun it safely.
Basically building a ramp of mutilated bodies over the wire.
I fucking hate central americans, such ungrateful fucks just shitting up every place they are. If they are so numerous they just just storm their own government and fix their country.
>free everything
>same as mexico
decisions, decisions
>"We want the caravan to go; they are invading us," said Patricia Reyes, a 62-year-old protester, hiding from the sun under an umbrella. "They should have come into Mexico correctly, legally, but they came in like animals."
Why don't you guys build a wall too?
yes, it's something I was wondering yesterday. Why wait for them to move all the way up there and not just stop them from the beginning. there's some 4d chess at play I'm just gonna wait and see
maybe they want to use mexican outrage as a redpill for liberals? maybe they want to use it as an excuse to deport more illegals? who knows..
Because its right under california
We do have a wall but they are coming in boats.
>Why the FUCK is hell breaking loose in Tijuana?
get a load of this clueless newfag
dont hate the sinner, hate the jews
If you were in their shoes wouldn’t you rather enter California than Texas?
There’s a good chance that California will be it’s own country in the next decade and they’re probably factoring that in as well.
Also worth mentioning that California, Oregon, and Washington are pretty much a free travel zone for illegal immigrants. If they wanted too, they could head straight for British Columbia, and we SHOULD encourage that.
Trump has failed us. Let’s start a go fund me to get some travel buses down there that will take them all straight to Canada.
Based and redpilled Tijuana residents. #MMGA
because the illegal aliens are stuck. They can't pass the razor wire now. Now the caravan is backing up and the mexicans are freaking out because there are only so many tacos to go around.
>most crossed border in the world
>safest route
>state is forgiving
Why wouldn't they?
Imagine a protest stopping the most transited border crossing cause they chimp out?
It also didn't help that a fat Honduran woman insulted the food they were offered saying that this is what dogs eat.
Because Tijuana is a huge drug-cartel hotspot
The migrant caravan is making it incredibly hard for normal illegal immigrants to sneak drugs over the boarder.
Also Mexicans hate other Central Americans iirc
Don’t you have a pacific island hellhole to send them permanently that would discourage others from trying..
not it cause it is the safest rout, and all the governors and mayor threw Tijuana under the bus, and played buses to ship them there
Mexico is in North America. Central American countries are the tiny countries between Mexico and Columbia.
Give us a good show, don't pussy out now.
whites & Mexicans Vs. Blacks & Jews
Who wins?
Chink Jew.
Mfw I live in a portal to hell. Juarez represent, have us in your thoughts and prayers.
Who cares? A wave of illegals storming America's southern border will awaken normies. Perhaps, the NPCs will even ask themselves, "Was orange man right?"
Doubt it MSM is pretty silent about it.
Sorry if I offended you costa rica, you can come to mexico any time.
I hope it starts soon because niggers are going to outnumber us.
Then why can't I tell any of them apart?
Checkmate, atheist.
This is just in africa though. The black population is the US for example has actually gone down from roughly 20% in 1776 to 13% now. and is still going down as a fraction of the total population.
Where the fuck do you think the CARAVAN that sits in Mexico, eating shitting and eating some more is sitting right now you fucking idiot?
so this will end up with 10k parasites sitting around debating whether to zerg rush, with the local beaners getting rightfully pissed. also a couple more 'caravans' apparently on the way.
there seems to be no outcome where this isn't some kind of happening, they were probably paid and helped to make the trip but I wonder if they got money and support for the return
>We do have a wall
Now you know how we feel
I wanna go to Hong Kong Club and bang some escorts, is it still safe to do that?
Lold so hard at this
really? this is great news.
They're ungrateful criminals...who wouldn't be upset?