WE GOT HER, BOYS. Ivanka Trump used a personal account to send emails about government business. Is this gonna be as severe as the Hillary thing considering how many people hate this fucking family and want to get them in trouble.



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so nothing is going to happen?

if she is sharing classified or top secret/above top secret government information than i fully agree she should be prosecuted.

Do you agree?


is it illegal to use it for gov't work if its not classified info?

Get those Jew York Democrats out of the White House

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i'm sure ivanka trump is working with tons of very sensitive information. totally exactly the same as being secretary of state, am i right goys?


nothing will happen you fucking kike

Not actually an issue if archive policies are followed.

This just displays what weak comprehension shitlibs have. What Hillary did was bad because she was RECEIVING CLASSIFIED INFO THROUGH AN UNSECURED SERVER. It's not "she didnt use the proper government email hurrrhurr"

Hillary had the names of spy's in here emails that where then captured at executed by the Chinese after hey hacked her server.

Yes. But every white house does it.

Also, notice how they desperately want to get the Trumps on exactly what the Clintons are guilty of?
>extramarital affairs
>shady dealings with foreign governments
>email servers
These people are retarded

Gov boi here, not illegal but frowned upon.


someone please wake me up when they find SAP's on Ivanka's home computer

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Thank god shes getting locked up. Does no body remember

pic related is from her spokesman. also op is a flaming faggot with aids

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lock her up

You would think after all the bitching about shillaries emails, no one would be dumb enough to essentially do the same thing, perhaps at most generous on a more modest scale. Trump has some fucking stupid children, and here I thought Eric's mongoloid face made him the dumbest.

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kill yourself kike shill

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have Ivanka's emails been subpoenaed by congress, has she destroyed them? were they on a private server hidden from the government networks?

Hillary committed a CRIME
IVANKA’S in the clear.
HRC installed servers in her Chappaqa residence basement
Crooked Hillary Clinton

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