Why aren’t they releasing the name and picture of the shooter in Chicago yet? All the victims are known

Why aren’t they releasing the name and picture of the shooter in Chicago yet? All the victims are known

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Why do you think, retard?

Psssst: It's a nigger.

>be pig
>get shot

poor career choice imho


really? you don't know?


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Yeah this story will get memory-holed pretty quick

protecting the jews with your live is very cost effective

is it a nigger?

To bad they couldn't get him to the hospital in time...

>be cop
>shoot indiscriminately at unarmed citizens
>but muh safety
>get in shootout with actual armed criminal for once
>more innocent lives lost because you cant do your job properly
Fucking miserable fail.
Literal kony tier operator probably LARPd as a badass all day long too.
Police training in this country needs a complete overhaul, or laws need to be written allowing common folk to act as stand in as deputies at any given moment.

Somebody has to keep nigger populations down

Apparently the shooter murdered his ex-fiancée and then went inside the hospital and started shooting.
>going on a shooting spree for THIS

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maybe they haven't been able to find next of kin yet? standard practice is to notify the family before making it public

Guessing he is of the melanin enhanced persuasion.

Articles online say shooter killed his ex, but then goes on to say that the nurse died in the line of fire. Dies that mean a cop killed her? Yeah, Chicago cops are pretty worthless.

Who's from Chicago and was/is a Chinese puppet?

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isn't he on SNL?

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Tamara E. O'Neal MD

she was a doctor at the hospital

The gunman, identified to ABC affiliate WLS as Juan Lopez, 32, the former fiance of the ER doctor, was also killed.


watch them bleach the spic to blame it on white people


Nah, they reported that to be racially sensitive, she didnt have a job.

Didn't want to lose that Dr. income. Bitch wanted to move up.

photoshopped as fuck

A second officer was also shot at, but the bullet struck his holster and embedded itself in his gun. The officer was not injured.

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Lucky white man hands should buy a lottery ticket.

What a perfect example of why "bleaching" is a meme

not just chicongo but the south side too


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I concur...

im trying to find pics of juan lopez before hes bleached

good luck with that, thats like every beaner in chicago.

Nobody cares anymore. It's gun free zones.

that's SOP for CNN. Gonna be another "white hispanic"

>Press S to spit on grave.




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I can find lots of articles naming him but no pics, the fiance doesnt appear to have a facebook, or least one with the spelling of her name thats been published.

and dropped

It was a domestic violence incident and the officer should’ve blasted him immediately. He was a rookie and he was scared to pull the trigger. He fucked up and got capped. Shame on him but it happens

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underrated post

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>Why aren’t they releasing the name and picture of the shooter in Chicago yet?

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The name has been released
>The 32-year-old gunman, identified by sources as Juan Lopez

> Juan Lopez
Juan Lopez
>Juan Lopez
Juan Lopez

Juan Lopez

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>gun wasn't drawn