
How the fuck do we solve the overpopulation problem? The entire population of Europe is at 10% of global population while there is currently 1.2 billion niggers in Africa, projected to grow to 5 billion niggers by 2100 because they don't know what birth control is. There are already way too many people for comfortable living, what the fuck can be done at this point realistically?

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Get a gun and thin the herd ourselves

Once the numbers are high enough we’ll have a dick swinging contest again like in the world wars. Population will massively decrease and winners will be wealthy, losers will be dead or starving. Most likely dying of cancer from radiation.

Bill Gates will kill them with a 30 year death from gut disease he got the approval from Oprah who is the de facto representative of the African race within the Anglo-Zionist faction of the new world order.

brace yourselves

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>How the fuck do we solve the overpopulation problem? The entire population of Europe is at 10% of global population while there is currently 1.2 billion niggers in Africa, projected to grow to 5 billion niggers by 2100 because they don't know what birth control is
Stop feeding animals

Nuke Pajeets

if we'd stop fucking feeding africans and indians through charity it would sort itself out in a generation... but NNOOOOOooooo

For us? Just build enough nukes and don't let them in. Their nations can degenerate into mega favelas while we chill.

>overpopulation problem
ok lets start to address it by killing faggots such as (You)

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Niggers are literally a cancer on the earth.

>almost more niggers than the entirety of Asia by 2100

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anthrax anything non-european
chinkoids, streetshits, and niggers being at the top of the list of course
it's absolutely disgusting that "someone" is letting the whole planet die, because "someone" needs gorillions of literal slave-people to "work" in sweatshop-tier conditions

>Brazil talking about purging whites
Yeah we're in a good place geopolitically, I'm just worried China is going to end up with an economic stranglehold on our balls, and we're gonna end up getting a billion legal Chinese immigrants by an Air China plane instead of a billion niggers across a border

It's easy. Stop sending aid to those countries and let disease kill millions of them.

Good GIF. Thanks for sharing.

Stop feeding nigger countries, and the continent would die out.

Kickout all niggers. Don't allow any of them into our countries. Then, when they have economic collapses and food shortages, don't send any aid. Let them fight in a civil war or starve. Nature will work its self out. Just don't let it spill into our lands.

>what can we do realistically
The UN is going to keep propping the nigger continent up with our money for as long as possible, what we really need is for them to spend that money on birth control instead of food but since the average normie is all "omg those poor africans" it will never happen
Feeling pretty blackpilled tbqh

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Just don't give Africans free food and medicine you fucking retard

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Don't let them in?

Sell them something, invest something. Pure profits.

Thanks for the gif, user

Encourage abortion clinics all over Africa and contraceptives. Do everything we can to stop the UN from sending aid.

Literally just stop sending aid, the problem will sort itself out in 30 years. Either niggers will get smart and learn to run their own countries properly to handle population growth (lol) or they'll all starve and return to a reasonable size

Do French send aid to their ex-colonies? I'd guess they still maintain proper colonial administration, something Murica can't do (see Liberia).

They just import all their subjects now

I can only imagine that the most realistic policy might be to implement a cap on reproduction in countries that are overpopulated. China did this for a while, I think. Only one child is allowed. In the west this is considered heresy because "muh libertarianism!" and "muh eugenics!" and doing this to non-whites is considered double heresy because the dems need the votes and the republicans need the cheap labor, so it's unlikely to happen until it becomes a major problem. Enjoy the ride!

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Develop HYPER-AIDS virus, deploy it in Africa and China.

An Empire will rise from the Kingdom of the Dead.

>Pathogens and Politics: Further Evidence That Parasite Prevalence Predicts Authoritarianism

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nukes. lots and lots of nukes

The problem isn't overpopulation, the problem is overpopulation + a certain life style.

well get the fuck on it, amerimutts
you and russia control 95% of the world's nukes last time I checked, so how about you tell your jewish overlords to gtfo, maybe stick in them in a camp or two, then start nuking the subhumans
you won't see anyone else objecting

Expect to see different labels for "refugees" fleeing the 3rd world for developed nations in the next 5 to 10 years.
>"Famine Refugees"
>"Refugees fleeing [highly deadly new disease]"
>"Refugees fleeing desertification"
And yes, these will be used to justify flooding Europe, the US, and Australia with all sorts of goblinoid brown people, just like the Syrian Civil War was.

Only four options exist. You ready?

0) Do nothing. That's the default. No infringement of human rights, blah blah blah blah. The collapse comes and nature cuts down on the population for us.
1) Some countries voluntarily curb population growth, others do not. The countries where the population is curbed, their people cry out -- why do we have to do it when those people there do not? This turns into #0.
2) New World Order: one meganation under whatever system of government, declares this a top priority. China one child policy writ large. Possible, but requires subjugation of nations first. Likely #0 happens before all countries could be united (not that I want that to happen or even find it desirable).
3) One or more Shadowy Cabals unleash targeted plagues which kill certain groups of people and leave others alone. The first group that can build what in computer science is called a "register" into a virus wins; the register is the key to being able to make a genetic profile consisting of various weighted factors, allowing for targeting. Most likely target: Africans, by China. Second most likely target: Caucasians, by either China or self-loathing whites.

My money is on #0 or #3.

Overpopulation isn't a problem, if there is energy there is energy to sustain life. Global warming doesn't exist, overpopulation is complete bullshit

Nigger food supply hasn't increased since there was only 200M of them.
What do you fucking think?

fucking embarrassed to share the same country as you

I hear more and more about race-specific pathogens, idk if it could be done or not. Heard stories that during apartheid times South Africa had a secret research division that tried to invent something like that.
Hope whites invent it first.


Yeah faggot keep not having white kids because of overpopulation. Fucking idiot

Overpopulation is a myth pushed by globalists and their think tanks to justify murdering billions of people.

This. They spammed that shit non stop in school probably part of the reason whites are going extinct

Their plan is to start with racially targeted bioweapons, eventually scaling up to wipe out 80% of the Earth, and that's only what they'll publicly admit.

>5 billion
There is not enough food or resources to support that many. Even the amount we have right now is due to the West babying them and giving them supplies whilst hoping they’ll get their shit together(they won’t). Just cut off their aid. If they can survive without it then let them get their act together. The resources alone should be enough to industrialize but they keep selling off their birthright for an immediate solution like Esau, while China is going to get everything in interest. If their is any hope for them to defeat the Chicom expansionists, they need to get their shit together now.

Begin killing yourself.
Be sure to have killed your whole family first.
Take with you a couple of Emu if it's not asking much.

don't need race-specific anything, you could take out most of the turd-world with a slightly modified flu most probably

I dont see any reason the earth couldnt hold a 100 trillion people or double that we have unlimited energy we can build up down we could build in space we can grow food anywhere even 20 km underground if we wanted. Overpopulation is only a problem for lazy people and people with no imagination. Unfortunately they control the world

overpopulation is not a thing. the abuse of natural resources is.
you could fit the entire population of the world in a megacity roughly the size of texas. and the rest be used for agriculture andnature preservation, but sadly thats just not profitable and ideals would make everyone kill eadhother.

Congratulations you all know how to solve the problem the growing horde of undesirables.
This guy gets it.
There is no such thing as overpopulation in the West. Our food supply can support abundant amounts of life, we have enough now to keep ourselves and the hordes alive. We are currently running against the clock. Human birthrate per woman needs to be at 2.1 children for life to properly continue. Many if not all of our countries are well below the proper threshold. If women do not have the 2.1 children required for the population pyramid collapses. Not enough young to support the old. New births are essential. Without the required number of births multiple catastrophes occur. Not enough dating options because a smaller pool, compound that with the sexual revolution and there definitely is not enough mates to go around. Not enough little consumers to buy more houses and more cars. Less little taxpayers to make governments function and inb4 ancap meme. Rapid amounts of materialism since "families" only have two kids and want to spoil their children with trinkets instead of having more children and accepting a lack of material possessions. Government gets great idea to bolster population growth by importing third world hordes because native population is not breeding. This is why we are being invaded. No one is having enough kids.
There have been approx. 45 million abortions in the US. Can you imagine how many lives have been prevented because of condoms? Our economy and people would be so much more robust if the culture of death had not prevailed.
We are fucked unless you faggots can meme into existence complete objection to any form of birth control on a wide scale level.

>don't know what birth control is
They know what it is, and they understand the importance of blood and family. They will win because they are wise and Europe will be theirs because no one forgets and no one forgives. Britains blood will be indian. And the america's will soon belong to their rightful blood group "La Raza" not anglo-saxons, not niggers, but those with indio blood. because blood is what binds a nation. In the future the only white people will be us, the chosen people, just as its written in the scriptures and we will rebuild the temple of Solomon and enslave the philistines because no one forgets and no one forgives.

Ok but the population didn't move a lot after the world wars. And I want women and children fighting this time, it's the current year like come on

stop fucking feeding them all for one

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just gas all brown people

Bullshit. Where am I supposed to go to get away from other humans? If every time I want to go camping or hunting there's a new fucking colony of humans, then the planet is ruined. We have to preserve desolate areas free of humans.

Nice LARP Chaim. Even you should know that after years of claiming to be white to us Europeans, the spic and the nigger will gas you next.

give to Population Services International.
they get an A+ from charitywatch.

world war

>whitey dies off
>everyone immediately starves to death

Think about all the people that whitey feeds, and all the immigrants that move to white countries to get out of poverty. Once whitey Is gone there is literally no where to go that isn't shit and no one to give shithole countries aid.

As for the Africa problem, if people finally wake up the solution is to wall them off and just let them wipe themselves out. Pull out what white south africans and exotic animals they can.

>the spic and the nigger
We'll have our full homeland ready by then and they will have theirs, then the messiah will arrive and all will be right.


Messiah already came and went. He will wipe out all that does not accept His Blood during the Battle of Armageddon. All that accept His sacrifice on the Cross are the new Chosen Ones. You are no better than your ancestors that killed YHWH’s prophets and will meet a similar fate.

Africa is the near-future problem, but Asia still is the most populated area by far. First thing should be nuking parts of Asia.

Who are (((we)))?

>big number scary bad


>k do we solve the overpopulation problem? The entire population of Europe is at 10% of global population while there is currently 1.2 billion niggers in Africa, projected to grow to 5 billion niggers by 2100 because they don't know what birth control is. There are already way too many people for comfortable living, what the fuck can be done at this point rea
more starvation

Pay people to sterilize. Money is fake and dummies are desperate for it.

Don't worry about it, plastics in the environment are gutting our ability to reproduce as a species anyway.

Not even playing.


>Government gets great idea to bolster population growth by importing third world hordes because native population is not breeding. This is why we are being invaded.

>retarded faggot still hasn't figured out why there's so much racemixing propaganda
Kikes literally want to genocide the white race

They did this in Russia when the Bolsheviks took over. Killed all the smart Russians so that they could rule unchallenged... then Stalin happened.

Believe it or not but we are in the first phase.
"Good" white men of means are rejecting all women for their abhorrent behavior.
Eventually this will cause them to change their behavior. It might take 5-10 years but it's already happening.
Once we are firmly in control again, we'll normalize racism among women again... and then it's on.
American blacks will turn on the Jews once we wake them up. Then they will start killing Jews... (also already starting to happen)
Jews will flee to Israel and then things will get better.
We're pretty much at the apex of kikery right now, but they are crashing like the Hindenburg

>Illuminati digits
Fuck off kike... you'll be genocided long before you come close to realizing this

Simple. We have the Chinese take over Africa, send in the Red Army, and establish the One-Child Policy across the entire continent. Then, "population control" camps

Nigger hunting drones is easier

Just a population collapse

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Hope the Chinese invent it first and use it on niggers

The niggers in Africa are killing them selves off and are dying relax user they are being kept in there place.

no stopping it, our traitors are happy to flood the west..no niggers next to the elites

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you don't 'solve' overpopulation you fucking dipshit, nature does through disease and massive natural disasters.

>How the fuck do we solve the overpopulation problem?
Stop mass immigration

>we can't meme it into existen-

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Overpopulation theory has been disproved, but now only exists to create white guilt and Islamic Colonialism

Dude if whitey goes down, the Chinese ethnically cleanse the world.

Stop importing Africans and Middle Easterners. Africa has plenty of room for all of them.
There you go. Problem solved

Currently, AIDS research spending is higher spending on research for any other disease including all cancer research spending combined. This is currently where research priority is in researching a disease the effects less than 1% of people when 1/3 of all people will be diagnosed with some form of cancer in their lifetime. AIDS is a preventable disease and most forms of cancer aren't preventable.

Given this, we should slash the food budget to Africa and increase spending on AIDS research in Africa. Take all the funding from food aid and put it into AIDS research for Africa. We have to think about the AIDS epidemic.

A thought just crossed my mind. Imagine all the fucking bacteria and diseases "refugees" brought to Europe since 2015. The trend is only going to increase until some sort of super AIDS starts spreading across Europe

Every male who comes for food relief in Third World countries also gets sterilized.

they cant feed themselves now, how you think they're going to cope with 5 times.


Refugees and migrants have brought a litany of diseases and parasites into the first world. Multi drug resistant tuberculosis is the biggest one.

We really need to just let them starve. Everyone did this (China, Russia, etc.) and nobody helped. It's just the natural course cycle of a civilization just before Big Brother wises up.



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Build more land dumbcunt it ain't that hard we already did it for our harbor


It solves itself when everyone becomes a 1st world country and their birth rate decreases. Easiest solution.


But when everywhere becomes a third world country. It also solves itself. That's where we are heading.

the state of the UK doesn't reflect the state of the planet