Who will go down as the philosophers of our generation?
Who will go down as the philosophers of our generation?
Joe Rogan
Unironically Osama Bin Laden
Eh philosophy might be in the process of going down the shitter due to a rise in overall nihilism due to increased irreligion
Probably Greg Johnson.
Also TrueDiltom, peace be upon him inshallah
Sargon of Akkad
>That time Time Magazine named "YOU" the person of the year
Ideas are so transient now it's hard to nail down a specific source. The philosophers the future remembers will likely be luck amalgams attributed to whatever convenient popular names rise to the top.
Jordan Peterson at least has cross-penetrated the mainstream enough that he will be remembered well, but among the rest it's a toss up.
Alex Jones
no one. next generation of people capable of keeping record of history won't give a shit about names but ideas
and surely wont give a shit about our pathetic generation, because everyone who has something interesting to say is forced to stay in underground
Tbh, Americans could have used that piece of JP wisdom while John Harvey Kellogg was campaigning for nationwide circumcision to "promote hygeine" and "end masturbation".
Kevin MacDonald
unironically Molyneux
correlation is not causation faggot
this is the correct answer
Kim Kardashian and Oprah Winfrey
Based strong horse poster.
Christopher Langan
>sargoy of cuckadd
no thank you
>Strove to better yourself
>Live an orderly life
>Take on responsibilities in your life
>Gets distilled to “wash your penis”
Nu-pol sucks.
Ta-Nehisi Coates
Jordan Peterson is an internet father figure for disenfranchised males, but ultimately serves as a gatekeeper. He's useful, sure, but individualism is the first step on our journey. Sadly I think he's intent on keeping people as individualists, which can potentially cause more harm than good. Pretending he's all good or all bad is pretty dumb. His lectures are interesting but when he became a blatant shill and the fame went to his head he got pretty annoying.
Anyways, my point is that nu-Jow Forums isn't really the reason people don't like him. The only time people liked him was when the pronoun shit was in the news for a couple weeks.
write a book and make it last a long time.
These new age gay queer plastic penis books can't hold up to the test of time like a classic clay tablet
Sam Hyde
Roger Scruton.
"Once identified as right-wing you are beyond the pale of argument; your views are irrelevant, your character discredited, your presence in the world a mistake. You are not an opponent to be argued with, but a disease to be shunned. This has been my experience"
I'm sure it won't be either of these strawmanned dudes on the bottom, no sir, they've been completely owned by this cartoonist stealing Jow Forums memes.
this joes a pretty cool guy
So far, no one. Not every generation has had its great philosophers.
Hes more of a prophet really
Nassim Nicholas Taleb
peterson is a good choice.
Maybe sam harris.
Stephen Hawking?
I guess Ben Shapiro. We went to school together. I wasn't really friends with him because he was kind of weird, but we talked sometimes and I could barely understand his jewish accent. Most of us were just normal kids that kept growing, but he never stopped growing after about 5'2. It was weird. Eventually, I started to hear rumors about him--they were always about strange, sexual things. One rumor was that he and sister would have 3 ways with random niggers/shitskins. Another was that he was gay. Another was that he only had one testicle. None of these rumors turned out to be true, as I would later find out. Ben himself was actually starting the rumors. The thing is though, the reason for the rumors was not to have people talking about him and thus increasing his popularity, the reason was far more sinister. Ben liked to fuck kids. And he and sister would kidnap children and then make tapes of them fucking and murdering them. I don't know how this guy is allowed to live.
most physicists don't take hawking all that seriously, when it comes to who has really contributed greatly to physics
Prolly Ted Kaczynski
>Another was that he only had one testicle.
Literally Hitler
>I guess Ben Shapiro. We went to school together. I wasn't really friends with him because he was kind of weird, but we talked sometimes and I could barely understand his jewish accent. Most of us were just normal kids that kept growing, but he never stopped growing after about 5'2. It was weird. Eventually, I started to hear rumors about him--they were always about strange, sexual things. One rumor was that he and sister would have 3 ways with random niggers/shitskins. Another was that he was gay. Another was that he only had one testicle. None of these rumors turned out to be true, as I would later find out. Ben himself was actually starting the rumors. The thing is though, the reason for the rumors was not to have people talking about him and thus increasing his popularity, the reason was far more sinister. Ben liked to fuck kids. And he and sister would kidnap children and then make tapes of them fucking and murdering them. I don't know how this guy is allowed to live.
post smug Alex
Well, to be fair astrophysics is the special olympics of physics.
Fitting for hawking
He’s a useful tool with which to bash far-left radicals and strengthen the stock which makes up our ranks. He doesn’t have to be throwing up sieg heils to help us.
>younger than you
>smarter than you
>better looking than you
Why is this allowed?
I wonder where he will be in 10 years.
nigga’s fat
Ai bots that randomly generate quotes.
rachel maddow and sam harris
you'd have to ask the next generation though
If anyone posting shit one Youtube goes down as our "philosophers" then we deserve death.
Rachel Fulton Brown
William Lane Craig
Jordan Peterson will be well remembered, but as a political quirk selfhelp popsci figure rather than a legitimate philosopher.
fair summary. Peterson has some good points, but refuses to acknowledge the problem with his individualist reasoning... He believes the West is the penultimate society, yet doesn't see any reason the West should collectivize behind its identity despite the third world hoards collectivizing behind theirs to destroy the west. While his advice can help individuals with their day to day problems, his ideological concepts on a grander scale, in my opinion, are lacking nuance and borderline self-destructive to the very construct of "the West".
Unironically, Zizek
Put his terrorism aside, his actual writings were somewhat prophetic in terms of the extent to which technology would harm society.
Word. Doing more to redpill the masses and uninitiated than Juden peterstein for certain
you fucking transphobic piece of shit
refering to Ben Shapiro as he or him is highly transphobic. she is transitioning and doesn't need your bigotry
I think Joe is a pretty cool guy. Eh tries to think things through and doesn't afraid of anything.
I believe it.
Hello roastie.
He was wrong though, it was not technology. It was cities. It's always been cities.
You guys mock J. Peterson with the "Wash your penis" thing but to be honest if you nasty autistic little fuckers actually did shower and clean your nasty rooms then maybe the message of our generation could have amounted to something more.
>Ignores the institutional control and social engineering done by our ruling elite
Jonathan Bowden.
Actually this
I heard about this...
>espousing conservative values of personal responsibility makes me a roastie
Thomas Wangenheim for writing Kultur und Ingenium (Culture and Genius). It's a shame his works are not translated to english.
Underrated. Why doesn't Jow Forums talk about Greg Johnson?
His teaching have been reduced to mere mockery because there has been 2 years worth of argumentation against him on here. After a while, hearing same tired old defenses of this clown gets old. Watch Vox Days videos on him, or better yet read his new book.
Isn't it obvious?
No one
Thoughts and opinions aren't original
>Thoughts and opinions aren't original
t. art/film student
definitely jordan peterson whether you guys like it or not
john zerzan and terrence mckenna are the only relevant philosophers the latter half of the 20th century produced.
terrence mckenna is a druggie schizophrenic
all psychedelics are shit expect for
Nick Land
You right
Unironically Terry Davis. He ascended into heaven like Elijah and all we have left is his dharma, the Temple OS.
Can this please become a copypasta if it's not already.
Get well and truly fucked in the eye socket you shitter, if you took the time to listen then you'd agree peterson would land a first place as historical figurehead of philosophy for our generation. Clearly.
I'd actually love some Eddie quotes in a book, he's an absolute lunatic
Philosophy has already gone down the shitter because of the invention of cameras, internet and social media.
The only reason people have great respect for ancient philosophers is because all we have left of them is some statues and their best works.
Philosophy is more of a popularity contest more than anything. Nietzsche was just some brainlet with bad ideas, but he had a very catchy name, he had a meme mustache and he said some nonsense that sounds cool like ''if you gaze into the abyss the abyss gazes into you.''
If these people would be alive today, they would be memed on hard, you'd see their every embarrassing moment, they'd have hit pieces on them all the time, rape accusations, lawsuits etc.
The age of philosophers being taken seriously is completely over. The modern philosopher is just a blogger or a youtuber. Stefan Molyneux is the perfect example of someone who would have been a respected philosopher 3000 years ago, but because he was born 3000 years too late, he is just some internet clown, the 1 dollar man.
I liked Molly until it because abundantly clear he's sold out just like Peterstein. Here's my evidence:
When the media was trying to drum up the possibility of war with NK a couple years ago he was doing videos damage controlling it because "muh norks have high IQ, if we free them they'll be like SK and Japan , unlike sand niggers who it's a waste of time, money, and life to free." I agreed with him but I still didn't want to go to war because it's not our fucking business, but I let it slide because this was after Molly spent 2 years shilling for Trump so I could understand him going a bit overboard defending everything Trump was doing early on.
Then when the media was shilling for war in Iran, Molly ALSO shilled for that war because "we need to liberate their wamen!" This is where I realized he had become a Jew shill.
Him crying over the synagogue shooting was the final straw.
The state of peterstein fans
>Nietzsche was just some brainlet with bad but cool ideas
Yeah I think I'll stick with my interpretation that comes from actually having read his books instead of latvian memes.
You can pretend to be some cool edgy nihilist, but at the end of the day Nietzsche will still be just some guy blog posting about his autism.
Yeah, you're right. You're so smart.
If you had one ounce of honesty you would recognize that your judgment is flawed because you obviously haven't read nietzsche except for a few memes here and there
Have you never read a thread full of posts against him?
>faggot bitching about nu-pol
Peterson loves jews anyways, how was he ever great? Clean your room bucko!!!!!!!!!!