Why do the Chinese hate Winnie the Pooh?

Why do the Chinese hate Winnie the Pooh?

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Hate what? You forgot to finish your sentence.

Winnie the pooh is an anagram of He Thew Opinion. He's clearly a free speech radical

Opposition calling Xi Jinping Winnie the Pooh. Don't you know?


XI banned him because chinese like to say he looks like whinnie the pooh in memes. After his pooh ban, Putin sent him a big jar of honey :D

They already have one.

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wtf?? :D source

fucking source on that too

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Confucius taught them to fear the return of Christopher Robin.

Pooh be upon him?

something about panda bears being sacred


its all over the news, its been banned fro 3 years, do you live under a rock? or are you just shooting up in lodz

I remember finding an audiobook on The Tao of Pooh online a few years ago. Winnie the Pooh might be seen as an allegory or something.

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>XI banned him because chinese like to say he looks like whinnie the pooh in memes. After his pooh ban, Putin sent him a big jar of honey :D
based putin bringing the bants

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they are not human

>such a small frontal lobe they can't take a nick name
sub human