Attached: 3234.jpg (539x365, 59K)

Other urls found in this thread:


this is hypocrisy. they are blocking it on purpose just to anger people, this is a sneaky trick to cause burn-out when the real ban hits to lessen the damage.


Now they will come here


Guess tomorrow will be a good day to stay off of Jow Forums.



Attached: 1542252584269.png (912x1200, 880K)

Will you Europeans ever stand up for yourselves, or are you content to take this?

eurocuck normies influx

Attached: GWQmgV3.png (385x230, 113K)

Psst, I can smell the gay too.

Attached: braaap analyser.webm (1280x720, 1.01M)

This is (((American corporations))) chimping out because they will have to face a little bit of regulation (the indignity!)

Some of you guys are alright. Don't go to reddit today

Attached: suck my nigga dick bitch.jpg (1608x904, 373K)

Good. We get to remove their ideological glasses from them. Love seeing the truths get to them.

Oh Nooo That Sucks
can reddit just die off like myspace?

Delete this

Keep telling yourself that. When you are regulated so hard you can't take a shit without government approval, don't come crying to Americans to save you again.

lol, reddit is the autistic place where you can be a self-entitled whore, depressed pedophile, a "dank memer muh epic stolen meme", or "i talk to politics about my customers, yes im a boomer actually"

plebbitor, you guys celebrated at our domain change
now you're mad EU cucks are getting raped by article 13 as they should be

Wtf I love EU now

I got banned from reddit for a post opposing article 13, so you're talking to the wrong guy.

> self-entitled whore, depressed pedophile
you don't even have to step outside of Jow Forums to find any of these people on Jow Forums.

I mean the domain change

I can't find this anywhere, no popup no anything. Fake; stop falling for so many fake things... shame it isn't true and that it wouldn't have lasted indefinitely

it's not fake, but it seems broken as fuck
there's some sort of a delay or it doesn't even work on every page

yeah, but unlike Jow Forums those people are unironically praised
think the other week some neet there said he couldnt work, gets 4000 upvotes

you need to go back, oh wait.

>inb4 influx of reddit fags

ah alright
plebbit is still thinking we're gonna die, chapotraphouse gay kids are faking posts for their good boy post points

>influx of reddit fags on a reddit board
would you even notice the difference?

Standing up for yourself is illegal in every country but USA

Well Reddit should die, honestly. I only go back to troll ever since I found out the owner was shadow changing posts, that was fucking creepy. But what's worse is that the internet will be fucked in the next 5 years the way things are going.

more bait posts from the sub 70 iq retards who cant fake their own post
plebbit retards don't even have anything to talk about, wonder where the haiti happening threads just went

all the plebbit political boards chimped the fuck out over avenatti the other day, really shows plebbits double standards
"hitting a girl is never OK"
"avenatti can hit a girl thats fine" sums up plebbit

I don't even know anymore. I could see them passing China style censorship here eventually, shits fucked.

Holy shit, Reddit didn't prep the bull today. Amazing. All it took was for the EU to threaten their pocket book, but I'm still amazed.
Reddit is officially 10% less faggy today

i think i would, the entire catalog would be shills and insufferable fuckwits
>reeeeeeee not my board

Attached: 1498031778692.png (600x488, 81K)

>all of Jow Forumspolitics goes down
>suddenly all of the shitlibs LARPing as US citizens have no outlet for their manipulations and superiority complexes
>enjoy best day on plebbit possible
Make Plebbit Great Again

Attached: file.png (653x477, 653K)

>"haha pol BTFO im not a plebbit refugee guys i want my epic 4chin greentext"
this will happen once the ban goes into action
we should mass redpill plebbitors once their exodus begins, for the 13th time already

lol yeah, so many eurocucks larping as americans there, even worse than the pablos who larp as pure ethnic aryans here
we should pay a visit to r/chapotraphouse, not a raid but to just debunk everything those degens believe in

Shit, now that I think about it Plebbit is inadvertently doxing users in a roundabout way. Look for high profile accounts and if they don't post during this period but do all the time, they are likely foreign Europeon LARPers.



Reddit slacktivism in action.
>Click here to save your internet


based aussie.

Attached: 1542517273949.png (491x580, 57K)



Sure is reddit in here, where everybody makes the same joke.

>implying non-bots go to Jow Forumspolitics

[removed by reddit for unhappy janny]

We need to just keep our current status quo, trolling mixed in with redpilling and meaningful debate with sources

It's still over 100% faggy

Only because they use multi-core fag CPUs

Based and redpilled

We're sorry, this post violates the rules of our subreddit, so we have hidden it. Please read about reddiquitte, and try posting again.

who gives a shit its not affecting me cause we will never get into that EU kike cult

Extend it forever desu

Oh no

Attached: 1537304454189.jpg (603x428, 63K)

Good. YouTube needs to do the same for a few weeks as well.

Works for me, sadly.


Oh please, if Susan wouldn't stand up to Murdoch what makes you think she will stand up to the EU?!

Oh hey the eu is protecting itself from the leddit scourge.

>marx music is cool from youtube
>imperial german empire songs are "restricted"
Gee, I wonder which faggots are responsible for this...

Youtube and Google got bitten by the Gay Cobra

Attached: Cobra_gay.png (256x256, 84K)

Do you not realize that this will cause hundreds of thousands of euro redditors to flood Jow Forums?

That's great. Their narrative is not enforced here like in plebbit. Maybe they'll open their fucking eyes

Why didn't they do this with the Net Neutrality repeal? They did it with PIPA and SOPA

>reeeee Jow Forums isn't one person!
>all of reddit must have the same opinion

Liar; there is no such thing. This isn't even politics to begin with.