How do skinny people deal with stress? When I was fat I used to eat every time I felt bad or anxious...

How do skinny people deal with stress? When I was fat I used to eat every time I felt bad or anxious. Now I've lost all the weight but it's so hard to deal with stuff without cake or icecream. It got to the point where I feel my back and shoulders tense from the accumulated stress. I can get heartburn in like three hours after hearing a really bad news. I can make some of it go away with something like a 30min hot shower, but I can't do this all the time.

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If that's how skinny people do, who am I to disagree. Rec me some


Weed is the obvious one, alcohol is a true classic. I personally like to drop acid or take some shrooms every once in a while if I want to actually gain a new perspective on life, but as far as easy and incredibly unhealthy distractions go, weed and vodka are just what you need.

Or Valium

Weed is shit don't listen to this guy

I don't smoke weed that often myself, but you have to admit it's a damn good distraction, provided you're smoking good weed.

I still eat when I'm stressed and I'm skinny thanks to a good metabolism that will probably go to shit when I hit 30.

Can't get these in my country

Everyone responds differently to stress and depression. Often, especially historically, people would stop eating and have insomnia, which is why some of the first antidepressants were tricyclics (which make you very sleepy and, I think, make you eat more).

Some people do the opposite: eat lots and sleep more.

I smoke weed but i never onderstand people who claim it helps against stress, when i'm stressed out about something and smoke i start to overthink like crazy.

Alcohol on the other hand works wonders unless you drink too much.

start smoking cigarettes my dude

I stop eating.

Start lifting lad.

Video games.
More recently exercise believe it or not.

Listen to ambient.

You don't even need to join a gym.


Working out and using drugs. I'm an ex fatty too.

Because weed, if you knew a single damn thing about it, will definitely affect everyone differently-- a lot like, say, ALCOHOL.
Which would not, on the other hand, work wonders if you're an angry drunk. An angry drunk who gets drunk a lot destroys their life, they don't manage or support it.
Has anyone here actually taken drugs or drunk alcohol? Like holy fuck, guys, could you NOT hand out advice as if you're 16? Only faggot Siths deal in absolutes, and I don't see no Force Lightning, faggot.

Alcohol and weed both have qualities and varieties. While I know I myself can handle cheap, cheap booze some people need to break it off at the 30$ mark or they're drinking future vomit. Vodka is a good recommendation if you can stomach since it mixes with tons of things (iced tea and orange juice come to mind). Next bets would be rum or whiskey I'd say; after that I have no experience with alcohol.
Generally speaking, expensive Vodka is good shit, but expect to wake up with a headache if you can't pace yourself with water.

Weed, on the other hand, absolutely requires quality; shitty weed or mishandled weed will give you a headache, fail to get the high you want and is ultimately likely to do more harm than good (headaches, overthinking, anxiety).
Get good shit from someone you can trust and you might expect to see more things like a penchant for food and relaxation, letting your stresses melt away.

As with any and all substances go in light at first. If you go hard and end up in a shitty spot, you'll have nobody to blame but yourself.

If we're being honest, though, you want to talk to a therapist about possibly stress relief methods-- there's probably an origin point for your stress that could be addressed head-on.

by turning their stress into depression, or alternatively becoming so stressed it's impossible to eat at all.

that sounds more like a personal thing rather than "skinny coping vs. fat coping". You need to find new ways of dealing with stress that don't involve eating.

Yes, it's not even addictive.

Go to your local GP and say you have mad anxiety and you want seroquel and they will prescribe it.

Alc will make you fat again.

Skinny people are just annoying pussies who think that being hungry is „i have a weird stomach, i‘m feelin sick, i can‘t eat anything“. They „aren‘t hungry“ whenever they encounter a tiny bit of stress.

Anyways, they usually do drugs, masturbate excessively, whine about the stress, sleep, play vidya or just stress more like everyone else. The only difference is that they can‘t differentiate between having a stomach ache and being hungry. It‘s usually the same people who „can‘t swallow pills“ and are almost dying if they have a mild cough.

Stress eating isn‘t exactly a healthy coping mechanism either, but i‘d say atleast you‘re not also starving your bidy from nutrition, which definitely will make the stress worse. Try to find your own ways of coping with it that don‘t fuck you over. For me it‘s skin picking, which is a whole new level of fucking myself over, but it works and atleast i‘m not stuffing my face.

Do not engage in an addictive vice. Focus your stress on productive ends. Put it into lifting, working, following a strict routine, whatever it takes to make shit suck less. And honestly, you need to develop the emotional fortitude to deal with stress better and the independence from factors that make you stressed.

What's this "really bad news" that's happening often enough to track the effects of? Bus is running late? You didn't do good on an assignment? Girl you like doesn't like you? Oh well, it's really not that big of a deal. Worried about being fired? Figure out a way to save enough to cover you for a month or so until you can get a new job. Worried about your mom kicking you out of the basement? Get a job and move out on your own terms.

Growing up is about growing responsibility. To handle it, you need to grow your stress tolerance. The more stress you can handle compared to other people, the more invaluable and therefore better paid you are. Look at doctors, they get paid a shitload, why? Because only a small number of people can handle the stress of that education, residency, and seeing so many patients in such a small amount of time who are all counting on them for life or death.

Or, you know, you could also try to eliminate the stress. Then you don‘t need any coping techniques.

>how do skinny people deal with stress


>acknowledge your stressors
>make yourself a schedule to help manage your time and make things seem more achievable
>don't let stress rule your decisions

Or work out. Working out has all kinds of crazy chemical fixes going on in your brain.

>reading comprehension
Well, duh. That's exactly his question

Sometimes stressors have nothing to do with time, assignments or achievable things in general. My disabled sibling is my main source of stress and I can't "eliminate" him, just cope. I usually cope with food just like OP did, so I can't offer any good advice on that.

Yup. The trick is to elminiate every stressor you can so you have somewhat enough energy to cope with the ones you can‘t get rid of. That usually means compromising on stuff you don‘t really want to compromise. For example: i have a newborn baby but i also love to have a spotless home. Both simply isn’t possible and since i can‘t compromise on caring for the baby, i just have to learn to not let piled up chores stress me the fuck out. Rearrange your priorities. I mean, you can‘t care for your brother and also expect yourself to do everything people do who don't have to care for family. Cut yourself some slack.

Why is your writing so condescending? Are you a woman?

It‘s because i tell you what to do instead of proposing ideas or using „maybe“. I probably do that because i‘m a woman, yes.

The lack of self-awareness is jarring

I don‘t know how much more „self-awareness“ there could be besides „yes i am condescending and yes it might be because i‘m female.“
i take it that you are confused by my lack of appologetic behaviour.

>i take it that you are confused

Doesn't that usually make you gain weight?

Its the rarest side effect

Hey OP, if you are still there - I would like to say that there are definitely healthy ways to manage stress without having to do drugs. I have the same issues with stress and tension in my back and it is helpful to get a tennis ball or a foam roller ($1 amazon) and you can use that to stretch out your muscles. Try to practice more methods of self care when you are feeling bad like taking a bath, doing a facemask, drawing or coloring to help relax yourself. It's okay to treat yourself to sweets when you have had a rough day!!! The trick is not to over-indulge in a single sitting or make a bad habit of eating sweets every single day.
As for the rest of you ...
ALL OF YOU Jow Forums FAGS are just telling this person that their only option for managing stress is through DRUGS?!? They just asked a simple question about techniques for not over eating - imo alcohol contains packed calories and weed can cause the munchies and encourage over eating. Bad advice all around

You're too cute for this website. Back to tumblr


Avoid / cut from your life all people, activities and even thoughts that are stressful. That is how I deal. Let your will guide you. Never accept feeling bad, in the cornered imminent danger way. Confront all in the world that makes you uneasy.

I watch a copious amount of porn

I usually go for a run.