How will Jow Forums deal with the fact that Brazil will soon be first world?
How will Jow Forums deal with the fact that Brazil will soon be first world?
You retards are going to destroy the only thing worth coming to your country for. Also nobody wants to go to fucking Brazil nice pic though
I'm happy for them
>You retards are going to destroy the only thing worth coming to your country for.
And that is what?
The rain-forest probably
Not even Chile is first world after all these years, the Brazilain economy is going down the drains with jewsolnaro and his fellow retarda in charge.
I hope it's a bait, bcuz ur shithole will never be first-world country
Probably be proud of you if you can pull it off.
I feel good about it.
Please posts pictures of Commies being killed by Bolso for my dead commies folder huebros.
I'm not against brazil but that place confuses me. How little is the white population? Even if there are few whites, we can still be allies. Fight the jews!
Why would we destroy the rainforest? It's bigger than Europe in size
Jow Forums will continue to be more Christian and realize that Christianity is the necessity for civilization.
delusional monkeys
sad plebbitor magaturd doesn't know what venezuela is
until bolsonaro literally shoots every porch monkey in the favelas brazil will never be first world
>dysgenic 8%< White shithole
>first world
pick one
Hope the mexishits turn south for a fucking change.
I know it's BBC but it's just an article on Amazon forests, nothing political
Idk, I heard someone say Bolsarno planned to chop those things down for farming or something.
I kinda want more of the art on OPs post. I just came here for that art and was severely disappointed that there was only one in the thread.
post some brazillian girls
it's bullshit, the clear source of oxygen is microalgae. Especially due to the fact that plants consume the oxygen they produce to break glucose
what is this you raycist
As long as you stay right wing we Americans welcome you faggots.
meh it's mostly the fact that the Globalist powers are going to lose their claim over the Amazon and its riches. Hence why they keep on shilling at the Mass media this
good luck favela monkeys
I hope you can bring some peace to south america
Why would Jews be lying about this?
because of this
Yet you fuckers still have tons of drug and weapon cartels, literally rat infested shitholes like India, the forest being destroyed and the worst of all shitty drivers like seriously cunts on scooters get mangled underneath a fucking 12 wheeler
Oh ok
>you shouldn't explore Amazon natural resources because if you do you will be forever 3rd world
Why do you guys keep on saying this?
How can it be when North America isn't even first world? That whole region is a societal, economical and political hell hole
I'm here for your woman.
>whoah the right wing miitary guy won! he'll literally chop down the entire goddamn rainforest and gun down every black and fag he finds in the streets! it's the end of the world again aaaaaaaa
Because Kongo
I wish you the best, bros. You will lead the new crusades
It's more to do with how important those rain forests are for maintaining the planet's oxygen levels
The difference is that different from them we don't deforest for charcoal and food. Also the Amazon soil is bad for farming. We just want to explore the biodiversity and minerals there. And that triggers all the foreign companies interest in it and the NGOs that arm the natives there and promote their "independence"
>Oxygen levels
Again, plants consume the oxygen they produce
Nobody comes here to see the rain-forest.
>70% non-white
>half of those whites are cumskins (cucks)
>OP is using a shitskin to represent monarchy
Pare. Apenas pare. Fucking 63%ters laring as.. I don't even know anymore, monkeys get a new modinha every month.
Hellsing abridged is one of the funniest things that I have ever seen and I haven't even watched the original Hellsing
Plants consume CARBON DIOXIDE, not Oxygen you moron!
>first worlders don't know basic biology
You guys are honestly braindead
The flag speaks for itself
thank you sargoy
No they won't migrants are just lowering the bar of what first world looks like
youre fucking retarded.
to where do you propose plants transfer GLUCOSE???
Protip: plants use CELLULOSE for growth you daft cunt. the only thing they produce glucose for is nactar which is used to attract pollinating insects and to draw predatory insects that eat pests.
photosynthesis occurs in the foliage, and thats where CO2 is taken in and O2 is expelled.
the ROOT SYSTEMS take in tiny amounts of oxygen and expell tiny amounts of CO2 through their mycorrhiza, which is a symbiotic fungal biome, not part of the plant itself you retard.
photosynthesis does not create any significant amount of "heat energy", in fact transpiration of water through the spicules results in evaporative COOLING around the plant you moron.
this is why everybody hates you hue hue monkeys.
Go watch the movie "Boys of Brazil" and you'll see why its inevitable Brazil will someday be world leader.
>How will Jow Forums deal with the fact that Brazil will soon be first world
how it feels to have ur "hero"(bolsonaro) that you been praising for like week on Jow Forums cant wait until he went full corruption mode
>to where do you propose plants transfer GLUCOSE???
Have you ever EVER considered that breaking GLUCOSE is necessary for releasing ATP and thus Energy for the plant? Holy fuck why are first worlders this retarded?
The same way we deal with everything - by memeing.
>Brazil will soon be first world?
Bolsonaro skips G20 summit later this month (and it's 2018, everything is shaking) and I guess Brazil intends to take Russia's seat at G8, just as we intentionally sabotage it.
US already starts to beat the drum on South America "flowing away" and wants that hemisphere to be stuck with one option solely. Good goyim, Brazil, Colombia!
Russia has millions of gallons of oil and isn't first world.
Natural resources doesn't make a shithole like Brazil a first world country.
You still have favela's, you're basically the India of the western hemisphere. You have a big GDP and some nice stuff and economic power but as individuals your country is poor as shit and has no way to deal with this fact.
>Russia has millions of gallons of oil and isn't first world.
Russia has also a huge political oligarchy controlling their nation with an iron first
>Natural resources doesn't make a shithole like Brazil a first world country.
So explain to me how Australia managed to become a first world economy?
Then why do atmospheric carbon dioxide levels drop in the northern summer, when the foliage blooms
They started off as a first world country. Mostly a white, educated populace that was a british colony.
>How will Jow Forums deal with the fact that Brazil will soon be first world?
I'll be glad that no matter how disparate, in a globalized world you lads still helped shift the overton window.
Good luck over there, get rid of the cartels, they all deserve violent execution.
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\o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o EIN MACACO
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>no way to deal with this fact.
Well there are ways actually but the optics would be pretty bad
Sure, but how they manage to keep on being a first world country if they economy is solely based on commodities
Because algae also do photosynthesis?
You do realize the Chinese are preparing to invade Latin America and Brazil right?
But there’s more ocean in the south... getting more sunlight in Dec-Mar, shouldn’t CO2 drop then, rather than Jun-Aug?
brazil smart
sopa de macaco uma delicia
Bye waiting for you to wake up.
Can you into cunning? The jew cries as he hits you.
US doesn't want Russian arms and Chinese trade in Latin America. It's aggression indeed, but against centuries old US monopoly.
Sure, but Australians are getting paid 20 dollars an hour in the mines while Brazilians are basically using slave labor
The country making money doesn't mean its first world, without a proper education system, workers will continue to be underpaid and abused. Without a proper police system, crooks will continue to run most industries.
These are problems first world countries never had to deal with and Brazil is plagued by, you can't be a first world nation with literally millions living in slums, breeding like rats, with no way for their children to not be slum trash because school isn't a real thing unless you're already well off.
Since when did Brazil and Mexico became so bro tier?
So according to you the key to become first world is to promote class warfare?
you know you got an ESL bro sweating when they misquote and throw out this complete non sequitur
I knew gringos who went to Maceio or whatever and thought the amazon rainforest was there, and then they came to SP thinking it was here also... the absolute state of burger education
bad american education is worlds better than bad brazilian education
I think you answered the wrong post... I was trying to get at the impact of microalgae on atmospheric CO2. And I I’m a fascist who is sceptical about anthropogenic climate change
More likely they went to drink and then inquired about the rainforest as an afterthought.
i dont know much about brazil but there are a lot of young au pair that get sent here in my area. theyre pretty well educated or well spoken at the very least
BraZil is going to become a bigger shithole than already is.
No Embraer, No Petrobras,.. keep sucking amerikike cock like there is no tomorrow.
Don't fall for this meme that Brazil is going to be first world, Jewsonaro fans would like people to believe that we're gonna be alright now because he'll open the market a bit and cut taxes, and put criminals in jail.
You can put the best leader in a shit hole, the leader won't accomplish much, even Pedro II couldn't who was a immensely better man than dotard Bolsonaro.
Brazil's problem is the amount of niggers and monkeys we have, you can't reach prosperity on these genes.
So according to you the key to become first world is to promote class warfare?
Sure but they were probably trained for that and educated to be sent to the US to work, the US also heavily vets these people.
The average Brazilian lives in a literal slum and doesn't have plumbing. They don't really have schools, if they do they probably wont go.
>Nobody comes here to see the rain-forest.
I guess I'm a weirdo the, because if I ever went to Brazil that is what I'd like doing.
The monumental power of the nature there would be well-worth enduring the not-so-nice accomodation and temperatures.
I honestly don't know m8, but that the source of oxygen of earth is mostly from algae is a true concept and you can check it out everywhere
Stop acting like that.
Most of Jow Forums, including me, is happy for you.
Yeah because that's really what I wrote. You can't be a "first world" nation with half your country living in slums.
You literally described word by word the surplus value and class warfare from Marx m8. If that leads toward first world, we should have been a first world nation since the 1930s
You misunderstood what you read. I know what you're talking about, 70% of all oxygen produced is from algae. But all of that algae is underwater and most of that oxygen stays in the Ocean.
Don’t try arguing with Brazilians, especially if they’re (((reactionaries))), they’re effectively retard.
>But all of that algae is underwater and most of that oxygen stays in the Ocean.
aquatic life consumes oxygen
this desu
How do none of you know what "first world" actually means?
Brazil is already first world, it is the leader when it comes to gender and racial diversity.
Forgive him, he is just the typical macaco cleisson ostentação with braces, living in a favela with a stolen nike and an iphone 5s with a cracked screen
Brazilians are retarded
Aligned with Western Powers and the US, which we are honestly becoming Bolsonaro
You know there are a lot of shithole countries that are allies with Western powers? Do you really want to fight US war with Venezuella and die so that US could install a puppet there?
yes, it is our duty to free Venezuela as the defenders of Catholicism worldwide