For those who have yet to sign the petition

Alex Jones’ first amendment rights are being violated everyday he does not have White House press credentials.

Let Alex Jones have press credentials and a permanent seat next to Jim Acosta!

Please sign the petition


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Needs 82,162 signatures by December 17, 2018 to get a response from the White House

Alex why are you posting as a bong?

How long until they have to build a fucking arena just to cover him?

Guy is as irrelevant as the old model iphone he uses to watch his tranny porn.

I kinda miss being able to check his jewtube channel for videos to see what nutjobs are crying about but im not going to his website fuck that.

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Would be a great move if Trump got him into the white house press room and use the screeches of CNN against Costa.

Yeah nah all normies think when they see Alex is that faggot who abused the parents of children that died in a school shooting which is fair enough really, he did do that and there is no real proof no children died.

What a woke man sees is Special agent Bill hicks selling CIA pills to the dumbest conspiracy theorists.
And you thought MK ultra was done?
top kek

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Bump bump bump bump bump

>turns from a sculpted white god into bill hicks in a year

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Infowars is on Bitchute, brah

Yeah, let's help the trans-loving degenerate, everyone!

see Infowars glows in the dark

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I want this bad

Of course you do.

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He’ll get more than enough signatures but Trump won’t do jack shit. I don’t think you have any idea how many petitions we’ve sent to the white house that would help him or his base. Antifa a terrorist organization? Sleep. Protect the 2nd amendment more? Nah senpai. Nationalize Twitter? Too much. He’s ignored every single petition we’ve sent and this one won’t be different.

>#1 Allah-non functional IP
Special agent detected

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You tell em Special agent Bill

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Not gonna happen

He did have a press pass, so wut hoppin?

I just signed it!

Fuck that jew plant faggot

The problem is that Alex has a history of crashing interviews and conferences and shit. That alone is probably enough to keep him from getting a pass.

BUMP for epicness.
If only i were allowed to vote in this






>Alex Jones
fake fucking news - kys stupid faggot
he has no fucking reason to be on the WH Press Corps

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suck my dick r*ddit fag

Typical wh*toid behavior

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why do any of the other "reporters" have a reason to be there over him? They are just like him, trying to ask the president a question to report back to their show about. Why do you fear Alex Jones getting the opportunity to speak with Trump?

I have no fear of Alex Jones - he's a worthless stupid cuck and is as far from a journalist as a garbage man is a from a surgeon.

What I don't want to see is the spread of fake news. Haven't you fuckstains been complaining about "fake news" for a couple of years and here you are promoting one of the biggest spreaders of fake news in history

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