The alt-lite has turned on him

the alt-lite has turned on him

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What happened? Is it because he lost a debate to a feminist?

yeah, dish the dirt pol/aks

? link?
didn't think it was possible for any human to lose a debate vs a feminist

>trusting a boomer in the first place.
Alt-lite, literally retarded.

OP delivers, is not a fag.
Holy shit he got blown out by fucking MILO?!
This is delicious, didn't think the Dangerous Faggot would come back with fangs.
Saved to read for later.

>turned on him
Implying he didn't turn on them first. JBP used the internet right wing as a launching pad to become the next Dr. Phil. He'll start ignoring or disavowing anyone from his beginning, even the most kosher alt-lite personalities.

He is a globalist kike shill and anti-white.

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People started realizing that he doesn't say anything of value. Also yeah, he got BTFO by a feminist by trying to out liberal her. A similar fault that Christians had when trying to debate guys like Dawkins or Hitchens.

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>He is a globalist kike shill and anti-white
There are such blatant faults in JBPs thinking, and by turning into a wignat to try to make him look bad, makes you look bad. Anyone that cares about "globalist kikes" or "anti-white rhetoric" already dislikes Peterson. It's easier to explain to someone why Peterson's grasp on religion is retarded than trying to convince them that Peterson's friendship with Jews or his blind racial preference are bad.

He just had a speech in Slovenia and started it by saying this is the first time he’s been in a country behind iron curtain. We were never behind iron curtain. Are all leafs this stupid or just him?

Anyone in the intellectual dark web is pure cancer.

you actually wasted your time to make this thread..

To be fair, Yugoslavia was always bunched up with the USSR because of their common dislike for the First World. It might as well have been behind the Iron Curtain.

I don't know what it is about that term but it just makes we wanna punch the guy in the face who is using it.
Not you user, but the people who use it seriously.
Why is it so infuriating?

That’s not true at all. Yugoslavia was always against USSR and US, the third bloc, quite literally. We even sold you our space travel tech to nasa.

He's a liberal from 15 years ago. The fact he's considered far-right by some is just a consequence of the movement of the Overton window to the far-left.

>the alt-lite has turned on him
Awe shit. Faith Goldy and Milo Niggerdicksucker have turned against Peterson. If they get even half of their 500 viewers to turn on Peterson it will take his videos 5.76 seconds instead of 5.75 seconds to reach 1 million views.

How is he going to recover?

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I mean in terms of perspective. The western perspective was that if you were against us, you were a commie that was working with the USSR. Yugoslavia, with its Soviet aesthetic and direct contact with the USSR, didn't make it hard for Americans to think you were a Soviet satellite state all but in name.

>globalist shill agenda exposed
oy vey, how could this have happened? Man warning signs from the beginning with this one. Mainly, he is bat shit crazy.

That makes sense. Anyway, rest of the speech was pretty cool. People asked him questions like “how to combat commie nostalgia” and “how to get rid of left wing ideology”, which was a lot different to the questions he usually gets. It made me happy to see a room full of people hating commies together.

>exposed in caps in the title
yeah, I'm not even gonna watch that
>"Where was he in our dark past?"
>"Was he enriching himself with foes?"
>Or flying among the Eagle Caste,

Basically Peterson is trying to overcome the shortcomings of his classical liberal, enlightment value system by making you LARP as a traditionalist, which in turn makes him a postmodernist. Its crazy that he is everything that he hates because he refuses to acknowledge that his "liberal values" are what killed God, creating the nihilist society we have today. Just embrace traditionalism, or become an all out postmodernist. He's the last breath of modernism.

Who came up with it?

>People started realizing that he doesn't say anything of value.
He helped me. I think he says things of great value. I always had a sense of hopelessness about the world but his message about the Heroic archetype moved me to action. I got weight loss surgery and started eating right and exercising. I cleaned up my room (whole house) and started fixing things that were broken.

Now when I start to feel depressed I get up and do something positive. 2 years after first starting to listen to Peterson my life is 100% better. I'm down 160 lbs. I'm officially normal weight but I'm also spending time on Jow Forums to be better than simply "not fat". My house is clean and all the shit that was broken is fixed.

I donate $10 a month to Peterson's Patreon in the hopes that he can help other men improve their lives.

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Jordanetics cultist spotted

He showed too much of his hand when he came out against Kavenaugh.

>i donate $10/mnth to patreonstein

Lets all point and laugh at the paypig

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Why do grown men use Peterson as their father figure? Its so fucking gay. Quit being such a fucking pussy and go talk to your own father. For this advice, you owe me $10.

Vox Day has spoken

What did he mean by it?

>Peterson shill
Yep, and damn proud of it. You want to fix the West? Start to embody the archetype of the heroic citizen in your personal life.
Nigga I'm rich. I'm 40 years old and make $120,000 a year. My house is paid off and I have $400,000 in my 401k and $140,000 in the bank. Now I'm thin and live in a clean house too.

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I haven't turned on him you presumptuous bell-end.

Jordan is a good man; you need to shut your faggy mouth and clean your room you smelly, lopsided, cunt flap.

Well, Peterson has some really good ideas.
But his muh individualism is not going to fly. It's already lost the war to the radical left.

Go see a real therapist incel

What are his good ideas?

>Nigga I'm rich.
Me too. We are all

>go to therapy
Go to confession instead.

Where can I find asian ass like this?

>Go see a real therapist incel
I did. Because of Peterson.

Hate Peterson but Milo is just a typical faggot that gets insanely jealous when someone else is the center of attention.

Kikes desperately want more than to shield people from this man's message. I see they are still at it.

Clean your fucking room and take responsibility for yourself. You have the power to affect the changes you want to see in your life. Build your strength and act forthrightly.

OH NO GOY NO DON'T LISTEN TO HIM! You have no power, stick to your circlejerks and your porn. Don't waste your energy being an active member in society offsetting the globalist agenda. BAD GOY! IGNORE JORDAN PETERSON! BAD GOY!

We aren't attacking Peterson for his advice. How could we attack a guy for saying "Clean your room"? We attack Peterson because of his shoddy philosophy and inconsistent world view that he pushes when justifying his advice. The problem here is that we view Peterson through a philosophical/political theory lense, and you guys view him through a self-help lense.

Clean your room and don't dare question your rulers, goyim.

I called you a cultist, not a shill.

You are a pathetic poece of shit. You made it to 38yo were a fat piece of shit living in filth and needed some kermit sounding UN employee and CFR member to spew faggot sophistry at you before you decided to make a change?

Thank fucking christ your fat arse will never procreate

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he's so moderate. it's astounding that he's so controversial

>calling people goy
>shilling fpr juden peterstein

I-i cant..

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Judas goat

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The media paints him as extreme right so that they could silence actual right wingers when not even the extremist Peterson agrees with the grievances of actual right wingers.

If you think deeply about it, that’s the most redpilled post in this thread. Shills hate Jordan “Kike Crusher” Peterson because despite his moderation, he gives the most dangerous advice to the white man.

Why are they coming after Jordan Peterson so hard recently? I mean I don't think he is the second coming or anything but he says some pretty straight forward common sense stuff that helps you get a sense of agency in a world gone mad.

I just feel like all this hate is a deliberate attempt to deplatform the man or something? What has he said (is he saying) that they don't want us to hear?

Nobody is disagreeing with his wash your dick basic bitch advice you faggot. We are calling you a retard for needing it in tbe first place and peterstein a money grubbing, fundamentally dishonest kike for leeching of obese paypigs like yourself and bragging about leading whites away from realising our collective potential while simultaneously being a zionist shill and the #1 holohoax cheerleader who cant go five seconds without bringing up auschwitz

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He never shuts the fuck up about muh holohoax and calls NSDAP germany evil.

Kys cultist

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>There is such a thing as the Chaotic feminine Peterson recognizes. She is the Whore of Babylon, rather than the Heavenly Bride. But Jordan only sees the Whore. This is a fundamental failing in his mythological structure: he doesn’t see the Ordering Feminine—the Lady as Heavenly City who gives a home to her groom. Men are constantly asking feminists to be more honest about male virtue. They have to do women the same courtesy. Peterson doesn’t, and can’t.

This is one of Milo's quotes in the article about what makes JBP so fishy.
Pretty astute I'd say.
Traditionalists like Evola point to a balance of opposites in both men and women.
The black dot in teh white teardrop and vice cersa in the Taoist yin yang symbol etc.
What do you goys think about this?

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The fact that he tells people to read Solzhenitsyn makes me think he knows and just knows he can't say it. He encourages you to read the Gulag Archipelago hoping that you will enjoy the book and then want to read more. I mean I might be wrong about this but it could be a secret redpill. He can't just sperg out and start screaming "(((THEY))) DID IT, (((THEY))) DID IT." He would never see another sunrise. I mean I have problems with the guy sure, the Individualism thing is a point of contention, if we want to fight the degeneracy we have to in part take on a collectivist mind-set. But over all I think the guy is doing good work.

Good on you user. Learning discipline and diligence is what turns a boy into a man

Why do people write Taoist, its Daoist.

Vox is one of the best critics of Peterson out there.

I still think Peterson is a net positive for us and people need to have sympathy for those who make concessions to spare their career and livelihood. Not everyone can be a fucking knight who falls on his sword.

Sargon did

Jow Forums is always right
>I won't say your pronouns
And thats all it took for people to start following this guy like he was the pied piper in spite of the obvious red flags. So many people were sucking him off on this board. Maybe it was JIDF. Who knows

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>this level of cognitive dissonence.

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Yeah, I'm aware, but I think it is something to do with the different alphabets used for translation.
Pinyin vs Traditional vs Simplified Chinese etc, or fucking something.

==JORDANETICS: the #1 bestseller in Political Philosophy==

JORDANETICS: the #1 bestseller in Political Philosophy

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I don't know how you can get to 38 and still find Peterson's vacuous sophistry valuable.
Of course the materialistic yank points to having "dollar dollar bills" despite lacking basic self-help wisdom that a child should possess.

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>fanbase hungry for truth
>learns to sniff out modernity's bullshit
>starts to smell his bullshit
it's inevitable

Exactly. The only Christians people like Dawkins and Hitchens debate are controlled opposition faggots comromised by the zog's shekels, just like they are.

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I thoroughly enjoyed reading about how JBP is a kike shill