Should the government introduce an age gap law?

In order to avoid un-PC relationships between men and girls, should men aged 30 and above be not allowed to date girls aged 7 years or more younger than them?

Obviously, this would not apply to older women as there is no exploitation potential from a relationship of e.g. a 17yr old boy and a 35yr old experienced woman.

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No. What the fuck is that?
A roastie protection enactment?

Ben Franklin advocated this, ha everything that is old is young again

Yeah, if they ever try to pass something like this; everyone is going to jail.

If anything, we should make it the other way around and prevent 25 year old men from marrying 24 year old women they cannot control and form as much as a 30 year old can control and mold a 18 year old.

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in layman's terms? Yes

If you ever find yourself asking "should the government _______" the answer is almost always no.

This article is literally an attempt to get the roasties a beta cuck to drain money from.

How there'll be non virgins if no one sleeps with virgins?

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I have impregnated more than 650 women in africa , most of them were virgins and most of them gave birth too. Yes I am white.

hah, that's what was said when they first proposed to raise the age of consent to 16... oh wait men are actually being sent to jail for consensual rape in astronomical numbers, never mind

Huh, I want to remove her socks and lick her bare feet.

>Roasties getting mad that older men don't want to fuck their blown out holes


>(emphasis mine)

19 year old male here. I'm fed up with old men (25+) going out with girls my age, fuck off they are ours. You don't see us stealing your 30 year old women so fuck off.

The majority of women, young or old, refuse to date or marry anyway so what does it matter? The women are the problem, the avg Jane thinks she's too good for the avg Joe now days

Stop falseflagging you autistic pajeet.

I slept with a non-virgin, I think twice when I was 17. Hot dog in an airplane hangar. Huge letdown in terms of what I thought sex would be.

Two years later, I met the woman who would be my wife, whose virginity I would take and keep, and I assure you: there is nothing as good as cumming in pussy that has only ever belonged to you.

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>Don't you fucking DARE even so much as LOOK at a woman younger than you, okay, you fucking pig? Now shut up and buy me dinner. And no I will not be having children with you. I already have one from a previous relationship. And yes, Tyrone's father is out of the picture so I expect you to care for him.

>virgin wife
>OR lifetime celibacy

I'm not paying for used goods. Change the narrative. Change the rules. DO NOT marry roasties. Punish them with loneliness for their poor choices. The younger generations will see this, learn and adjust accordingly.

inb4 basement dwelling incel


Tinder must be a nightmare. Even if you find one without a kid, you are getting super aids.

>Yes goy leave the virgins for BBC niggers, you need an experienced woman that had 40 miles of cock plowed through her and she birthed at least two mutts.
Besides, I'll be shocked to find out a girl is a virgin above 16.

I got on their just for kicks. To see how true the memes were. Holy fuck what a nightmare.

Shut up, faggot. If you play your cards right and aren't a neet sperg, by the time you're 25 you'll have the pick of the 19 year old litter.

It's a cycle. Older men are more mature and further ahead in life, and as such, provide more economic security. Older men -> younger women -> younger men improve themselves -> get younger women when they're older.

>You don't see us stealing your 30 year old women so fuck off
maybe you should for learning purposes like ben franklin suggests

Do not participate in the cheapening of sex. It's amazing, spiritual, and quintessential to the union of man and woman. You don't have to be a Jesus freak to understand this.

Kill yourself, roastie.

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>fuck off they are ours
Are you a nigger by chance? Only niggers and muslim see women as property, that is why they worship us.

Nice try Chinaman, but you'll never even be an honorary Aryan.

I've stayed pure because I just want a like minded person to mate for life with.


Interesting perspective. It would help men aged 15 to 25 to have an age gap law, just as it would help roasties aged 25+. Isn’t this exactly what we want in society? Reduce incelship and single roasties not getting hitched?

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I've thought about it at times where I stayed home on Friday and Saturday nights and wanted a quick fuck. But then I flashback to all the times a mate of mine bitched to me about the sluts he would find on there. Literally every chick he has hooked up on there has either been a single mother, a leech, a vindictive bitch getting back at her ex, or severely fucked in the head. Actually, wait, no, ALL of them have been severely fucked in the head.


another good reason to seek out a virgin wife is that women can and do lie, but they can't lie about virginity

if she gives some bullshit "muh horseback riding" popped it excuse, then she's lying

like my wise older brother told me, whatever number a girl tells you, multiply it by 4

Pretend she's a migrant from Honduras, it will help you overcome your footfaggotry.

>You don't see us stealing your 30 year old women
What's stopping you. Hell, steal 16 year olds if you want.
And how is it "stealing" anyways, girls can date who they want just like you can date who you want.

What the fuck is this cucked shit

Bitter Roastie General?

Staying pure is step one.
Step two is approaching that woman, because she won't approach you. Rejection is a risk, and you need to get over it.

You may think you're not an alpha. Nobody is until they choose to exert their alpha status. When you stop fearing rejection and keep taking chances, that's when you end up meeting her. Don't be afraid to take what you can have.

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Fucking South Park, trivializing an epidemic. Superaids is no laughing matter!

The women will make it obvious if she's interested. Usually you can notice beforehand. Doesnt matter if she's a slut veteran or a complete Virgin.

I want to remove her panties, fuck her hard for 20 minutes, then paint her face with my cum. Rinse and repeat the following morning. Get normal fetishes.

Footfag is the most normie fetish there is.

Trips of truth.

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me in my buddy is going to sleep

In Europe, maybe. In America, virgins are more socially alienated than ever. Surrounded by propaganda that portrays sex as common an activity as taking a piss, they are intimidated to even approach relationships because they figure they have to put out in the first five minutes.

In addition, even though we've been trained to understand the risks of casual sex, we're warned not to inquire about the sexual background of mates, on the basis of it being "shaming". This applies to both men and women. The kikes have never been so brazen in their attempts to destroy American society.

yes Certainly lets give government Even mor power and lets not stop there lets criminalize thoughts . We already do in many ways and Euphemisms too.


idk my man, maybe in different countries situation is better but in Poland women are sluts as well

I thought in Poland women were pure and loyal to their race. Do you mean even Polish women crave the BBC?

No stupid laws

but if you want stupid laws it ought to be half your age + 7 at the youngest and (your age - 7) x 2 at oldest

young polish people are heavily influenced by american culture, you can say that Poland in may aspects is Americalite

fucking this
Only women over 30 care about this

Just make it illegal to marry a woman without her father's permission and be done with it.

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and yes, big part of polish grills idealize black men and want to have mutt children

30 year old boomer here.
I have literally never had sex.
I'm white.
Is it over?

Better outlaw marriage with non virgins and with those above 18 + Outlaw porn.

it is common believe in pooland that mutt children are healthier, stronger analogously to dogs

kys you kraut fuck fag

For people earning less than $50 million a year.
He forgot to mention


Checked. Old Ben knew his shit.

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Article says for men above 30.
>For frog poster who get dopamine from just browsing and posting and never receiving (yous) because too dumb

>when a kraut manages to post a worse thread than a leaf
I don't know whether to give accolades for actual German humor or be thoroughly disgusted


that doesn't make any sense, you retarded faggots, men reach their peak way older

i was almost fooled by the article but it didn't have aggressive clapping emojis trying to shame me

This is some new level of jewing

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I'm 32 and I regularly fuck girls >10 years younger than me. Prime pussy one of the few pleasures I have left in my life, so fuck (you).

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Sex with whores is overrated. It's never over, user.

Nigger... every rich man and every politician would kick you in the balls for suggesting such a thing

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Where do you find them? I want to do this too but I have no idea where I'd even meet a 20 year old zoomer girl

Kys degenerates

just stroll around any college when the semester begins making casual contact, you'll know which ones are into it

Yes but my search for true love has left me hopelessly isolated in a callous world.
It would have been better to accept the ways of the world and become a hedonistic sociopath.
Instead I deeply imbibed congenitally an absurd Christian ethnic that is fundamentally incompatible with human nature and now I myself seem to be incompatible with humans.
And now I'm old as fuck.
I think I fell in love with a 17 year old the other day who will be attending my university and everyone told me I was a bastard.

bad photoshop my nigga

When I was 28 I took the virginity out of a 19 year old when we dated for 2 months. Yeah there is something wrong with her but women these days cannot take the "moral" high ground any more so it's free game to do as you please.


Then you cry about bbc you fucking cuck

I agree to some extent

Fuck off roasties. I'm 26 and I've been chatting up a 19 yr old. I'm gunna fuck that pussy and there's nothing you can do about it.

Bong muh dick muh dick.

>Too young for you
As long as it's legal, there's nothing wrong with it. I will keep fucking 18 year olds for as long as my dick stays hard and there's 18 year olds to suck it.

Why the fuck should I settle for some 50 year old beat up thanksgiving leftover pussy? Cause society says its not proper? Go fuck yourself.

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a girl in my freshman high school year, a 15 year old, had a 27 year old boyfriend, nobody seemed to care, the next year most girls in my class were dating 20+ year olds. Ofcourse I didnt even kiss a girl in highschool, nice lads, thanks a bunch

> middle school cunts all have 20+ yo boyfriends, was angry af about it at that time
>24 now enjoying schoolgirl pussy

feels so weird when they say they got classes while fucking at my place

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kek, choice cut here

how would they prove it in germany when 30 year old Nu-german men are accepted as 16 year olds already?

yes, also women should not be allowed to vote until they are age 65

I'm 28 and still attract high school aged girls, they beep their horns and whistle at me. For some reason gay men and very young women are super attracted to me. But girls around my age don't take me seriously.

I’m a 24 year old dating a 19 year old and I already get shit about it. I can’t imagine how I would be treated if I was around 30. They’d probably call the cops on me. America is super weird when it comes to age gaps. It’s verboten.

>be 30
>be single
>home for holidays
>"why don't you just date a nice, divorced, single-mother, user!?"
why do people keep doing this? I want kids and a family of my own, I can't do that by marrying a 35-year old divorced woman with two nigglets in tow from her affair with Tyrone.

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Their fine with older women dating young men, when the roles are reversed (which is the natural order of things) they freak out. In south america and parts of eastern europe 10 - 15 year age gaps are normal.