Foreign Aid

Is he right Jow Forums? should we abolish foreign aid?

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Abolish - no
Make conditional - yes

does canada provide foreign aid to other countries?


Absolutely. If you knew how much money Canada gives in foreign aid you would want to kill yourself

>Let's abolish foreign aid
>*for everyone except Israel

(((foreign aid)))))))))))
How much?

Hes right, foreign aid shouldn't be a thing at all especially when it involves sending money to nigger nations so they can grow their populations even though they cant take care of themselves. Also cut all aid to Israel.

We gave away $5,600,000,000 of our money a year.. Canada has 30,000,000 people living in it

pretty much this.
we should be spending that at home, think of all the nice things we could have....

woops, here's link

America gives $X,000,0000,000 in aid while parts of it suffer from annual environmental catastrophes.
A piddly-ass country like Canada giving foreign aid by comparison makes even less sense

Can someone please tell me why the fuck Israel is so loved by western governments? Has Israel done some great service to the west or something?

foreign aid is literally just bribe money

ever heard of the marshallplan faggot? Without the aid of the USA we wouldnt have recovered from the war but look at us now. Germany is one of the leading economies in the world

On top of this, many of the countries that receive foreign aid barely have an economy, so they take on debt to participate and recieved this aid which they will never repay

Israel has done us a great service by causing chaos in the mid east and forcing sand niggers into the west, they are greatest ally

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Basicallt $200 per person in Canada a year.. Half of these people would be children or the elderly that aren't working too

So every working age Canadian has the privilege of forking over $400 a year to out of control niggers and Muslims

Well, they stole our nuclear secrets. That was cool.
I think it's a combination of Christfags worshipping Jews and the fact that Israel hates all of their shitty muslim neighbors as much as we do.

Just like a kraut nigger to demand his free foreign welfare payments

Foreign aid, taking money from poor people in rich countries and giving it to rich people in poor countries


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Take it a step further, get rid of the IMF and World Bank

My country should. We might actually be able to pay for the NHS then.
WTF we actually give away 7 billion, 1.36% of our GNI to shitholes while we lack funding in both the police and healthcare? KILL THESE FUCKING TRAITORS NOW!

>0.1 %

Ah yes, instead of giving teachers higher salaries we spoon feed niggers, preposterous

5.6 billion
ODEC wants that tripled

Yes he's right
The US foreign aid is not beneficial to my country. For example it stops us from exporting our own weapons to western countries.

why are we like this
we are too nice

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Foreign aids builds roads straight to a countries mineral deposits . In essence taxpayers pay for the globalist miners salaries.

no. he's a liar or idiot

most foreign aids is bribes for scams

Trudeau literally gave billions to African countries.

Why feed the shitskins?

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Yep. All the articles in Canada are from kikes at th CBC saying "We're not paying a high enough eprcentage, and here's why that's a problem"

bernier is a neoliberal shill for the 1%

At home and abroad.

wew, cant wait to get my tacticool DE

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He's not even going to poll a full percentage point in the election.

Foreign aid fucks us in the ass as westerners.

>We lose money
>Get nothing in return
>Africa gets free shit enabling their birth rate
>Africans triple
>Can't feed themselves, medicate, house, or clothes themselves
>More money
>Programs begin and say we need to accept more migrants
>Africans begin pouring into the west.

We are literally funding our replacement. That's how retarded White people are..

The worst part is that in the US none of it is recorded as "development aid" and nearly all of it is funneled through 3rd party non-profit organizations. The amounts absolutely boggles the mind.

i think most of us know thats why were here.
but what can we actually do to stop it, thats the tough question

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It's a testament to how entrenched liberal values have become that even we often take the concept of foreign aid for granted.

Consider this: The people of a country work hard and pay taxes, on the understanding that this money will be used to fund public services which we will in turn benefit from. This is the basic social contract underpinning all of society, it's literally the sole justification for having taxes at all.
Now, having collected said taxes, the government sets aside a portion and it away. Not to the people who paid into the system, not to our countrymen or coethnics who may some day become contributors or who at least we feel some moral obligation to care for.
Nope, this part of the budget is sent overseas to people who will *never* be part of our society. Just because.
And with all this going on, the only debate being had is *how much* of our money should be spent on this, not whether it should exist at all.

Imagine going back 1000 years and explaining that to your ancestors. They wouldn't even be angry, they'd just be confused that such a thing was even conceivable.

End foreign aid.

Do everything we can to end it.

A good example of how we can "meme" it in is by saying

>The west is going broke, when it does they won't be able to give foreign to Africa. Billions of Africans who rely on this will die. The best thing we can do it ween off FA so Africans can get use to being without.

Literally jew money to ensure you didn't turn back to ethnonationalism.

>I've talked with many terrorists, none of them wanted to be terrorists
>we must eliminate what causes them to become terrorists
>they become terrorists because of America's economic system

This guy goes totally for ethos, sympathizes with terrorists and fails to make a point.

Germans and Japs, sure. Giving money to niggers has never resulted in a god damned thing.

Fun fact. China is still classified as a third world nation, they receive foreign aid and they get free postage and shipping paid for by the western world which is why they are able to dump crappy and fake electronics all over the internet and sell it with free shipping.

Did the fucking heeb yell for police after taking out the knife?

"only democracy goy" As they ethnically cleanse and destabilize every stable gov around them.
"We develop all western tech and share all of our intelligence goy" Untrue, they just steal all of ours.

that's just the short version of how the scam works.
use taxpayer money for the bribes and keep the profits for yourself.

confessions of an economic hitman
google it

Americans give nearly a trillion dollars a year to nonprofits.

and we STILL need social welfare from the government?

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i really dont understand how we've even gotten to this point. i mean, if i was personally in debt, i would never be handing out money that i never expected to get back or nothing to show for it. it just blows my mind that this is allowed.
i could see helping nations out that had just be hit by a natural disaster, or to help rebuild after a war, but the way its set up now is just so ridiculous

>no country has ever developed because it receives money from elsewhere

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im pretty sure it was just a protester wearing a body cam

The service in question is to finally have somewhere to send all the Jews if they're unhappy with where they live.
Most Jews did leave.
Those who remained in the West are the problem, as are JIDF and Mossad as extensions of the globalist kikes.

Foreign aid only makes sense as a tool of foreign policy.

corporations should pay for their own bribes

It's ridiculous. I agree, helping an ally like Japan after their problems, but free money because they can't live on their own and feed themselves... Let nature run its course.

Also, If people want to give charity. let them give charity to whomever they want. But don't force citizens to give their money to organizations, countries that they don't want to help.

what do you think

lotta jews in western governments

taxpayers pay for the bribes and then they become the soldiers to fight the wars then the human shields for the blow back


I don't want to pay so jamal can abandon his ten niglets.

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That's OK, because that then is a fair deal.
HOWEVER a minute alteration needs to be made :
Only those who want, should enter this deal.
How cound that be accomplished ?
Easy : stocks.
Well and here we are at : The free market again.
So yes, we can abolisch that complately - whoever wants, can just 'support with conditions' whoever they want all over the world by participating in their projects, e.g. by buying stock, which is the easiest option.

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>tfw if you mention abolishing foreign aid in public irl you are branded a racist
Such is life in the West. Must help the "minorities", right?

if we give all the wealth of the country to the rich it'll trickle down to you.

and we will become a country of peons

fucking idiot just came up with a 40 year old scam.
fuck off bernier you fucking tool

I read his tax plan ( what there is of it) where on the one hand he says he'll end corporate welfare and on the other hand he'll give the equivalent of the defense budget for tax cuts. wtf?

Feel the Bernier

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I guess free market capitalism is so weak we'll all have to tighten our belts to keep this voracious parasite alive

maybe you should get a real job max

13 posts by this ID all on the OP. Canadian Milk Lobby get out, CPC shill, get out. Learn how to samefag

eliminate foreign aid
find out who your real friends are

Foreign aid is also a way of spreading influence so it's not that simple.

We all know it's you Andrew, how bout you do us all a favour and go get raped by the 250 trillion Somali immigrants you want to bring in

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