I thought the deal with Hillary was the she was using a personal server, not email address, right...

I thought the deal with Hillary was the she was using a personal server, not email address, right? So how is Ivanka supposedly the same thing?

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is ivanka the secretary of state?

10/10 milkers

What does she smell like?

TO ANYONE WHO HAS ACTUALLY read this latest Ivanka used Gmail article in WaPo. I'll ask because i haven't read it nor will i:

>did Ivanka herself, her staff, any lawyers or other personnel at her instruction try to delete or erase these emails down to the server level including any and all metadata?

Lavender and vanilla.

It pisses me off that Jow Forums still doesn't understand what happened.

Hillary had SAPs on her server. Go and Google "Special access program security" and see how tight the security is.

Hillary LITERALLY was selling America's top secrets to foreign countries. Someone LITERALLY committed espionage just removing the SAPs or copying them.

Then, after the SAPs were taken, they ended up on Hillary's server where it could be "hacked" so that it would be more difficult to prove that Hillary knowingly gave it to foreign countries.

>the emails
The emails were a way to create an additional layer to try to hide the dirty stuff

Instead of
>Hillary's illegal server illegally had top secrets that fell into the hands of foreign countries
It was
>Hillary had emails, and they were on a server similar to ones used by other top government officials who had them approved.

See how fucking different the story is when "the server" is the least of the problems, versus when it is the worst accusation?

It's all theater to keep us dumb and occupied

None of the above.

None of the emails were classified, and they have all been archived in a Govt. database, but we can't let any of these facts get in the way of gaslighting the public into believing the 2 things are in any way similar.

this is how criminals give each other a pass.
"she did it too"

Lucky for her the fbi doesn't care about such things.

they stole programs that can access planes and crash them. same with new cars. they have complete control of everything. after its all over all of you shills will get your reward. you will all be expendable hahaha bye shills

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Real or fake?

>I thought the deal with Hillary was the she was using a personal server, not email address, right? So how is Ivanka supposedly the same thing?
You're mistaken. The problem was in violating security protocols and in doing so undermining national security. This is why Ivanka is a menace and must be locked up. Are you behind this vital cause now, OP??

Stop the traitor now!

Attached: Trudeau and Ivanka happy together.jpg (630x420, 69K)

wtf are you talking about?

I am referring to the fact none of Ivanka's emails are in any way on the same level as the above tops secret things Hillary kept on her server, but the press would like everyone to believe there is no difference.

Congress should definitely bring Paul Combetta and Justin Cooper back in for additional under oath testimony. Only they can really say how similar Ivanka's setup was to Hillary's

>Congress should definitely bring Paul Combetta and Justin Cooper back in for additional under oath testimony. Only they can really say how similar Ivanka's setup was to Hillary's
No comparison is needed. She is a liability and threat to America, so lock her up!!!!

Attached: Jewish Ivanka.jpg (960x640, 144K)

No i want to hear the expert testimony under oath from the two guys who set up Hillary's illegal homebrew server. If what Ivanka did was in any way similar, they could both definitely attest to what those similarities are

is she considered white by pol standards since she has brown eyes?

What secrets does she know?

Ivanka is not SecState

Have you noticed that after she became Jewish her nose has actually shrunk?

I’m not the one comparing it to Clinton, the media is. I’m saying it’s totally different.

Well put

This is how the (((enemy))) manipulates stories like this one. Even the supposed our guys reduced to story but nothing but ''Hillary was just not careful with her e-mails, oops.''

What classified information is she given?

yes, the miracles of social camouflage surgery.

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Dub’s of truth. She can do what she likes with tits like that.

who cares, anything that can be used to strip this jew of influence is a good thing.

Strawberry’s and honey

(((they))) were suppose to rm -rf /* the server after they got accessing "data", which would provide double cover 1) fuck you FOIA, and 2) fuck you there was no classified data, look it got wiped like with a cloth

Wet pussy


>B-but I didn't know!

Really? That's your excuse? After your daddy spent two years whining about Hillary's emails? You didn't know? Bullshit.



>No i want to hear the expert testimony under oath from the two guys who set up Hillary's illegal homebrew server. If what Ivanka did was in any way similar, they could both definitely attest to what those similarities are
Stop deflecting from the crime that's actually happening.

Lock her up!!!!!

Stop her before she destroys the White House and America!!!

Attached: Ivanka nipple slut white house.jpg (3000x2013, 2.13M)

Fake titted WHORE

It's not.

Yeah lock her Up in mi bed

shes a jew. prison is too good for her.


so is this the shills latest talking point?

Hillary's orders. She thinks this story shows some kind of Trump voter double standard lol

it's just for trolling boomers. no one gives much of a shit.

You're not allowed to use a personal account for official government electronic messaging unless it is cc'ed or forwarded to an official account within 20 days. Not doing so is a violation of 44 USC, Chapter 22.

What part of US code addresses the illegal retaining and transmitting of SAP level top secret information on your own non secure non governmental private email server?

What part of US code addresses the illegal destruction of subpoenaed information?

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He's also a shill trying to make you look unhinged.

Right. Is there any proof none of it was cc'd?

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Not only server issue but also the email to her hairdresser and what not about the schedule was not classified. Every reporter on the planet had access to the schedule.
It's a nothing burger

Every article I've read on the issue frames the situation such that her emails were not handled in a manner consistent with the chapter. None of them have reported on that granular of a level and I've not personally seen her emails, so I don't know the answer to that. The way that they're deflecting now certainly makes it seem like she's not been following the records keeping regulations to the T, but I will admit that I do not know.

A lot of people on Jow Forums don't seem to understand that this board is waist-deep in paid shills at virtually all times.
The ongoing agenda is the attempt to astro-turf talking points that the average thinking person rejects.
Anons need to be smarter than the shills and cleverer than the bot makers.
The best way to handle a bot is not to engage, unless you know the combination of terms that will cause it to effectively self destruct.
As for shills, you can call them out, of course, but they will deny/deflect/divert, and thus ultimately win the exchange - though at the cost of bumping the topic; albeit with the benefit of clogging it with shit.
Or you can just ignore them.
On the positive side, (((they))) wouldn't be here with paid chumps if they weren't both desperate and, ultimately, unpopular.
Anytime you have to pay people to espouse a view that the other side's free thinkers espouse for free, you're on the losing side of history, and the brains at the top know it.

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It's not

Also reminder that Ivanka isn't even a politician



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jail them both, ASAP

Their fake. Her first boob job was botched. She got capsule contractors. One was rock hard and super high, the other normal. Obviously it's been fixed now. You can probably find pics. She didn't hide them away or anything.

Ivanka doesn't have security clearance. Hacking her e-mails isn't going to affect national security at all.

Most likely answer


But that's wrong. She was given security clearance.


Loves the JTC

>its okay when the right does it

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hey, fair is fair. this is prescident for arresting Hillaroid isn't it?

*capsular contraction

Donalds cum

it's not
ivanka and hillary should be indicted, immediately

yeah i love this argument almost as much as i love the way ivanka looks. sorry sweety, but you do the crime you do the time. put her in a cell with hillary.

>leftists cry about how hilarys emails are no big deal
>complete non-sequitur happens with ivanka
>the left cries hypocrisy
>the right says its not remotely the same thing

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Nothing has to be true for the kike media..
They just write whatever the fuck they want and draw lines in the sand and guilt trip/shame whoever questions their blatantly dishonest and hypocritical bullshit.
Fucking CNN should be burned to the ground.. Traitorous cunts. Fuck FOX while we're at it too.

nah, the difference is ivanka didn't do anything illegal, like use a PRIVATE SERVER, send CLASSIFIED INFORMATION, or try to destroy them after a court order you faggot shill :)

Ok. When’s Hillary getting in the cell?

I mean

Isn't it possible that this information was intentionally leaked just to get the (((media))) outrage going.

That way when the canon is inevitably turned on Hillary (see recent fed judge ruling), they'll have not choice but clever it or take another massive credibility blow.

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There goes the 2020 campaign lmao

Her getting locked up would only help trump. No more Daddy Daddy! The refugees need to be let in. They need our help.

maybe they could make a netflix series out of hillary and ivanka sharing a cell

Because it's not a government server, you idiot.

I would eat her asshole till it blistered

>a nigger
>chimping about 'liability'
muh sides

Worse! She's the President's envoy and adviser


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Fucking hell yanks

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>10/10 milkers
Second it.

>Hillary LITERALLY was selling America's top secrets to foreign countries.
Haha you saw that inforwars show too? Hilarious! But seriously it didn't happen.

>Hillary had SAPs on her server.
Wasn't she the clearing authority for the State Dept, deciding what was classified and what wasn't? That's why the FBI couldn't charge her.

>It's all theater to keep us dumb and occupied
You should check with Sputnik News to see what you should believe next.


>Ivanka doesn't have security clearance.

>Great picture of our NEXT PRESIDENT!
You have been banned already, Mr. Netanyahu


>Wasn't she the clearing authority for the State Dept, deciding what was classified and what wasn't? That's why the FBI couldn't charge her.
she was not the authority on SAPs.