Airbnb supports terrorists and is a racist company.

>Airbnb agreed to boycott West Bank settlements and announced plans Monday to remove settler listings from its popular website of temporary rentals in 191 countries.

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Other urls found in this thread:

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I used to be a redpilled Trumper for MAGA, fully enlightened about the dangers of race mixing, Islam and the Jews.

I started to doubt Trump though after days and days of him tweeting instead of purifying the nation of the dirt that covers it. I started reading Jow Forums, at first to shitpost, but then I started being influenced by them

One day I was talking to one of my pro-Trump friends. "I'm not racist, but I think we should gas all the nigs" he said. "Maybe race mixing isnt that bad" I said. Suddently I felt a dart in my ass.

When I woke up I saw a man with a yarmulke staring at me

"Who... Who are you" I said.

"Shalom. I'm a rabbi, the top rabbi actually" said the Jew

"Wh... Where am I"

"We heard you having globalist thoughts" said the rabbi "we're ready to bluepill you"

"N-NO MAGA MAGA HAIL TRUMP" I said trying to fight him off

"Don't fight it, don't pretend to be someone your not" said the rabbi

I knew he was right. It was time for me to join the other side.

"Do it" I said.

The rabbi side stepped to make way for George Soros, with a scalpel in his hand. Daddy Soros pulled down my pants and circumcized me.

"Welcome to the conspiracy" said Daddy Soros

From then on I was a good Jew, working hard to keep down the working white masses and encouraging race mixing and open borders. I went on the shill for Hillary Clinton and joined my local intersectional femenism club.

Hello Achmed

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gonna use airbnb on my next trip now

>gonna use airbnb on my next trip now
implying you can even afford a vacation

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>Nazis are bad
You're not getting anywhere here kike.

Leave Jews alone!

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That's really not nice desu. He toured his neighbours back yard last year, who are you to say he won't get further in the next few years.

>He toured his neighbours back yard last year,
To case the place for a robbery

>To case the place for a robbery
That he couldn't commit because

He was arrested for another crime

Hopefully not anti Semitic h8 speech but actually gassing the jews

this is only the beginning, kike

>this is only the beginning, kike
The beginning of what?

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WompWomp kike

Te final solution

Pro tip: You are making painfully obvious that you have not been here for long.

p.s Fuck jews

Dear Lord, save this nog from his life of grime.

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Leave this Israeli officer alone good chap, we're on the brink of a lyrical masterpiece.

Kek. You wish

>Pottery incoming?

airbnb confirmed for terrorist organization

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please dont post MP , this triggers the israbros

Can’t wait to sign up and support my local terrorist organization and meet fellow terrorists then!!! I may just rent out my own place to nazis for free

Fuck you. Fuck Israel. Fuck AirBNB.

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>Is this a cuppa tea?

Wuuut? Did you read it?


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armor corps mashakit tash bitches are fine , just dont post MPs they're universally hated here for fucking us over every week .

Reminder while Americans wepts in the streets of NYC and DC , palestinians dance in the West Bank on 9/11.

So whose side are you on?

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Sauce that faggot or begone

The Jews were dancing in the streets of NYC.

>palestinians dance in the West Bank on 9/11
Never happened kike.

what will the kikes do when the boomers are dead? Israel's days are numbered

Not American so shut up

Literally reported it on 9/11 you underage faggot

Unpatriotic flag faggot piece of shit

Remember the 3,000 lives lost and the radical MUSLIM terrorists who did it!

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Google 'judea declares war on Germany' and tell me that Israel doesn't deserve BDS for starting a war, getting a quarter billion non Jews killed over the last century, and then claiming they were the victims.
Jews can only lie and deceive.

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I can deal with powerless sand niggers dancing. The dancing sand niggers don't have a stranglehold on all media and culture promoting degeneracy with intent to destroy western civilisation as outlined by the Frankfurt school over a century ago to bring about 'le glorious revolutione' after all.

So yeah, fuck you.

>leaf posting nonsense

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Anyone who supports Palestine is a TERRORIST and ENEMY of AMERICA.

9/11 never forget
God bless America
God bless Israel

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>still no sauce
I think you’re remembering Jews dancing but if you don’t have a saucer you’re a filthy kike
Watch this little kike still provide nothing but more kike lies
I’ll wait faggot

Here's the sauce.

>diverting the argument
Just like a Jew would


>hates Jews
>supports Jewish university president because support paleshits
how many levels of retardation are you on?

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You unpatriotic fuck should be deported

Our Jewish brothers wept alongside us on 9/11 while Palestinians laughed and danced in the street.

You think 3000 Americans dying a brutal death is something to celebrate?

Clearly you didn’t watch the video

Gas yourself I’m preheating the oven just now

So many shills for israhell
You know your time is near
>your fears
They are warranted

so what, you're funding the nation trying to wipe them off the planet

You must of ether forgotten or were too young to remember how United America was from 2001 to 2002

Then terrorist sympathizers spread your lies and hate that inevitable divided our country

There is a special place in hell for 9/11 deniers and terrorist sympathizers.

God bless America
God bless our greatest ally Israel

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>Our Jewish brothers wept alongside us on 9/11 while Palestinians laughed and danced in the street.
Never happened Ezra.

>Palestinians laughed and danced in the street.
LITERALLY video of them laughing and dancing in the street. Are you blind or just retarded?

I love your fears keep it coming. I feed on kike fears

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>You must of ether forgotten or were too young to remember how United America was from 2001 to 2002
So much this!

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>shilling it this hard
Oy vey shut it down

Do you deny that said video does not exist?

>LITERALLY video of them laughing and dancing in the street.
Laughing and dancing about what?
Kikes only lie and deceive.

Kek. I was 19 on a usmc base on that day. Knew it was bs immediately

t. F18 mechanic

>Laughing and dancing about what?
Muslims attacking the USA.

>does not
More pilpul from kikes

Debunked, stay mad kike. The only ones who laughed and danced on 9/11 were Israelis.

Much love meine brother

Great so you agree that paleshits were dancing and laughing in the streets after 9/11? Yes or no.

>Great so you agree that paleshits were dancing and laughing in the streets after 9/11?
>Typical kike ignoring reality and trying to push his own bullshit narrative.
Debunked, stay mad kike.

Proud of them you worthless kike rat. No one likes you.

It’s all he has. Call everyone Achmed. Fuck you I hope an achmed specifically rapes you.

Jews manipulating the media to fuck over Palestinians? I can't imagine that happening.

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I had just stayed in an air bnb room for the first time in my life before hearing this. And it was a public location and the only other person I briefly met there was named Mohammed. How ya like that kike losers?!


You lost it over

Checked and this all day

>meme flag
>anti BDS
know how i know you're a jew?
fucking kike traitors.
boycott israel,
watch The Lobby by aljazeera.
educate yourselves on how the israeli government has attached itself to america like a parasite.
remove the parasite, end dual citizenships, end financial and military end.
say no more to illegal israeli interference in US affairs

They're scared because they know support for Israel by American youth is dying.

Attached: The_Lobby_Part_1_BDS_and_public_opinion.jpg (1200x1347, 288K)

Blessed and Reichpilled

And calling someone an antisemite isn't working like it used to.

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You just know that the 1488 is gonna drop itt

baste air b n b

Last bump from me for this thread. Just wanted to out Canary Mission again. They're the Israel on Campus Coalition and Adam Milstein funds them. So much for the anonymity of those kike cowards.

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Roll for blessed numbers

Believing Al Jazerra.

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>staying at an Airbnb in the West Bank


(((great britain)))

All right. One more bump for, you dumb kike. It's not about believing Al Jazeera and you know it. Your own dumb kike brethren are being quoted here. They gave their own game away.

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Damn we scared all the shills away

>Your own dumb kike brethren are being quoted here.
The video shows American Jews, not Israelis.

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>Believing facts can be separated from context or bias.

Whew, we've got some self-righteous brainiac here!!!

>'' I (don't/do) watch (insert newscast here) therefore I am well informed''

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