Nice knowing ya, mutts

Nice knowing ya, mutts

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we need a crisis

although this is like the 10th time this happens this year and nothing happens

hey medniggers
when the crisis comes to you guys, promise me you'll "beat up" as many noses as you can

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Is this finally it? There's a lot of really bad energy in their air today. Seems like a good day for the collapse

>Maxine Waters is now in charge of the country's finances

>fed keeps raising rates after letting Obama have free money for 8 years

"This is all Drumpfs fault"

This, I just want everyone to be as poor as me. When is the collapse coming?

here comes the C R A S H

Uh, you know every economy in the world is tied in the US economy right Jacques? Sure, france might not be as overexposed as Germany or China, but like any smart frenchman you should be wary of German economic depression. Last time that happened you guys got BTFO in 6 weeks.

We're the world's biggest economy. We export every recession we've ever had to the rest of the world. In 2008, we broke China's growth and splintered the EU. I'm looking forward to the next one honestly.

So, why Fed stopped printing money?
They want to screw Trump or there is a fundamental economic reason behind it?

I feel that today's the day

Such negative vibes all around

Please keep this thread bumped and updated with the latest updates. I think there's going to be a huge crash today

Like your markert isn't going down, or what?

This is it anons. The big one.

So where was it two years ago?

Updates please

Post your favorite gore

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so (((they))) finally realized they won't beat trump and want to go out with a bang

Just checked it. Went from negative 1.50% to negative 1.95% within like 3 minutes. Absolutely insane

anything that happens to america will be 10 times worse for every other country on the planet, and we'll handle it ten times better than our nearest lesser. of course the zog won't be affected at all, but that master's privilege is to be expected. also
>its nothing

Not a crisis yet. And you better hope it doesn't become one. You know when we crash the whole world goes with us. You already have borderline rebellion pussy.

Negative 2.07% now

All gains from 2018 have been wiped out within 45 minutes.

>When the land literally ruled by Jews who constantly promote propaganda and interefere with foreign nations and alters the native culture of said nations crash we al do.

lol no, we start healing.

It's probably because of Intel and Nvidia.

OP is a retard or a troll also a faggot

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i got my weapons ready for defending my estate and now its getting better :(

Will it finally happen?

It seems to be staying around negative 2%. So all 2018 gains have been completely wiped out

i've been waiting for this supposed crash for 5 years now. it's just doesn't seem to come soon enough

Back to negative 2.09%

Please keep crashing moar, PLEASE!

i just sold all my stocks unironically

The thing is, world's economy never actually recovered from 2008 crash. It's still on monetary life support. So when crash happens, it would mean their turned of life support and it won't be even a crash, more like COLLAPSE

Negative 2.12% now

Negative 2.16%


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>The Under-Man is unconvertible. He will not bow to the new truth, because he knows that the new truth is not for him. Why should he work for a higher civilization, when even the present civilization is beyond his powers ? What the Under-Man wants is, not progress, but regress regress to more primitive conditions in which he would be at home. In fact, the more he grasps the significance of the new eugenic truth, the uglier grows his mood. So long as all men believed all men potentially equal, the Under-Man could delude himself into thinking that changed circumstances might raise him to the top. Now that nature herself proclaims him irremediably inferior, his hatred of superiority knows no bounds.

>This hatred he has always instinctively felt. Envy and resentment of superiority have ever been the badges of base minds. Yet never have these badges been so fiercely flaunted, so defiantly worn, as today. This explains the seeming paradox that, just when the character of superiority becomes supremely manifest, the cry for levelling "equality" rises supremely shrill. The Under- Man revolts against progress! Nature herself having decreed him uncivilizable, the Under-Man declares war on civilization.

>These are not pretty facts. But we had better face them, lest they face us, and catch us unawares. Let us, then, understand once and for all that we have among us a rebel army the vast host of the unadaptable, the incapable, the envious, the discontented, filled with instinctive hatred of civilization and progress, and ready on the instant to rise in revolt.

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Negative 2.29%

Wow so Kool man, neitzsche is so rad, tips fedora

Rolling for biggest crash of all time.

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Even if that were true, it would still be fucking nothing.

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Negative 2.31%

Nice trips

Kek has blessed your desire

kek confirms

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inb4 literally nothing happens

Negative 2.34%

It would seem so. I'm going out to by lots and lots of food.

The best part is nothing will happen. You'll still be a pathetic NEET no one likes and when you kill yourself, just like the stocks today, nothing will happen. :)

The book's author is in the image and in the filename.

Guess I hit a nerve there, huh? What do you do for work?

Confirmed under-man.


Dude I thought I was the only one feeling the negative energy. Been dealing with bullshit ever since I woke up at 5am.


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What’s with these eurofags talking about our economy? Oh no, 1-2%! I should sell my house and cash out my 401k!

>ancoms unironically posting on Jow Forums

if you hated jews and niggers we might actually have something in common

You rolled trips, Kek is watching, this is it.

Praise Kek!

Poor wittle baby is triggered. LMAO!


I had an extremely bad hangover this morning

Lol all these armchair economists. Almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.



>Dow Jones Industrial Average
Fuck the Dow Jones. Only the oldest and most out of touch boomer investment brokers care about it.


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4 is the unluckiest number in chinese

No I'm just saying that you're obnoxious and you enjoying watching people's sandcastles knocked down just makes you a pathetic asshole. And pathetic assholes tend to kill themselves. Of course, where you like to watch innocent people get hurt, I like to watch people like you showing up in the suicide statistics. And I think to myself "one less faggot to ruin society."

>stock market bouncing off its highs as the feds raise rates

This isn’t news

Do you speak to your mother in that tone of voice young mame?

>450 point drop
>more than the DOW's entire gains in the 2018 year
>"This isn't news."

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Does that nazi have a jewish penis?

Thank odin

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No because my mom isn't a pathetic asshole. And she probably wouldn't like pathetic assholes cheering as people lost money. She probably wouldn't be as mean as me though. But that's okay, I'm the favorite son. :)

You sound like a faggot who takes things to seriously. I hope you, and you alone, lose everything.

Put me in the screencap please.

It's... It's scared...

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The west is already in crisis, but people are waiting for it to get to pandemic levels before doing anything for some reason.

Tariffs Trade War and Tax Cuts - fucking GOP financial geniuses led by the most stable genius of all time hahahah

we have 100 years of data on GOP financial incompetence, and we expected Trump the master of bankruptcy to break their record hahahah

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well... fuck

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LOL why are u so butthurt faggot? Oh cause ur losing all your savings in the market. Haha sucks to be u faggot


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Shit thread. Here's a red pill on the Oregon Standoff.

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In America blacks and whites are segregated and most white women would never touch a black guy. In France...

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The Dow may drop another 2,000 points before the stock market selling is done: CNBC CFO survey
Eric Rosenbaum
10-12 minutes

The Dow plunge isn't anywhere near done. At least, not according to chief financial officers at major corporations.

More than half of the members of the CNBC Global CFO Council think the Dow Jones Industrial Average will fall below 23,000 — roughly 2,000 points from its current level — before the stock market barometer is ever able to top the 27,000 level. The 23,000 level would equate to another 8 percent in decline among the Dow group of stocks before the selling stops. The Dow dropped by more than 400 points on Monday.

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fasten your seat belt

It's all over now. Checked

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What have you done?

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O fuck.

my body is ready

I'll be glad to do that. Many noses around here in my Roblox server.


This happening fags are retarded

The stock market is literally useless, and doesn't actually effect much of anything other than shell corporations that move money around to hide it.

No I'm having a good day because I'm buying the dip. :)

>Oh cause ur losing all your savings in the market. Haha sucks to be u faggot

No I didn't lose my savings, but the best part is it tells me is you *don't* have any savings to lose. So question: what's it like to be objectively measured as a loser in society? I assume it must be mentally grating that's why you're here attempting to celebrate people's misery. You do realize that if shit goes down, losers like you are the first to go right? You're basically existing because society has deemed it wrong to purge undesirables. If anyone should be nervous it's you.

If you would try to explain to a retard vegetable NPC what is going on. What would you say.

Asking for a friend.

>Being this illiterate.

please crash please crash

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do you even know what indexes are?