How to escape church

>be 19
>third semester of college
>bi (my mom knows, she hates it)
>living in meme south american country
>son of two extreme catholics
>have a little sister
>love them a lot but they never get off my back
>get nagged at if i go out with friends from high school because they all smoke weed (i don't)
>get nagged at because i spend too much time on the pc (i have nowhere to go)
>don't even think about going with college friends to a club because of my mom
>can't make jokes about Jesus or the church
>actually went to the psychologist because of bisexuality (the doctor sided with me)
That's for context. My problem is we've been going to church for two years straight and I really can't take it anymore. I tolerated it when we went like twice a month, but I just don't see the sense in it anymore, it bores me to death, it takes away time I really need for uni... I believe in God but I hate going to church.
How do I tell them I don't want to go anymore?

Attached: cqKa5WsteR-6.png (300x250, 28K)

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>Hey mom and dad, I don't feel like going to church for a while. I won't want to turn my back to religion completely, but I don't feel like this is working for me right now.

The thing is I want to avoid the subsequent fight with them and the tears my mom will use to make me feel guilty
Also she may tell my dad about my faggotry and I reeeally want to avoid that

Well you can’t hide your sexual orientation forever. What is the worst that could happen? Being disowned from your family and getting kicked out? Then what? That’s it? You’re 19, it’s slowly time to take over your life user. Don’t let your parents dictate your happiness, take matters on your own hands.

If you read the book of Acts you'll see that the Church described in it is far from what is a "church" today. You could ask your parents if instead of going to the "church" you go too if you could go volunteer together at a soup kitchen, homeless shelter, etc. That is if you're willing to do something that isn't a waste of time and is according to the will of God. The Church in the Bible is the body of Christ, it's not a place you go too, you are the Church.

I know you wont believe me because you are teen, but your parents nagging is completely harmless and they do it because they love you. You will really miss it once it stops.

If you are clever, you can make some adjustments to keep nagging to bearable levels and your job same as it is now. And remember that paying rent is a high price for evading nagging.

Google average rent, cost of energies and average wage from
it is super cheap to pretend to be good son.

Luke 17:21 Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.

I'm trying man, I swear, but they pay my uni and I live with them, it's hard.
>Well you can’t hide your sexual orientation forever
>implying I can't

They're extremely close minded and they only read what confirms their biases. I will try, tho

I inow they love me, but it's just getting to unbearable levels

Isn't church an hour of your time a week? Don't be such a whiner. And keep your sexual preferences for yourself, your family doesn't need to know about it. Wait it out until you're financially independent.

Hey user,
I was in a similar situation to you.

I had trouble going to church due to some circumstances but my grandma used to drag me all the time. I got lucky in that she was such a proud lady that I embarrassed her one time and she never took me again (thanks grandma).

I've had other friends in a similar situation though and here's what they did.

1. You say you still believe in God, like other anons said, confront your parents with Scripture. You get to use the ultimate authority, not them.
2. Could you ask a friend to take you to an alternative church? Or even out for the morning? Tell your parents you aren't comfortable or welcomed at their church and see if they will let you go elsewhere.
3. Get involved in an activity on Sunday and say you cannot attend.

Just say you want a more private relationship with God or something like that. Every church member is different, so why should they all receive the same message? And why should humans (flawed and sometimes annoying) preach for you? Tell them church is just not suited for your personality

>Hey mom and dad, im abandoning religion to hang with friends who do drugs, fuck guys and play pc all day.

That darn religion am i right?

Just leave a photo like this in your mailbox

Attached: 6A9E1335-4657-4BF6-8BB3-8DC9129830B3.jpg (1600x1066, 76K)

You faggot I'd use that time to work and study.

Find a REFORMED CHURCH and you will actually enjoy going to WORSHIP THE TRUINE GOD OF HEAVEN!

Attached: Reformed 2.jpg (752x185, 33K)

Youre the faggot since you fuck men. You seem to be missing my point. They probably dont hate you leaving the church so much as they hate the idea of you doing degenerate shit in life. Get a better hobby that pc (bullshit theres nothing else to do), get better friends and stop being a raging homo

I'm not even that flamboyant, I'm pretty normal. Fuck you

The sunday activity is pretty useful, I might use that.

Lmao are you actively ignoring my actual point?

No, I just didn't have a counterpoint (._. )
Ok yeah, i understand why they're worried. But they don't really need to
I'm trying to cut back the pc a little

That's a good idea. Try like that other person said family activities. Church is good in the sense that its unifying. I used to go to church with a friends family and i enjoyed it just for the singing. I really do recommend preaching that luke verse in a non confronting manner.

I used to be on the pc 16 hours a day minimum and while i still game and stuff i manage family life with it as well.