Why did liberal men start growing beards? They've basically ruined them for the rest of us.
Why did liberal men start growing beards? They've basically ruined them for the rest of us
why are conservatives so insecure over trivial shit like beards?
Weak chins.
because it's fashionable.
It also is easier to shape than your fat jaw.
Do hide their weak chins caused by their excessive onions drinking.
Commodified masculinity. When "being a man" in the traditional sense is socially deconstructed and demonised, people try and achieve if via superficial means.
See also: novelty men's products which place a near-satirical emphasis on their manliness or traditional style.
It’s a huge turn off to women. Kikes are trying to brainwash weak western men into growing them.
Weak chins.
Weak jawline.
Hiding FAS.
>no shave
absolute pleb tier
20 days strong lads
I hate faggots
>ever needing a beard
lol nice jawlines faggots
I have a beard because its cold in Canada and it helps me keep warm. It actually does serve a purpose.
Repulsive numales trying to help jews subvert No Nut November and promote their pornography.
Learn what that word means before making yourself look like an idiot.
so that they can hide their weak jawline due to influx of onions products feminizing their appearance
To hide their deformed chins.
Depends, some women hate them, some love them
Beards being marketed as a manly thing, hence many men will buy stuff to make them grow better, spend money on maintaining it too (but that's also true for shaving... so...)
I have a full bear but I trim it, not more than 5mm, looks neat
I only do it because I look early 20's if it's shaved, even tho I'm 30
This is kind of stupid, not all men have strong jaws. It isn't an indication of "feminization", throughout all of history there are examples of powerful men who had what would be considered today "weak jawline". Ya I admit it's nice too have a strong jawline, but far from an indicator of masculinity.
>They've basically ruined them for the rest of us.
Because if you don't have personality, you have to change your exterior appearance to appear different.
It's because despite fighting "toxic masculinity" and outwardly mocking traditional male behaviors, they, like all men need respect and a feminine weak demeanor commands no fear and thus no respect. So they leech off the image built up by manly professions and lifestyles that do inspire respect, like biker or lumberjack and tattoos etc
these boring dorks not doing no nut
I just grow one because I dont like shaving and I fish for a living so I dont have to shave. I live in Alaska though, everyone has beards here.
is beard oil degenerate? My beard feels like it's made of hay after I shower I want to try some.
Test to see if I am banned
You only grow a beard if you have a shit jawline. If you have a jawline shaped by the gods then you either shave it all or keep it very short.
>Why did liberal men start growing beards?
Masculinity crisis.
To show solidarity with their Muslim brothers.
>Is personal grooming degenerate?
No. You should be asking if it's feminine, and most things associated with a beard are not feminine by nature. Unless you decide to stick lights or pink bows in them.
I keep my beard trimmed, I like to use a specific beard wash (actually makes a big difference) and beard oil. Looks good, smells good, feels good to myself and my wife (it's soft and not so coarse).
No idea how much beard grooming products cost, but shaving costs very little money if you're not retarded (read: use a safety razor & a badger)
Why beards? So their mouth looks like a vagina.
Big beards are for gay bikers, lumberjacks that dress up in women's clothing, the homeless and communists. Keep it shaved smooth or keep it at stubble.
ok I have a proper jawline complete with cheekbones but I grow a beard out so I can intimidate people more easily.
Shaving is for faggots and wage slaves.
Bears are filthy and disgusting and full of bacteria.
Go with a goatee to separate us from them. They hate goatees
Fuck Them. Just because they have beards, then you don’t have to hate beards too. Plato Said that there are only types of people without beards: women and boys. Are you either one?
Because they're fat as fuck and want to hide it since they're insecure.
Shouldn't the left be shaving their beards, to combat toxic masculinity?
It's not just a liberal thing, some conservatives grow beards too
My personal observation is that the 'trendy' beards are grown by tryhards who are insecure about their masculinity. Men who are comfortable with themselves either shave it off or go full Gandalf mode and let it grow to ridiculous lengths
To own the cons.
Beards are the surest sign of homosexuality.
They have now surpassed gaydar and a right lobe piercing as the surest indicator of manlove.
I grow mine (but keept it neat) and shave my mustache. My lady likes facial hair and I'd look like a 13 year old otherwise
Because the fashion industry follows me, and as soon as i stopped shaving and started wearing a bun, all the "faggots" on campus started copying me.
I'm so sorry.
this is true.
because putting lights and glitter in your beard is incredibly retarded; considering everything from the environment to starving kids.
We should put these people down.
You're pretty beta if you let something like this affect whether you'll grow a beard or not.
damn you dudes are embarrassing.
>dont like shaving
same here. and i don't have to spend $ on shaving products.
depends what type of eyes you have, the more you look like hell the better. it distances yourself from nufags with childish excited eyes for the upcoming release of the new nintendo game
Why do you insist on tribal identity politics? Stop being such a fucking NPC god damn. Beards dont belong to political tribes you retard.
>caring about what others look like
What are you a woman?
Beards are associated with masculinity and used to be a cool thing for young guys to do since they didn't have much masculine cred
But then the fat soibois got in on it so now it's associated with soipeople
dude, have you fucked a woman in the past 20 years? ain't no pussies out there with hair on 'em anymore.
P-pls no, I have a weak chin and growing a beard is my only way of looking halfway salvageable don't take this away from me. If women can wear makeup to create an illusion of being better looking I will do the same with my beard.
Im sure the great philosopher would have a change of heart if he could see the people with beards today.
beard is now just a superficial icon of masculinity while ignoring everything that also relates to masculinity, is just a badge of honor, something to showoff when you have nothing else to prove how "manly" you are
Plato also said
>The excessive increase of anything causes a reaction in the opposite direction.
oh no liberals grew a beard that means I can't grow a beard
fucking retards just do what you want, real men don't follow trends like women
Gonna keep my beard, don't care if soiboi libshits do it right now eventually they'll stop again and it'll be niche.
It's a fad, just like long hair was for a while
Theres a distinct different between a soibeard and an actual masculine one. I despise the patchy, thin, mustache cant connect betas that think they should have a beard. I've had one since I was 15, and have not, and will not, ever shaved it off.
I grow a beard every winter to keep my face warm. I don't normally trim it, and it becomes a gigantic mess by spring when it gets cut off. I don't know why anyone who works indoors would want that sort of bullshit headache on their face.
Maybe not a woman but definitely a right wing conservative. All of them are superficial and vapid like that.
tfw I'll never have a beard like Mel :(
>real men don't follow trends like women
So you are wearing Huggy Bear's old pimp suits because they were $1 at the thrift store, Mackelmore?
You follow trends you pansy little zoomer.
A full beard only counts if your hairline has not receded at all. If your hairline has changed in anyway, you have a söy beard and low testosterone.
ITT beardless low T males jelly that roasties love bearded men.
This, the only men who should have beards are the ones with strong jawlines and no double chin, everyone else should wear their shame openly.
Beards are for losers. I rarely see a successful man with a beard
>only the Sith deal in absolutes!
>roasties love bearded men.
imagine believing this
Urbanites ruin everything they touch with their faggotry.
I Have never owned a suit that did not come from a thrift store, and I have been doing it that way since before the internet.
>They've basically ruined them for the rest of us.
Why would you let someone else's fashion choices dictate what your own?
men with beards look like faggots or terrorists. theres no third option.
Its part of the shaved head coping mechanism
the close shaven "80s Beard" is OK imo
Fair enough I am a thrift store man myself.
I buy brand-new clothes like straight-leg khakis and whatnot. Work attire is a uniform and I comply.
# years strong lads.
Meant 3 years
What is the most redpilled beard style?
Most people started growing beards when Gillette raised prices again. Those kike fuckers are charging £25 for a blade that costs 10p to mass produce.
General NPCs are too stupid to use a single/double razor for cents and too lazy to buy a rival cartridge blade for half the cost.
>tfw 26 and never shaved
Because most of them are so effeminate that they would be mistaken for trannies without beards
>Depends, some women hate them, some love them
Yeah, but research after research prove that the vast majority of women don't like beards.
clean shaven
baldness is due to a compound related to dehydrated testosterone. That's why finasteride (only pill right now to control baldness) fucks your erections, mental health and masculinity
Full beard = bum/numale fag
Stubble = Chad
Mustache = old fashioned men
Go for a stubble when you are young and grow a mustache when you are old, never a full beard.
To hide weak jaw lines and make them appear to be masculine whilst being cucks.
Full beard is operator as fuck if you are also wearing worn outdoors clothing and heavy boots.
But I work in health care so unless I invoke Mohamed you have to embrace the clean shaven jew
fake movement to confuse up people on NoNutNovember
>Work attire is a uniform and I comply.
I have coveralls I wear at work. Every tshirt I ever owned is either ruined or well on its way. I never buy them new. Suits are a joke that I wear to funerals and weddings. I have 4 of them, and 2 are jokes....including a powder blue one. None of them I paid more than $20 for. I got married in 12 dollar suit that fit me like a glove. I never gave a fuck what others thought of me. When I am not at work wearing hard hats, ear plugs gloves, steel toed shoes and face shields, I like to wear pajamas. I make good enough money to dress well, I just prefer to buy things like homes and real assets.
If you only have a mustache everyone thinks youre a creep
Double chins too.
>None of them I paid more than $20 for.
yea people would be surprised how cheap 2nd hand suits are even in 99% condition
This is what you call a wrong opinion
>yea people would be surprised how cheap 2nd hand suits are even in 99% condition
It is unreal how nice some of these things are. Granted my $12 wedding suit was made for some huge fat guy, I spent $80 getting it custom talored. 15 years later and it still fits like a glove. I guess that is a good thing. I wear it to all funerals.