How come this is the only red pill that pol is afraid to take?

How come this is the only red pill that pol is afraid to take?

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Because we took it when Bush was president and it was just a placebo

Shut the fuck up you pinko commie faggot. I swear to fucking god, if i see you deface old glory, if i hear you putting down lady liberty, if i catch a whiff of you defaming the red, white and blue, i swear to god that i'll put you in a fucking coffin in the name of apple pie, freedom and the rights of every good man in this country
Watcha gonna do, commie boy lover, when the free peoples of these united states, RUNS - OVER - YOUUUUUUUUUUU-BRRRRRRRRRRRRRHHHHHH!

>ideology that has failed every time and killed hundreds of millions

>red pill

Communists are truly the dumbest people on the planet.

A poison pill is not a red pill you stupid mother fucker.

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here's your daily dose

>Shmelev and Popov's description of the Soviet economy exposes mainstream Western assessments as little more than fairy tales. They devote a chapter of their book to the falsification and distortion of statistical data in the Soviet Union, which they contend still occurs today. The revelation that ""for three decades, from the end of the 1920s through the end of the 1950s, statistical distortions were so great that even the ordinal numbers were altered,"" implies that even assessments by conservative Western experts skeptical of Soviet success, such as the late G. Warren Nutter, give an optimistic rendition of Soviet economic performance."

>It was estimated 3-4 million people starved to death in 1933 during the Soviet Union’s “industrialization” phase.

>Per capita USSR national income was about 50% of the American level while average per capital consumption of goods and services was estimated at 30-40% of the American level.

>The World Health Organization concluded the average national child mortality level was about twice as high as the United States.

>102 cities with a combined population of 50 million people contained air pollution 10 times beyond the permissible norm.

This pill makes people "jump" out of helicopters faggot

>How come this is the only red pill that pol is afraid to take?
Its the last thing you will ever eat...

It contains AIDS.

>how come you’re scared of believing in flat Earth Pol

Fuck off faggot.

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Because it's actually a blue pill. Communism is Judaism in political form. The Jews themselves even say this.
And I'm not a jew. So why would I be a communist?

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Oh, its a "red" pill alright

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You are a fucking moron. Why, if communism wass supposed to level the playing field but in every society that tried it is dirt fucking poor, communism was supposed to be egalitarian, but it was a bunch of losers stealing power and wealth. Every fucking time. It's not some brilliant ideology, it's a justification for a societies losers to steal from a societies successes, It will never work. Mark never accounted for an ideology like capitalism to do what communism was supposed to. ie pull the masses out of poverty. It's a failure just like the adherents of the ideology...are losers.

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>Allows the cat on the counter
>Just takes a picture as it shits in her food and appliance
>Proceeds to take a picture afterwards
I’d beat that fucking cat to death and her near to.

Sage, dont waste time on butthurt kikes

because its not a redpill
its a flawed system that is too easily taken advantage of by both leaders and users

>Take it


because it's the ultimate blue pill in disguise

>why don't you just accept this inherently-flawed meme ideology that has failed over and over?

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Humanity is intrinsically commercial as a civilization. Commerce is a Lebenszweck, a mission in life, the mission of evaluation. Phobia of that commerce is not a perk, no gate to higher political learning, just an unwillingness to fulfill your purpose. A deficit.

That guy looks like every hipster faggot at Occupy. There's the hint...hipster faggots should be blasted in the face before they can even utter their first worthless words.

It never works when you take it, and all the other people say it wasn't the real red pill anyway.

Americans are incredibly dumb. They think they will all be billionaires because they are clever or work hard even though our system currently let's the fattest most retarded pieces of shit rise to the top.

It's been tried many times. It doesn't work. Many of the people who attempted it were highly intelligent and had massive amounts of resources and manpower. They still failed. The result of Communism is always economic collapse, starvation, and millions dead. A couple of Communist countries today have become successful by remaining Communist in name only. It's a failed ideology.

> cummunism
> red pill

How can you consider a hammer or a toothbrush a personal property, when in cummunism there's no property?
What is difference between personal property and private property?
If private property covers means of production, what stops me from disassembling a mean of production and claim the parts to be my personal property?
Why would you waste resource producing more than say (hypothetically) 1 hammer/toothbrush per 7 persons?

How can one cultivate and harvest crops to personal use, when there's no personal property to be used for farming in cummunism?
How do you allocate public land for this personal farming?
Who allocates the public land used by the collective?

The ten Planks of Communist manifesto:
#8 "Equal obligation of all to work. Establishment of Industrial armies, especially for agriculture."
> Equal obligation
How can a stateless and non-hierarchical society enforce this?
> Your work-time is equivalent to everybody else's work-time
Am I forced to sit and drawn hentai for as long as others work in factory, if I don't want to do manual labour as an artist? Will my hentai comics have high labour value the longer I sketch it? How is an artist's LTV defined?
If "... each according to his needs", what stops me claiming to acquire 70% of goods to suffice my 120kg fat ass' needs?
How can anyone else define how my needs are sufficed?
How can a collective deny me coming over demand 70% of goods that others have gathered through hard manual labour, while I can provide them only hentai sketches? We are living in non hierarchical society after all, right?
How is Theft defined in cummunist world, when there's no property in non-hierarchical society you can steal from others?

How are decisions made in cummunist utopia? By majority vote? That sounds hierarchical desu.
How do you force the majority's resolution on minority in a society without a hierarchy or authority?
How can you stop minority from implementing their own solutions?

>I’d beat that fucking cat to death and her near to.
You know, you could just shush it off the counter, and where is it's litterbox? Cats don't like shitting in warm wet stuff anyway...

Because it's literal slavery.

Ukrainian-Jewish family of wealthy farmers

I think in light of historical fact we need to either jail or kill all proponents and adherents to this dangerous philosophy.

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There was a post about life in the USSR that floats around Jow Forums and it talks about being forced to share your home with other people against your will. That isn't some fucking joke the Soviets REALLY FUCKING DID THAT. If you didn't like it, you would be shot in the face. Period.

>120kg fat ass' needs
that's a joke right?

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looks like a hell of a weight loss drug

Because it's not a red pill

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Dunno, my previous generations took.
Didn't end very well.

because it's blue

we love food too much

Its not a redpill, its a jew pill. I hope you die.

thats not a pill its a capsule

Because it's not kosher enough for them.

You know redpill isn't literal, right? Are commies that stupid?

>I’d beat that fucking cat to death and her near to.

For fuck sake lad, chill the fuck out.

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Because I can't move there or speak the language.


the answer to all of your questions: the Party will lead the way.