>lose weight
>look like Steve Buscemi
Is there a way to get fit without losing fat in your face? People say I look better and the weight loss has made it less all-consuming, but I never like how I look and less fat reveals more of me I fear.
>lose weight
>look like Steve Buscemi
Is there a way to get fit without losing fat in your face? People say I look better and the weight loss has made it less all-consuming, but I never like how I look and less fat reveals more of me I fear.
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>without losing fat in your face
Gosh, dude...fat is disgusting, you don't want it in or anywhere near your FACE.
Being fat is unnatural and disgusting and the ONLY place where fat is acceptable is your ass...and that's what you sit on and where your shit comes from.
Got a comparison pic? Because I don't believe you looked better fat.
I'd rather not post a pic of my face.
m8 stay with us awhile longer, yeah? please. people are saying you look better because you look better. you're loved and cared for. this is not a wrong thing you must hide from to restore balance to the universe. it's ok to let yourself be embraced and embrace it back.
OP, is it better to be fat and ugly or just be ugly but have clothes that actually look good on you? Pick your poison
I don't think I look better honestly.
>clothes that actually look good on you
I lost weight but I can't say this about me. Perhaps in 5 months if I find the motivation to exercise despite the finding that it makes me uglier.
OP I have the same problem.
I've always had a chubby face, but a thin body. So I started working out and getting Jow Forums. I've managed to go from underweight to a healthy BMI but at the same time seems to have lost some fat. This is good for the abs, but my face now looks very gaunt. Never noticed it until I shaved for the first time in ages recently.
Anyway, try growing a beard.
Just start hanging out with Peter Stormare and get pancakes
Bullshit excuse lardies use to not exrcise. Lazy fucks.
He will NEVER post a comparison because deep inside he knows it's bs. Fat is a bad thing
what is this nasty shit?
> tfw you actually like how Steve Buscemi looks
Honestly if the guy was actually ugly I doubt he'd be as big a star. He's not generically attractive but not ugly either. He's just...Steve Buscemi.
Maybe you are just used to seeing your old face in the mirror? Lost 30 lbs myself and at least it took me a while to fully appreciate it.
I don't believe anyone looks better with a chubbier face unless we're talking anorexic people who look like they're bout to die.
steve buscemi is hot imo, especially in fargo
I'm sure most men agree that some extra pounds are hot. Maybe you're gay?
What clothes do people even think of that skinny people can wear and big people can't? Micro miniskirts?
>Anyway, try growing a beard.
What would be your tip for a woman?
Would you deliver and post a pic for comparison since OP is a faggot?
>Bullshit excuse lardies use to not exrcise
>if I find the motivation to exercise despite the finding that it makes me uglier.
Young Steve Buscemi was pretty good looking imo.
>tfw Sanji is based on Mr. Pink this whole time
Exercise your facial muscles instead. move your face a lot, pull funny faces when no one is looking, laugh, talk, eat.
Im just saying clothes fit better depending if you gained muscle while losing weight, if you didn't you've made a huge mistake m8s
fatties and their mental gymnastics lol
is this way
Standing out from the crowd can do this, dude looks more unique than a thumbprint.
>implying roidfags would care about user feeling ugly
OP has a self esteem issue.
Though pics of his face would help.
is it even possible to have a bod like this and be depressed?
You actually believe the woman in your picture passes as attractive?
it's funny because the whale probably believes she looks like the tattoo on her arm... although i've just noticed the other tattoo which is all too fitting.
>although i've just noticed the other tattoo which is all too fitting.
Some people do look better when their natural features are softened with a little fat. And fat injections in the face are extremely popular among middle aged women, makes them look more youthful and feminine. It's not AS black and white.
Also I take it you're not a fan of tits...
All they do is plump your cheeks with your ass fat for $8000, people still look old but with cheeks that look like a baby's rump. And I doubt OP is a smoking woman in her 50s.
Small tits or flat are most /fa/ and Patrician taste
Irrelevant as long as they're delicious brown.
>Team Peanut Butter
And what is this now?
Guys in this thread claiming their face looked better fat still couldn't prove it with pics
divide and conquer research
mods think they can use us like lab rats and we wouldn't notice.
now fuck off' peanut butter fag.
Told you.
Who this?
>tfw don't know which pic I find hotter
One is 3D trash. Hope this helps.
jeez user, it's not that hard
I hope you're joking.
I doubt you look worse now.