What is the fuck is wrong with pajeets?

What is the fuck is wrong with pajeets?


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Why do we treat poojets any different from niggers?

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t. angry Pewdiepie's fan

All we know that MOST OF THEM are subhumans, so why should we discuss about this again?

They bring them here and give them our best jobs yet they poop in the street and are pagan cannibals.

salty Swede
I’d be salty too if I was a Swede, imagine being cucked by niggers holy fucking Christ

How do you live with yourself while being darker than your own feces that you spray all over your own streets and beaches?

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I live knowing the fact that we and the Jews will get you soon.

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Cuz it's a way larger group of people. Tho I agree that around 60ish% of pajeets are equivalent to niggers.

Don't know about Jews but pajeets will never take over the world. India will never be a super power fellow pajeet.

shut up muslim


Probably saw it squating taking a shit and mistook it for one of their ugly hairy ass "women" that was ripe for a raping

LMAO salty pajeet. Bhai Hindu hu main. Bhagvan Ram ki Jai. (If it proves) or Death to all Muslims.

shitting outside is liberating as fuck

oh fuck

>joos and poos
The only two races I wish to exterminate from the world.

>male dog
they were homosexual men

No wonder I'm so good at taking shits behind ICA, its an inherited technique. Thanks, Sven!


Why does it have to be based on race user? Why do you have the same 100+ years old Nazi ideology that didn't work? You don't realize that we humans don't need to exterminate a particular race, we need to exterminate the particular types of people. Like the dumb ones, free leeches sucking out of the middle class and blaming the upper class and not their lazy ass, the stupid feminists, lgbtqxzy retards and so on.
Hitler wouldn't be proud if heard that even after 100 years, his ideology hasn't evolved or improved.

This is Jow Forums nigger, here ever race gets to be exterminated, gassed, and destroyed.
Because his liberal arts professor with a degree from Oxford at JNU said so.

Cause he is a faggot.

It's cuz of our system and mentality of the politicians and people.
We still have a reservation system due to which the intellectuals leave the country as they don't wanna raise their children in this shithole (Milo once said that he would rather live across Indians as they are hard working etc etc) and thus the important jobs are taken by reserved dumbasses.
We still have population illiterate enough that they are fighting over a Temple and Mosque for like 10+ years and no one has said that why not a hospital or factory or anything that will provide jobs
There are more reasons which I can tell if you want user.

They are brown chinamen

I am doing engineering from a Delhi college anons. But I guess it's cuz of you people that the world sees India like this. Just open your minds pajeets.

They're sex creeps for sure, but most are probably too timid to actually rape anyone

I'm also in engineering faggot but not a congi chus like you
KYS in metro

I hope you realise all those problems are caused due to the cancerous liberal elite that runs this country.

Executing leftists should be made legal. There’s nothing more redpilled than this and if you disagree you are a cuck.

That means exterminate all the politicians right? Cuz we don't have a true right wing party in India. BJP is economically left, you know that right?
Anyways I agree that leftists can never lead India to become a superpower in this day and age.

One World New Designated shitting zone

You don't even know anything dumbass. Cong and bjp are the same thing retard. I see why OP thinks Pajeets are no different than niggers when the whole population is represented by dumbass Modi bhakts like you. I bet you don't believe in science or even have the ability to think rationally.

It’s already happening. Last year in Tripura the Communists lost and this happened.

I agree cancerous leftism pretty much harmed India. This obsession with trying to become like the West with insane secularism, minority quotas, and now LGBT rights, feminism. Worse, the people that run this country are the part of that isolated elite which doesn’t know the ground-level problems of the Indian people.

We should completely discard the British constitution, it is a decadent document that was made to rule rather than govern.

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>delhi student
>congi and BJP are the same
retarded nigger checks out

Yeah the best thing Communism gave humanity is the USSR anthem.

Ban all commies and abrahamics from voting and forming/joining political parties-full retraction of political suffrage for them.
Ban commies and their dicksuckers from owning property and social banhammer


and the AKs

LMAO coming from a dude sitting on the almost opposite side of the Earth
Dude do you even know what's going on inside?
Or you one of those retards who believes that the media tells the most accurate and neutral news?

Fuck I witnessed that
Told my commie uncles for bantz even before the news hit the channels

an insider

Enlighten us then mamdo


congress just wants to maintain the status quo
all they talk about is lgbt ,minority ,Muslim
BJP has an actual vision
they talk about building infrastructure, giving jobs, manufacturing and development related issues much more than leftists
^this would have never happened under congress

also BJP is not a dynasty, all leftist parties have families running them including congress. Their PM candidate is Rahul Gandhi fucking makes me sick when I see any sort of inheritance system leading a country fuck monarchies too

raga is underage idiot

How do you think Cong and Bjp are different fundamentally?
Both are economically left leaning.
Both have shown more interest in a particular religion than others
Yet both have done nothing for the religion as they don't want to loose the vote bank.
Okay if you are so enlightened then just tell me why Cong wasn't able to build mosque in ayodhya in it's 10 years or why BJP isn't able to build Mandir even though Yogi rules UP now, I mean common do you really think that puny Muslims can stop Yogi if he decides to build the temple. Bhai main UP se hu aur jaanta hu ki agar humare haath khule ho to Mandir bhi banvaenge aur Kashmir bhi Jeet lenge. But the sad truth is that both BJP and Cong are fundamentally same don't want to loose their vote bank, they just want to fatten their pockets.

wasn’t it the BJP that allowed the decriminalization of homosex?

Lol this modi bhakt doesn't know shit. Choosing between Cong and BJP is like choosing between the shit of a Black dog or Brown dog. Yet he thinks he is so smart and woke.

>milo said
Fucking milo??? Ofcourse he wants to be around Indians, guy has a fetish for coloured cock

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>why not a hospital or factory or anything that will provide jobs

>Let's demolish *Insert X ancient historical monument* and build a hospital instead!

Retards like you are the cancer hurting India.

The government didn’t decriminalize homosexuality, the Supreme Court did.

The gov could’ve interfered but the Supreme Court had already noted that section 377 violates individual right to privacy under article 19

so basically even if the government protested the Supreme Court would still have that bit of information as enough reason to strike down 377

so they didn’t bother. The Supreme Court is cucked, all liberal judges

The anti-gay sex law was struck down with a 5-0. Literally nobody opposed.

man, this thread sure does stink

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Pajeets are fine. They have a huge population and many of them are uneducated. You cannot expect everyone of them behaves like a gentleman at this point.

I'd say that they are smart people and they have a bright future. Just look into US. The CEO of Adobe, Microsoft and Google are all Indian Elites. They also get success in many other fields like politics, news, finance, health, etc. It's not hard to image what will happen if they all get well education.

Give it time India will become better and better. I bet they will perform better than us in the future.

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go home chang
what vpn do you use?

STFU user. It's not a historical figure dumbass. That's why I said you guys don't even know the whole truth yet you speak like overlords sitting opposite to us. Just fix your own problems first. You guys have a fucking clown and a "I want to make everyone happy" snowflake in power. Listen to Jordan, Lauren and others and you might be able to save your own fucking country.
Also there is no denying that Canada is the dustbin of the world if you look at the refugee stats.

I am at home right now. Why I use VPN ?
You cannot post with a VPN here. You have to buy a license.

I hate the decriminalization of gay sex. I saw a massive squadron of retards with LGBT flags while coming back from work. Fucking disgusting subhuman trash.

I don’t know about them but I know God is on our side. And we will emerge victorious just like all of history. Leftists have never ever run a country without running it into the ground. The more the government goes left, the more the people go right. Just look at Eastern Europe.

>particular types of people
How bout a new one. A eugenics based program based on facial beauty or facial features that'll will spawn something possibly attractive. Physicality such as height and strength will play a minor role. Your net worth and career will be null factors

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get fucked by tentacle fag.

don't forget that India will be a superpower by 2020

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I just want you to know the Chinese are decent people and I hope you do good and restore the great once great civilization the Han were.

And you want to end the humanity as whole? Well it's not a bad idea as history will eventually repeat itself and once again we will have a wave of dumbass retards. So yeah I am with you user, let's just wipe humanity.

not even remotely feasible faggot

disgusting I hope the microscopic bacteria eats
their loo too stop it from forming into something else

Already happening

Ah pajeet, packet must shit in street.
No poo in loo
Diaherra relieves stress
Constipation is white man's creation.
No hesitation, pajeet will
BROWN ur nation.
Long live India infestation!

there are more than hans

Haha you vile hentai cunt. You'd be fucked by a giant hourse monster if you know what I mean.

>act like a gentleman
Big chasm between acting uncouth and gang raping animals. That's just paki tier behaviour.

India has an ongoing eugenics program. We sterlize poor people.

mate read the article, they were high as fuck

Now I’m not justifying raping animals, but people do fucked up stuff while drunk or drugged

You think pajeets are fine because China is just as big of a fucking shit hole. Tell your cousins to stop fucking moving here. Indians too, though they are much friendlier and personable at least.

You guys are a very high standard. I admire your people

By the way I heard that Scottish also rape sheep or something haha. Never mind. You guys are cute.

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>humanity as whole
It would literally eradicate india. All whites would pass on the count of having light skin as a feature. Alot of Africans because of physicality. MENA women are attractive but most men would have to go. All mestizos would be eradicated. And maybe half the asians would make it half wouldn't.

It's fucking funny watching non-whites insult each other. Moar.

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Pajeets can't even take over India lol, Hindus are one of the dozens of race in India, they all speak different languages and have different cultures.

Since I was a child, I thought humanity should progress like this.
Is this not an innate thought for everyone to have?
Only breed the best.
The most beautiful.
The most intelligent.
Population would self-regulate. Water and Food would be clean. You probably wouldn't even need cops anymore due to high intelligence and natural empathy in the populace.

Ship the Goblins home. Flood them with earthly delights and comforts in exchange for their sterility.

Create Heaven on Earth.

sup sandnigger you aren’t white

Lol, you're seriously defending the gangrape of a dog? I wonder if it was a cow, would you feel the same?
>Literal bug giving lessons in behaviour
Does your gov know you're off the reservation?

Those pesky Canadian tourists.

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I guess we are fine lol. Anyway I'd promote my own shithole little by little.

As for the chinese immigration I can't do too much things by myself but their amount reduces a lot recent years. You wouldn't mind that a lot.

You know we have one child policy so we won't have too much young people to send out in the near future. We nearly have the lowest fertility rate now (1.05)

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>defending bestiality in any form?

fuck that's bad
Wrap up that uighur shit b4 they go full durka

Hmm. Tripura nigger on Jow Forums. What are the odds?

fite me irl cnt

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>Only breed the best.
>The most beautiful
first your parents should have abort you , second you are a sissy not a chad.

I am not attacking you bro. It's just a famous hentai series. That Indian bro said that nip guy get fucked by tentacle. That's funny.

no, bengali
mothers side from tripura

nips have weird ass fetishes...literal WMDs


Fucking Chang. Can't see the difference between a Parking mudslime and a pajeet.

It's not insult bro. That Indian guy talk about a famous hentai scenario I response him with another. Tentacle and horse monster are very common and representative in hentai.

I mean no offense.

There are lots of well behaved bugs here. I am serious.

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I'm from Siberia, dumb fucks.

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I am not attacking you bro. It's just a famous hentai series. You said that nip guy get fucked by tentacle. That's funny. You should know the hourseman series though

Yes you're well behaved, in your OWN country. Because you'll be disappeared if you aren't.
Not nescessarily a bad thing desu, there's a lot of people within the UK that could do with being disappeared.

you have already said that

just stop reading stupid shits that the japs produce

Sorry bro I am not really understand the hate here. We don't emigrate or invade your country and we are doing our best to promote the life here. The government do have a lot of shit in their ass but whose doesn't? The only difference is our government has more.

Anyway I won't bother you anymore. It's not polite to do that again. Enjoy your day bro. May the force be with you and the Great Britian

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