>mum buys house
>i rent house
>mum uses rent pay mortgage
>30 years later
>mum owns a house
>i have nothing
i have no problem paying rent/board it just feels like if im paying the full mortgage amount i should own the house, hell i don't even get to live in it i live under it, she is living upstairs in the actual house all paid for by me.
Am i being scammed?
thing is if you were paying “rent” and she was using that money to pay for the mortgage then you are fucked.
mortgage should have been something you both put your name on so that you didn’t get fucked out of it.
few home owners do this so that they don’t have to pay for the mortgage themselves. nothing legal you can do about it either fren.
No, that's what happens when you rent property. If you have credit enough to get a mortgage maybe you should go out, buy your own house, and then rent it to someone else.
Honestly dude, this is what happens when you rent property from anyone. It's generally going to be debt leveraged, and your rents primarily go to pay down the mortgage that is being taken out against the property owner's credit. There is literally no difference with that and what your mother is doing.
I understand what your saying, but shouldn't that mean i get to live in the house rather then under it and she should find somewhere else? also im schizophrenic that's why i cant get my own mortgage and why i'm living with her as a 26yo, also thought considering im her schizophrenic child it would be a we help each other type deal rather then a purely business arrangement, and noone would pay the amount in rent im paying for a room that doesnt have sealed walls has cement floor and floods
and ontop of that im not paying legit rent im not aloud to tell centrelink and get rent assistance (120$) because it'll lower her payments, is it unreasonable for me to ask for 120$ discount on rent because im lieing on her behalf so shes better off? because i just did and now i need to find somewhere else to live...
>but shouldn't that mean i get to live in the house rather then under it and she should find somewhere else?
No, because that's the living arrangement you agreed to. You are free to leave and go anywhere else.
>im schizophrenic that's why i cant get my own mortgage
Okay, so your argument that you're being scammed is even less valid: She is doing something that you literally cannot do for yourself (borrow money), and you're paying her for that service. I'm guessing she doesn't have the income that could pay for the mortgage either.
>it would be a we help each other type deal rather then a purely business arrangement
That doesn't mean you get to own the real estate, you actual twat.
>noone would pay the amount in rent im paying for a room that doesnt have sealed walls has cement floor and floods
Then move.
>is it unreasonable for me to ask for 120$ discount on rent
You can ask, but you might be surprised. The amount you're paying is probably just enough to pay down the mortgage.
You're literally being an entitled fucking child. You think things like housing just pop out of thin air? You do realize that your mother is setting you up with something WAY better than any kind of public housing or housing assistance you could get with whatever disability money you get. You know when she dies you're likely getting a significant share of the house, or it'll otherwise be kept to support you while you're still alive. I mean, what the fuck man. I have never heard of someone so unappreciative.
You are mommys little cuck
Tell your mum to suck your dick twice a week and you'll call it even.
>You think things like housing just pop out of thin air?
no i don't i should know i've been homeless 3 times since my teens.
>I have never heard of someone so unappreciative.
I really appreciate the pills she put up my ass and the cough syrup to put me to sleep when i was 4-6
I rather the 120$ so i can buy weed which keeps my schizophrenia stable, i appreciate what she's doing keeping me off the streets and out of hospital, it's just 120$ is alot when ur on the pension after rent i have 20$ for the fortnight can't even buy smokes anymore, she can have every last cent of mine as-long as my necessities are sorted
Op I have a schizo friend. He thinks weed/shrooms/meth manages his condition and they always make it worse. Don't do drugs with a severe mental illness you're asking for trouble.
idk about meth but weed defs manages it if im not smoking weed i start hallucinating and also a shroom/acid trip once a year defrags the mind, I didnt smoke dmt for 6 years of schizophrenia because of fear mongering then i did it again and it let the demons out of my head now there is only god in my head
You need to not be smoking or doing drugs.
I buy a home and rent it out at 3-4 times the mortgage...
Save some down payment money and buy a small home on your own and move out.
my doctor told me not to quit cigarettes because the attempt would put me in hospital. I want to quit weed but i use it to repress my transgenderism without it i become suicidal and hallucinate from the stress of being in the wrong body.
Yeah man that's not a normal dmt experience. I've done it plenty of times, I've gone as far as drug induced psychosis from abusing lsd/rcs, and never am I thinking "the demons are gone God is in me." that's some Terry Davis tier delusion bud. I know your condition is difficult as I've had plenty of experience with my schizo friend, but really try to not do drugs. Look into meditations. Are you on any antipsychs or benzos? They're not the best medications but I've seen them make my friend functional when he takes his medication.
>my doctor told me not to quit cigarettes because the attempt would put me in hospital.
hahahahahahahahaha what?
>antipsychs or benzos?
yes i am my anti psych is actually a analog of a benzo, they make me tired uncreative catatonic but i still take them because last time i stopped the men in white kidnapped me and injected me with stuff that made me impotent and gave me nerve damage in my fingers, they also stole my divine connection to god, thats what it's all about is keeping divinity to thereself, spiritual warfare the apocalypse is here and the war is full swing, but they cannot win i have the all father on my side, thoth will record the weighing of the heart through my eyes
nicotine stress reduce, schizophrenia+ stress= hallucinate, schizoprhenia + smoke = relaxed and stable, ive actually been told this 3 times by psychiatrists they say it every time i say i want to quit, when can i get ciggarettes on a script 6$ pension card
If you ever get to visit someone in a mental ward of a hospital, it’s one of the few places left where they have an indoor smoking room because the last thing they want to deal with is a nut job that’s also going through nicotine withdraw...
ive been twice in australia it fucked because law says no smoking on hospital grounds so they give you inhalers, but the staff let us smoke in courtyard they turn blind eye even tho they could lose there job, also they are meant to search us for contraband when we reenter after a leave but if they find smokes they pretend they didnt, unless it's this one supervisor she was by the book and a cunt, she tried double dose me put me sleep so i reported her she got mad and tried trigger a psychotic episode luckily im fairly mentally aware for someone with schiz and i could see what she was doing and not fall into the game.
I'll go back your original question OP.
How much rent is your mother charging you?
What city in AU do you live?
also to everyone in this thread that think i don't appreciate my mum, she just gave me a bud and i
$300 fortnight which i think is fair its just the 120$ rent assistance lost makes it feel like 420$, also i dont live in city rural nsw.
if my psychologist wasnt such a bitch id be on the dsp and mum would be on carers benefit but she wont fill in the form because i don't like talking about my problems to her, they are traumatic ok why do i need to relive trauma so psychologist can make $$$
You lost the rent assistance because the $300 is reasonable. I don't know your circumstances but you should get around $72 a fortnight.
Welcome to rent. My retirement is literally built on people like you getting to choose between paying my mortgages or living in your cars.
You want her to sign her name to a disability form for a schizophrenic who is actively using drugs which negatively impact his condition and who is unwilling to engage in treatment?
i was getting 120 out of 280 at my last place
I knew it the baby boomers are abusing there babies, also keeping us out of jobs all you had todo was walk upto a job say u wanna work and they train you now theres no work going around you sell certs to the younger generation because there is no work and its only way u can make money manipulation and exploitment of an entire generation.
Yes, its only weed i dont do hard stuff anymore and im complient i take my medicine even against my will because of the fear they inject in me, why can they choose what drugs are helpful? I'm the one that experiences the drug ik how it effects me, when i was young and heavy into drugs (all i do now is cigs and weed) i work hard play hard, now im on medicine it make me sick and catatonic no dopamine system so i dont enjoy money or work or anything fullfilling because my brain is wired to not enjoy it because of the medicine. if they want to give me medicine because im "crazy"(there opinion) and that medicine prohibits me from work, and they say im "crazy" i should be on dsp simple you dont say someone has a disability when it suits you then say they dont have disability when it suits you thats rude and schizophrenic in itself.
wow, that sucks
also you are the oldest person here that i know of
i fucked an asian lady who lived in the basement of her husband's house and she fed me the valentine's day chocolates he gave her
don't worry, my life sucks too
now im a christian, but all the bad i did i will be punished for forever and i will probably be alone forever
also, last woman i banged said she had an ex husband, but it turned out he was her husband still
tfw i can't not commit adultery even when i think i'm not committing adultery
Yeah she's taking you for a ride. If that's enough to cover the mortgage why don't you just buy a similar house though?