
I want to learn about Weimar. Specifically, I want to see how bad things were in Germany during the 1920s to see what stage of degeneracy Western civilization is currently in.
I want to see if we can predict when the pendulum swings the other way.

Attached: Weimar degeneracy.jpg (450x333, 33K)

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I just don't want to use again

Are half naked prostitutes roaming the streets at daytime?
Can you have a threesome with a prostitute and her 15 yr old daughter?
Do you see kids playing in the streets with coins as they aren't even worth the material they're made of?
Do you can only buy bread with a barrel filled with banknotes?
Do you use banknotes as wallpaper?
Is basically your entire country owned by foreigners?
We're not even close
Imagine hollywood times 20 but it's the whole country

We're beyond Weimar. Kids weren't on HRT then. It's baffling why we aren't charging police lines, lynching politicians and slicing up antifa yet.

That sounds just like Canada though

It was that bad? Wtf

Well, little column A, little column B. World is becoming more "degenerate" in other aspects

>kids weren't on HRT then
Correct, they transformed them without hormone treatment back then
>beyond Weimar
Lol no


America fits the social bill, but their economy is nothing like the Weimar Republic, it needs to be a truly soul crushing combination of economic collapse, and social collapse, and when those two requirements are met you will notice the men that normally went to work, and had no care about politics, they will be forced to confront the degradation of their nation.

Attached: Mask Off.png (726x1165, 761K)


its a cycle and it will happen again

I agree with your statement. Don't you think our economy is in the shitter with out 20+trillion dollar debt?

Also, California is getting very bad and is the most Weimar state in the country. I would know, I live there.

>Half naked prostitutes
Half the female population today
>Sex with kids
Not yet, but it doesn't seem to be far off. Exceptions are made for minorities, children are heavily sexualized and cp proliferates social media
>Kids playing with worthless money
>Barrelfull of banknotes
Not yet, though money is definitely worth a lot less than it was even 15 years ago
>Country owned by foreigners
Yes they are
In other ways we're sicker than Weimar too.

My history teacher often told us stories of his grandma who lived in Weimar
She, as most people, was a farmer and saved ~10 years to buy a tractor but when the inflation hit, she couldn't even buy a loaf of bread with it so she threw it in a river
>half naked
I mean no top coverage, none. Maybe a coat if it was cold but you could see what you get before you got it

Attached: 51ZJR-hsYzL._SX330_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg (332x499, 28K)

>Are half naked prostitutes roaming the streets at daytime?

Yes, not just the prostitutes but the average girl.

>Can you have a threesome with a prostitute and her 15 yr old daughter?
Yes, the bitch needs her opioids. Why limit to 15 year old daughter when you can have 9 year old or younger or her tranny infant.

>Do you see kids playing in the streets with coins as they aren't even worth the material they're made of?
Yes, they play Pokémon Go and other such worthless garbage.

>Do you can only buy bread with a barrel filled with banknotes?
I don't buy bread.

>Do you use banknotes as wallpaper?
No I don't use banknotes, I use electronic transfers and records for my purchases.

>Is basically your entire country owned by foreigners?
Yes mostly jews.

>Imagine hollywood times 20 but it's the whole country
You don't know Hollywood.

You aren’t being forced to pay that debt are you? Germany was forced by the French, and British to pay reparations for the war which caused them to print money rapidly to pay it off, which caused the currency to go into hyper inflation, causing the prices of goods to increase to insane levels, and leaving the saving people had created to be worthless, America is comparatively in a vastly better position, and they have the strongest military by far which prevents anyone from actually forcing Americans to pay, once your economy truly collapses you while discover what things used to be like.


Attached: 1489354124407.gif (500x391, 1.49M)

And you don't know Weimar

Attached: 20171216_080621.png (720x1280, 277K)

damn pajeets shitting up Brampton

Attached: 1501110776179.jpg (512x512, 78K)

I never claimed to, nor did I claim we are as degenerate as the germanic barbarians. There are different ways of achieving the same degeneracy, and in a lot of ways we have surpassed weimar.

Brampton should just be razed already

The situation continues to worsen, except in this case the true threat is mass importation of negros, Arabs, etc. Weimar had the benefit of being almost entirely German which meant when a man like Hitler arose he could easily unite the people, and even be voted into power, but the assault on native Europeans continues to make it more, and more difficult to vote some one to power, at this point nothing short of mass revolt can save us now, and when we do take control we must make sure to clean the nation incredibly throughly.

You know nothing John Burger
And we can even more easily unite them because we have a very clear to see enemy
It'll get worse before it get's better but it will get better

I’ve never lost confidence, but voting someone into power who isn’t a puppet is practically impossible in most Western European nations, and the intelligence of the average man has dropped significantly as far as history, politics, and pattern awareness are concerned, besides if a truly national socialist party were to exist non of these governments would allow it to take power peacefully, because they would know their game is up, we must take control through strength alone, and drag the traitors to their graves, before solidifying control.

*none of these governments

Can you buy cutting off neck of a live goose then ejaculating on it from a menu?
Do you have to sell your teenage daughter for a loaf of bread?
We’re really not there yet.

Ducktales did this.


>Can you have a threesome with a prostitute and her 15 yr old daughter?

I'm sure you can swing this if you have enough money. Imagine working with the mother to degrade her own daughter.

nuke brampton so the 401 can be free

It's hard to find anything about the social climate because all we're told in school and history books is that the weimar republic was some super democratic tolerant place blah blah blah

Can I get some sources, doesn't matter if they are in German

Here's a helpful image to give you an idea of where we are in the age of degeneracy.

Attached: WHITEPILL.jpg (2500x2494, 1.15M)

Fucking kikes.

Attached: Jews Are White, Goyim.jpg (624x716, 58K)

Watch "Babylon before Hitler"

>protitution for food
>There were streets in berlin where only protitutes were allowed that offered a "mother and child" package
>You had transexual bestiality clubs
>There were places to fuck animals after or while killing them
>A kilogr. of money was worth less than a kilogr. of bread
>People were payed by the day and not the month because inflation was so strong that your money coukd loose all worth within 48 hours
>Tranny and gay clubs all over berlin
>People were starving
>Foreigners and jews came to germany to fuck cheap whores and make pornografic movies (the latter was done only by jews)
>Communist terror groups overthrowing the gouverment and takibg over parts of the country like bavaria for example

And people don't know about this even tho it's well documented and never denied because (((they))) know that most people would sympathise with the NSDAP if they knew why they were this pissed.

Go away, jew.

pic related, children playing with ~1 loaf of bread worth of money

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i have terrible news for you

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Weimar is more than berlin, all in all the weimar republi was way more conservative and tradionalist than modern germany


Dont forget the gangs of teen vandals where the leader was the "bull" who could sexually dominate all the members


it wasn't worse than elsewhere. Germans are just brutish people


>Are half naked prostitutes roaming the streets at daytime?
>Can you have a threesome with a prostitute and her 15 yr old daughter?
>Do you see kids playing in the streets with coins as they aren't even worth the material they're made of?
>Do you can only buy bread with a barrel filled with banknotes?
in venezuela
Do you use banknotes as wallpaper?
in venezuela
Is basically your entire country owned by foreigners?
yes, kikes own it all

The early Wiemar period experienced sporadic rebellion and attempted revolution. It was basically a state of civil war. The mid Wiemar period had the hyperinflation. The late Wiemar period actually had the currency under control, but the far-left and far-right both became more militant, leading to the rise of Hitler.

Watch Babylon Berlin.

Weimar was legitimately worse than where we are right now. That's not to say we won't get there soon. Read away.

Attached: Weimar degeneracy.jpg (1338x6212, 3.37M)