sooo... you read the subject.
she walked in on me *ahem* masturbating. and one thing led to another.
She has told me she isnt lesbian, she has never claimed to be bi. and she also has a boyfriend. should i tell the boyfriend, should i keep quiet, what do i do help.
I fucked my roommate, she isnt a lesbian, also has a boyfriend
The right thing to do is to tell her boyfriend.
Give us the whole story.
This wouldn't happen if you self-hating degenerates went to church once in a while.
Fucking children, I swear.
You need to build character.
You should stop LARPing on the internet.
Do nothing. Tell no one.
She now knows you're there and available. If she wants more, she'll come to you. If it was just a one-off she won't.
Kill them
The absolute state of women.
>should i tell the boyfriend,
Nope, keep it between you two.
Are you sure you're not lesbo? I wouldn't let any friend do shit like that, nasty imo
Why don't you get a gf instead of writing erotica on Jow Forums?
Why did you fuck her if you knew she had a boyfriend? Do you enjoy being used by closeted bisexual women?
Also, I'd advice to talk to her and try to convice her to tell her boyfriend, seeing as this is unfair to him.
The state of christcucks
to give you a proper advice I'm going to need a full greentext regarding the situation
You are officially a chad.
op is a woman
Lol ok
Chad has no sex. It is simply the state of being chad.
>go to church
The absolute state of /adv
>one thing led to another
Greentext goddamn it woman
Hitler you forgot your trip
>literal hitler telling someone to go to church
Lurk mor
Hitler was a christian and also a vegetarian.
What kind of asshole fucks your friend's girlfriend and then rat on her? Whats next? You're gonna text flirt a teacher asking for a fuck and When they say yes, you'll call the police?